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Profanity On The Range...


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How people can be so offended by a word continues to baffle me.

Abusive parenting perhaps? This reminds me of that thread where some guy got all irate cause some kid wore his hat indoors.

Edited by badchad
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How people can be so offended by a word continues to baffle me.

Abusive parenting perhaps?

I don't think that's really an intellectually honest way to answer the question.

This isn't a rights issue, nor about "abuse." This is a cultural issue where people are obviously divided.

The fact is, the old fashioned view is a relic of history and they're going to have to deal, but that doesn't mean that they don't have a legitimate complaint.

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Let's keep this thread civil. That's actually the point of the entire thread, keeping a level head on the range and watching what we say. Let's continue the concept here ;)

I think it's worth noting that one can be completely civil and swear like a sailor all in good fun. While at the same time one can be mean as "H E double hockey sticks" while using perfect diction. I still want to hear a list of words that everyone agrees are profane.

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Let's keep this thread civil. That's actually the point of the entire thread, keeping a level head on the range and watching what we say. Let's continue the concept here ;)

I think it's worth noting that one can be completely civil and swear like a sailor all in good fun. While at the same time one can be mean as "H E double hockey sticks" while using perfect diction. I still want to hear a list of words that everyone agrees are profane.




Ethnic Genocide


to name a few...... mellow.gif

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Tick, Tick, Tick.........

Before this gets closed I'll just say I love to cuss, swear, use profanity, vulgarity, etc. I TRY to not use bad language around folks I don't know. I try harder still to not use bad language around women or children. I'm generally pretty good at keeping it under control. If somebody does not like it and they let me know I'll tone it down. If they don't say anything then that's a lick on them. As much as I use bad language, there have been times I have been offended by others who did not have the sense to know when enough is enough.

There is no need for a rule and there certainly is no need for a two page thread that has basically turned into a pi$$ing contest over good behavior.:wacko:

When I was in the Army colorful language was SOP. Did that change when I retired? God no. Where I work now is just as bad or worse. All men work here and you can tell!:goof:Like somebody said, it's everywhere. Find a way to deal with it.

As for kids and wives at matches. I think I can count on one hand the number of times I saw a wife or child at a match all of last year. This thread makes it sound like we are constantly surrounded by them at a match.

I regularly shoot matches with a woman. She told us last year when we finally just got too out of hand with comments and generally childish antics. We apologized and moved on from there and things went pretty well the rest of the year as far as I know. It's not a big deal to speak up.

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Let's keep this thread civil. That's actually the point of the entire thread, keeping a level head on the range and watching what we say. Let's continue the concept here ;)

I think it's worth noting that one can be completely civil and swear like a sailor all in good fun. While at the same time one can be mean as "H E double hockey sticks" while using perfect diction. I still want to hear a list of words that everyone agrees are profane.




Ethnic Genocide


to name a few...... mellow.gif

Whew! I'm glad I read that list again, Merlin...The last one I thought said Texas at first! :lol:

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Tick, Tick, Tick.........

Before this gets closed I'll just say I love to cuss, swear, use profanity, vulgarity, etc. I TRY to not use bad language around folks I don't know. I try harder still to not use bad language around women or children. I'm generally pretty good at keeping it under control. If somebody does not like it and they let me know I'll tone it down. If they don't say anything then that's a lick on them. As much as I use bad language, there have been times I have been offended by others who did not have the sense to know when enough is enough.

There is no need for a rule and there certainly is no need for a two page thread that has basically turned into a pi$$ing contest over good behavior.:wacko:

When I was in the Army colorful language was SOP. Did that change when I retired? God no. Where I work now is just as bad or worse. All men work here and you can tell!:goof:Like somebody said, it's everywhere. Find a way to deal with it.

As for kids and wives at matches. I think I can count on one hand the number of times I saw a wife or child at a match all of last year. This thread makes it sound like we are constantly surrounded by them at a match.

I regularly shoot matches with a woman. She told us last year when we finally just got too out of hand with comments and generally childish antics. We apologized and moved on from there and things went pretty well the rest of the year as far as I know. It's not a big deal to speak up.

From one "Old Soldier" to another - I couldn't agree more Top!

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If your club has 95 to 100% male attendance, there's a good reason for it:

Look in the mirror.

Out of curiosity what's the guy girl percentage at your matches? I mean come on, the shooting range isn't exactly yoga or Bed Bath and Beyond.

FWIW I just asked the women in my office if they swear and 3/3 (edit: make that 4/4) here now say they do. I know for a fact my girlfriend does. ;)

Also I'd bet money your kids swear but they probably just not around you. I did the same with my folks.

