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Postal match times


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On the idpaforum in the match announcement section someone asked about reloading their empty revolver on stage 4 after the first two targets. The question is asked in post number 60 and answered in post 61 and 62.


I don't want to debate what cover is for IDPA. I have played enough IDPA that I know what will satisfy the folks running the matches in regard to cover. I don't even care anymore that some of it doesn't make a lot of sense. I find that I have a lot more fun playing the gun games by their rules rather than arguing about them. I have enough stress in the rest of my life. I shoot for fun. :D

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On the idpaforum in the match announcement section someone asked about reloading their empty revolver on stage 4 after the first two targets. The question is asked in post number 60 and answered in post 61 and 62.


I don't want to debate what cover is for IDPA. I have played enough IDPA that I know what will satisfy the folks running the matches in regard to cover. I don't even care anymore that some of it doesn't make a lot of sense. I find that I have a lot more fun playing the gun games by their rules rather than arguing about them. I have enough stress in the rest of my life. I shoot for fun. :D

Absolutely! I hope people don't take this the wrong way but I shoot IDPA because for me its like playing pretend as a kid. I enjoy the stage stories and what not. I'm still to competitive to not try and win but its just different and you play by different rules. I'm fine with that, could really care less about why I have to get behind cover before I can reload a empty gun just have to so I do. Its funny my MD was the last one to post on the IDPA Forum. Its exactly what he has told me the last 2 matches I've shot revolver :D

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You're right, if you have targets you're engaging from around a corner and you've already engaged the first two, would you need to take cover from them? I mean you are already behind cover, just not for those targets. The way I've always translated it before was yes, there are targets and so whether you have engaged them or not, you must still seek cover. Since it was never specifically addressed, I've gone with what has been addressed and that is behind cover is behind cover regardless if the targets still impose a threat or not.

So it seems that the easiest way to fix all the problems is for Headquarters to finally say if targets have already been engaged, do you still need to take cover from them or not on the reload. If we can get clarrification on that, then all else will fall into place. That way if you're covering a 10' gap and not exposed to the next set, can you reload or can't you.

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Kinda blew stage 1, stumbling around a bit, glad I had no one video taping me, But had a smooth couple of stages after. stay positive!

SSP/EX 23.44 (8) 10.79 (2) 4.30 (0) 15.27 (4) Total: 53.8 (14)

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Kinda blew stage 1, stumbling around a bit, glad I had no one video taping me, But had a smooth couple of stages after. stay positive!

SSP/EX 23.44 (8) 10.79 (2) 4.30 (0) 15.27 (4) Total: 53.8 (14)

I saw the first time and thought DAUM 23 seconds for a total time! :surprise:

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Kinda blew stage 1, stumbling around a bit, glad I had no one video taping me, But had a smooth couple of stages after. stay positive!

SSP/EX 23.44 (8) 10.79 (2) 4.30 (0) 15.27 (4) Total: 53.8 (14)

I saw the first time and thought DAUM 23 seconds for a total time! :surprise:

sorry steel I put out my own excel result spread. my totals are at the end, Lynyrd

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Ice cold day, 17.5 degrees when we showed up at the range. I'm new to 1911s and CDP but not IDPA. Shot my CDP classifier the same day. My classifier was crap, the cold and shooting in a heavy winter coat don't accurately reflect my ability in other conditions. I'll be labeled a sandbagger with this MM classification.

CDP/MM 60.86 17.39(3) 14.95(3) 7.48(1) 21.04(0)

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Shot it for the last time tonight in SSR: total time 54.37. Of all my runs, I liked SSR the best. Also, I clearly need to practice my reloads with a 1911 more, as I was only 2 seconds and change faster with a 1911 than I was with my 686.

So my cumulative times for the kit and caboodle:

CDP-MA: 51.59

ESR-MA: 63.70

SSR-MA: 54.37

I shot it first in ESR, then in CDP, and my final trip through was in SSR. I knew my CDP time going into tonight's match, so I was really trying hard to beat it and I almost did. Maybe next year!

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We shot the postal match finally after last months snow out at the range.

CDP/MA - 53.16

It was a good day, but I haven't had the gun in my hand in a couple of months. 1st 2 stages of the day were great, last 2 of the day sucked... when you don't shoot for a while, it's amazing how the focus just ain't there. On the square box drill, I started to reload after the 3 shots :surprise: DOH!, recovered pulled the next shot and then finished.

Might try it again in ESP with my EX in a couple weeks at another club match, we'll see. Might have to run it again in CDP for self gratification.

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We shot this in October as our monthly indoor match. I didn't realize it was the course from the postal match and these times don't actually count for the match but I did it in...


1 O, Matt 60.52 16 0 0 0 5.87(1) 18.46(4) 19.06(1) 17.13(10)

I'd like to shoot it again as I've made SSP/EX since then and feel like I've made some good improvements in the short time since then.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Stage 1 18.16 (2)

Stage 2 12.80 (5)

Stage 3 4.54

Stage 4 16.97 (1)

Total 52.47 (8)

I really blew stage 4, 1&2 could have been a bit better. I really didn't time my steps well and was way out of position on that "box" drill

Edited by Greg Bell
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  • 2 weeks later...

Made the last chance at the postal today. Been home sick for the past 5 days but had to at least make a run at it. This was my first postal and didn't go to bad. Had 6 seconds of wasted time (mostly from the cold meds) but otherwise happy with the match. Can't wait to try again next year!:D


DC Nathan Berg 43.37 (15) 14.47(6) 10.55(5) 4.65(1) 13.70(3)

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