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9mm Major Factory Ammo


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I'll start with 'I don't reload and will not be getting into doing reloading for a variety of reasons'.

So, I buy my ammunition. I have been very happy with the Atlanta Arms & Ammunition 9mm products that I've been using, but they're all 9mm Minor and I'm about to start shooting Open with an M&P 9L and believe that Major is the way for me to go. Danny of AAA has told me in the past that he makes a 9mm Major and I'll call him on Monday to get the details and order some. I'd like to have a second source if possible so here are my questions.

Is anyone shooting AAA 9mm Major ammo? If so, are you happy with it?

I've only been able to find 1 factory load that specs to Major, DoubleTap 9mm +P 147gr Bonded Defense JHP at 1135fps which is a 166PF. Does anyone have any experience with this, or a different factory or commercial custom load that makes Major?

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Out of schere curiosity, why dont you have an interest in reloading? Most people who reload will tell you, not only can you produce more ammo for your money (notice i didnt say save money, haha) but you have control over the product and can usually make better than factory bought ammuntion.

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I'm in a similar boat. I reload, but I'm still learning on my little SDB.

I tried to get some 9 major from AAA a couple of weeks ago and were told to call back in 30 days, they were waiting on "parts"? I use their 147gr minor loads for "production" in big matches because I don't trust my own, just yet, at a major match.

There is a brand I found (Buffalo something) that professes 1400 fps with a 125 gr bullet, but they were over a dollar a round.

We have a local reloader who does a lot of the guys in my club reloads. If I take him the raw materials he will load me some, but he doesn't "stock" 9major.

If you find anything, let me know.


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Starline makes the 9 .355 Super brass for AA&A, and Starline hasn't produced any for quite some time. That has been the missing component for AA&A, at least that's what it was when I talked to them a while back (like June). R,

Edited by G-ManBart
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I'm in a similar boat. I reload, but I'm still learning on my little SDB.

I tried to get some 9 major from AAA a couple of weeks ago and were told to call back in 30 days, they were waiting on "parts"? I use their 147gr minor loads for "production" in big matches because I don't trust my own, just yet, at a major match.

There is a brand I found (Buffalo something) that professes 1400 fps with a 125 gr bullet, but they were over a dollar a round.

We have a local reloader who does a lot of the guys in my club reloads. If I take him the raw materials he will load me some, but he doesn't "stock" 9major.

If you find anything, let me know.


That was almost certainly Buffalo Bore ammo, but it'll never be cost-effective, even if it makes Major.

About the local reloader; if he doesn't have a license to manufacture ammo, it's illegal...just not something you would want to get involved with.

You can load 9 Major just fine on an SDB...get some decent 125gr bullets, and some HS-6 and you're set. R,

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Starline makes the 9 Supercomp brass for AA&A, and Starline hasn't produced any for quite some time. That has been the missing component for AA&A, at least that's what it was when I talked to them a while back (like June). R,

I thought the 9 Super Comp was 9x23 ?



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I'm in a similar boat. I reload, but I'm still learning on my little SDB.

I tried to get some 9 major from AAA a couple of weeks ago and were told to call back in 30 days, they were waiting on "parts"? I use their 147gr minor loads for "production" in big matches because I don't trust my own, just yet, at a major match.

There is a brand I found (Buffalo something) that professes 1400 fps with a 125 gr bullet, but they were over a dollar a round.

We have a local reloader who does a lot of the guys in my club reloads. If I take him the raw materials he will load me some, but he doesn't "stock" 9major.

If you find anything, let me know.


That was almost certainly Buffalo Bore ammo, but it'll never be cost-effective, even if it makes Major.

About the local reloader; if he doesn't have a license to manufacture ammo, it's illegal...just not something you would want to get involved with.

You can load 9 Major just fine on an SDB...get some decent 125gr bullets, and some HS-6 and you're set. R,

He has a license..it is his business.

I have the bullets ordered (MG), and picked up some HS6 at the local shop...I'm going to work up some loads ASAP, because I'm tired of drooling on my new 9major SVI,,,I want to shoot the d@*n thing ;)

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Winchester 9mm +P+ 127 grain Hollow Points will make Major all day long, but I don't see a +P+ loading in their current catalog. There's only a +P loading at 1250fps.

I think their Ranger (LEO only) line of ammo gets close if you can find some...but once again it's going to be expensive

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see: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=105519&st=0&p=1200214&fromsearch=1entry1200214

The only factory ammo currently avaiable (that I'm aware of) that might make major PF Buffalo Bore and Win Ranger (LEO).

In April 2010 AA&A stated they had not made any .355 ammo in over a year and I was lead to beleive they would not be makning any - could be an incorrect conclusion.

I think the issue was getting brass with the .355 headstamp. I can understand not wanting to make commercial major PF ammo using 9mm headstamp brass - lots of potetnial liability issues.

Good luck,


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I think G-ManBart probably meant .355 Super. I am pretty sure that is how AA&A 9mm major is marked.



That might make sense... just didnt want people to get confused when their 9SC brass was an extra 4mm long.

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First, thanks to everyone for all of the information and advice you've provided. This forum is a great one and I appreciate the positive and helpful nature of the replies.

Reasons (excuses?) why don't I reload.

