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Dawson SNL or Bolen 4mm for a STI tube?

Duke Nukem

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The other thread on which follower for an STI tube got me thinking. Grams followers with STI tubes was the overwhelming choice.

So what the overwhelming choice for basepads. I already seached and found the two main choices are the SNL or the 4mm Bloen.

So between those which has the most internal space and lasts the longest hitting the ground?

Edit to add .40 Cal 140mm STI bodies

Edited by Duke Nukem
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Hello: It depends on the spring/follower choice. The Grams 4mm works on 140mm mags if you check the gauge. The Bolen and the Dawson "SNL" are all about the same and you will have to check the gauge as well. My current favourite is the Grams 4mm on the STI mags for 40 S&W. Thanks, Eric

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Grams are plastic, so that's a no-go for me. Seen a friend have one crack 1 week before a major match. :(

Dawsons might be no-brainers, but get a little sand or dirt in the trapdoor, and you'll be cussing everytime you take them apart for cleaning. And Dawson won't just sell you 1 detent. You have to buy a while kit for $10 plus $7 shipping. :angry:

Bolens are my personal favorite, since they require no tools to disassemble, have no moving parts to fail, are smaller and easier to grab during a reload, and are less than half the weight of a Dawson basepad. (aren't we always trying to shave more weight off our gun here & there?) This helps shave weight off both the gun, and your person. :cheers:

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Hello: I have a couple of STI 140mm 40 mags that hold 21 rounds reloadable :cheers: The Dawson detent is actually a 1911 plunger and spring. I have seen the Bolen base pads with some big dents in the bottom that require you to take the dent out before you can remove them from the mag :surprise: I dropped a Grams base pad from 8 feet or so from a latter onto concrete and it did not break. A quick tip for easy cleanup is to carry a spray can of brake clean to blow away the dirt. As for the weight and size of the base pads it really doesn't matter to me as long as they stay on and can be removed easily. The slide on/off base pads tend to make it harder to clean them. Thanks, Eric

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  • 5 months later...

I have a total of 10 Dawson SNL +1's, great basepads, easy to take off. Between the big sticks and my limited 140's. 9 out of 10 needed alittle filing to fit the gauge. At the chrono, I have seen two people not fit the gauge. Disappointing for the shooter. Ask at your club, borrow a gauge. File at home and save the hassle.

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Dawsons might be no-brainers, but get a little sand or dirt in the trapdoor, and you'll be cussing everytime you take them apart for cleaning. And Dawson won't just sell you 1 detent. You have to buy a while kit for $10 plus $7 shipping. :angry:

The detents are 1911 safety plungers, or so I've heard.

Bolens are my personal favorite, since they require no tools to disassemble, have no moving parts to fail, are smaller and easier to grab during a reload, and are less than half the weight of a Dawson basepad. (aren't we always trying to shave more weight off our gun here & there?) This helps shave weight off both the gun, and your person. :cheers:

If you can get a Bolen off without tools you must have fingers of steel.

Edited by MoNsTeR
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Chris: The Bolens I have need an Allen wrench to disassemble. Am I missing a secret?

You would only use an Allen wrench to adjust the pin to make it easier or harder to push the pin in or out. I have never done that. I use my finger nail to push the pin out for removal. Then after I clean your mag I use my finger nail again to push the pin back in place. That's the easiest part of the stage. Lately its the shooting that's kicking my butt. His first pads were a bitch to get off and on but that's why he changed the design.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bolen all day long, just changed over my last three mags to bolen and won't look back.

Sti tube/grams guts/ bolen 3mm legal 20 reloadable

sti tube/bolen guts/ bolen 3mm legal 21 reloadable but you have to send it home

Rescomp tube/bolen guts/bolen 3mm leagal 22 kinda reloadable but you must really really send it home. (but how often do you need 22 rounds on a reload.)

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Use nothing but Bolen's. The current design is super easy to remove and replace,not like the original design.I have two that are dented on the bottom from dropping on steel boxes but still work great with no problem removing or replacing.

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