Edited by badchad
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If nothing else, this thread has served to give us a good indication, at least theoretically, of those you could trust to watch your kids, and those you could not.

If people would act like Sarge, it would not be an issue, since, when confronted, he appologized and made a change to accomodate someone elses sensibilities, even if he did not agree. That is called courtesy.

OTOH, some here beleive they can do whatever they want and invoke the 1st Ammendment. To those, I challenge you to read the legal breifs on the matter and the writings of the founding fathers. It is not there to give you license, but to protect frredom. With freedom, comes self control and respect for others, without, it is anarchy. I don't want a rule either, but I would like to see more common courtesy, and it starts (or continues as the case may be) with the MDs.

I don't mind a cuss word at all, but cussing out RO's because you don't agree with a call, throwing a tantrum with a string of expletives for hitting a no-shoot, that is lack of self-control and disrespect for others AND the sport and we should not tolerate it. I think what becomes frustrating is that some people are confrontational, and others are not. The bully mentallity (from both sides) comes out and then we have folks that want more rules to control the actions of those who lack respect, either intentionally or not.

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On the farm we grew up bi-lingual. We quickly learned that there were words and expressions that were perfectly acceptable on the farm that should never, ever be uttered around women or visitors, and not even thought around your mother. Kids in town learned about inside voices and outside voices, but we learned how to talk on the farm and how to talk at home.

Like Corey, most of the folks I shoot with use a moderate amount of "farm language" when everybody knows each other and things are pretty relaxed But if there's someone new or women present, we clean it up pretty well. In my experience, 99% of the folk at a match can figure thos out for themselves.

Ob story: My father liked to tell the story of his drill sergeant in basic training explaining that there would be female visitors to the base one particular day. Like the far, the army apparently operated on a bi-lingual status at the time, so the sergeant explained to them (just as the visitors arrived) that they would act like gentlemen, be proud soldiers, and that he would "kick the ass of anyone who uses any gd profanity whiles these ladies are present!"

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I don't know, this general policy to watch your mouth around women just reeks of sexism to me. I know it's considered politeness, but what's the real reason women should not hear or say what men can?

Is it that some men think women are too emotionally weak to handle certain sound frequencies reaching their ear? Are some trying to control their sexuality by preventing them from hearing unchaste speech thereby preventing unchaste thoughts? It just seems kind of Bin Ladenish to me. So what gives?

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It makes me :roflol: when people are so sensitive about "bad words".

They're WORDS. They're strings of letters crammed together. How people can be so offended by a word continues to baffle me.

Dont confuse the topic. I know the words, heard them all. Geez I've used them. But don't think for one minute that my wife and son will be subjected to them over and over, in a family sport/event. At least not if I can help it.

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I don't know, this general policy to watch your mouth around women just reeks of sexism to me.

Of course it is. No big deal. Here in the South we're generally raised that way. Can't help it.

There's an old joke which explains that some of those rednecks may rape their sisters on Saturday night, but they'll whip you a$$ for using rough language in front of her.

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If nothing else, this thread has served to give us a good indication, at least theoretically, of those you could trust to watch your kids, and those you could not.

If people would act like Sarge, it would not be an issue, since, when confronted, he appologized and made a change to accomodate someone elses sensibilities, even if he did not agree. That is called courtesy.

OTOH, some here beleive they can do whatever they want and invoke the 1st Ammendment. To those, I challenge you to read the legal breifs on the matter and the writings of the founding fathers. It is not there to give you license, but to protect frredom. With freedom, comes self control and respect for others, without, it is anarchy. I don't want a rule either, but I would like to see more common courtesy, and it starts (or continues as the case may be) with the MDs.

I don't mind a cuss word at all, but cussing out RO's because you don't agree with a call, throwing a tantrum with a string of expletives for hitting a no-shoot, that is lack of self-control and disrespect for others AND the sport and we should not tolerate it. I think what becomes frustrating is that some people are confrontational, and others are not. The bully mentallity (from both sides) comes out and then we have folks that want more rules to control the actions of those who lack respect, either intentionally or not.

I find this post pretty amusing. I don't recal anyone in this thread indicating they would not respect the wishes of someone asking them to curtail their "offensive" language.

Everybody wants to keep talking about respect and "sef control" and freedom form this or that while at the same time imposing their own moral view and ideals onto others. How about we all show some respect for everyone and leave people alone to decide what is morally right for themselves. If you are bothered by the outcome you can always ask the "offender" to stop, find another squad, or just stay home.

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I am going to give this thread an old fashioned ...time out for a few days.

Some posts were getting personal, and that is not cool here.

If, on Monday or later, you have something constructive to the discussion that you'd like to add to this thread then PM a Moderator and we will open it back up.

Kyle F.

Forum Administrator

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