1. I don't have time. I only have a certain amount of time to deviote to shooting and I'm trying to maximize the shooting rather than the supporting activities. Without gettting into a big biography - I just came back to shooting a year ago after a 47 year hiatus and handguns were not really a part of my prior activities. I've spent a lot of time learning and progressing and find that I enjoy the sport a lot. I started with local competitions at the suggestion of an instructor and as I progressed, I've gotten to the point of looking to move into new challenges to improve my skills. I've also been encouraged by fellow shooters to 'move up' to USPSA in addition to the local competitions. My wife has been and continues to be supportive of my shooting 2 -3 days a week but we do have active work and social lives and I really can't ask for more shooting activity time so, if I started reloading, I'd have to give up shooting time. I'm trying to maximize the enjoyment I get out of the sport since I don't know how long I'll be able to participate at a level that provides the enjoyment and doesn't put me in a position of detracting from other competitors chances. As many of you will eventually find out, age does catch up with you a little bit at some point in your life. What I shoud have chosen for a forum handle is "70 YearOld NEWBIE", which puts a lot in perspective. My goal is to become a 'B' shooter while I can do it and the time focus has to be on shooting skill development. Why OPEN? Why not? I can see the sights and targets better and the gun is more controllable.

2. I don't have the space. We travel a lot and live in multiple locations. Most of my shooting activities are in Louisiana and our home there is an apartment with no space for me to set up and use reloading equipment and supplies. Friends have offered to let me use their equipment and to teach me how to reload but the closest is an hour away which gets bact to the time issue and leads into the next reason.

3. I don't believe that the place to learn reloading is with 9mm Major loads. The consequences of errors are magnified and I've learned that even though I'm close to perfect :closedeyes: I do make an occasional misteak.

I'm having a lot of fun putting an Open gun together using an M&P 9L and I'd love to shoot Major with it. If I can't do that because of ammunition unavailability, I'll rethink everything and shoot Minor instead. I realize the gun will have some changes as a result, but it'll still be fun to do it.

Again, I thank everyone for their information and advice and I'll post the results of my conversation with AA&A.

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Unless one shoots minor in open or has a local connection making major 9mm for them for a fee, I would consider reloading to be a mandatory part of shooting in open division.

I just don't see any other way unless and until AAA starts back up with .355 Super again.

I have about 1000 of AAA's .355 super still around, and its good stuff, remarkably consistent, but recoils more violently than my own 9mmm major creations.


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First, thanks to everyone for all of the information and advice you've provided. This forum is a great one and I appreciate the positive and helpful nature of the replies.

Reasons (excuses?) why don't I reload.

1. I don't have time. I only have a certain amount of time to deviote to shooting and I'm trying to maximize the shooting rather than the supporting activities. Without gettting into a big biography - I just came back to shooting a year ago after a 47 year hiatus and handguns were not really a part of my prior activities. I've spent a lot of time learning and progressing and find that I enjoy the sport a lot. I started with local competitions at the suggestion of an instructor and as I progressed, I've gotten to the point of looking to move into new challenges to improve my skills. I've also been encouraged by fellow shooters to 'move up' to USPSA in addition to the local competitions. My wife has been and continues to be supportive of my shooting 2 -3 days a week but we do have active work and social lives and I really can't ask for more shooting activity time so, if I started reloading, I'd have to give up shooting time. I'm trying to maximize the enjoyment I get out of the sport since I don't know how long I'll be able to participate at a level that provides the enjoyment and doesn't put me in a position of detracting from other competitors chances. As many of you will eventually find out, age does catch up with you a little bit at some point in your life. What I shoud have chosen for a forum handle is "70 YearOld NEWBIE", which puts a lot in perspective. My goal is to become a 'B' shooter while I can do it and the time focus has to be on shooting skill development. Why OPEN? Why not? I can see the sights and targets better and the gun is more controllable.

2. I don't have the space. We travel a lot and live in multiple locations. Most of my shooting activities are in Louisiana and our home there is an apartment with no space for me to set up and use reloading equipment and supplies. Friends have offered to let me use their equipment and to teach me how to reload but the closest is an hour away which gets bact to the time issue and leads into the next reason.

3. I don't believe that the place to learn reloading is with 9mm Major loads. The consequences of errors are magnified and I've learned that even though I'm close to perfect :closedeyes: I do make an occasional misteak.

I'm having a lot of fun putting an Open gun together using an M&P 9L and I'd love to shoot Major with it. If I can't do that because of ammunition unavailability, I'll rethink everything and shoot Minor instead. I realize the gun will have some changes as a result, but it'll still be fun to do it.

Again, I thank everyone for their information and advice and I'll post the results of my conversation with AA&A.

We are glad you are back after such a long layoff! You have to do what you have to do to be able to shoot. While I like reloading ammo, I fully understand your situation. If you are willing to change calibers, you might find 38S or 38SC more available from AAA.

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Or....you could realize that Minor only hurts you when the hits are outside the "A" zone! :goof:

We had several locals buy those Steel Masters and shoot Minor they jumped up a class over night and I'm till coffin on their dust. Their splits are incredibly fast like .12, I thought they were just spraying but no there are hitting a Lot of A's. I shot a few matches minor and the results were about the same as major but my times were a bit faster. I think that for a B or even an A its no handicap, just my opinion based on watching a few local guys shooting minor.

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