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My Shoulder Hurts!


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I don't know if you use liniment, but I swear by Omega - it's probably available in Chinatown or Little Manila if you have one in your neck o' the woods. Smells like foo-foo but after a good 10 minute rub, cover your whatever and you can really feel the heat

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I get bersitis (sp?) that flares up from time to time, so I feel for you....

Only thing that helped me was a ton of ibuprophin, and some stretching exercises a physical therapist gave me. The stretches were don't laying down,,,,or leaning over to limit the pressure on the bersa (sp) in the shoulder. Essentially, it helps keep the joint loose and mobile while you're trying to get the inflamation under control.

The only way to avoid the pain after the inflamation goes down is to workout and build up the muscles around the shoulder. The bersa flares up largely due to a muscle imbalance,,,,,brought one by either overly repetitive activity (any reloaders here),,,,,,,or trauma. Well, mine tends to flare up after lots of reloading and sometimes after big matches.......

Though, I don't know which is worse, bersitis, gout,,,,,or knowing I'm too young for this crap....... :(


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My impingement pinched off the free movement of a tendon in my upper arm, and the pain was unbelievable, no amount of ibuprofen helped; ice packs at bedtime let me get to sleep. The impingement was due to bone spurs, which were removed with surgery. There is still some soreness, but that is minimal if I continue the exercises. The arthritis is still there, but not too bad yet.

There is some question whether this procedure (acromioplasty) to open a channel for the tendon actually helps anybody; my shoulder had bone spurs so it was obvious. If it gets in the way beyond what ice, NSAIDs, and therapy will help, you might want to find a shoulder/arm specialist.

This aging thing, well, Rhino said it. Next stop: the knees.....


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OK - I know everyone will make fun of me but - Something that will help in a large percentage of none injury type shoulder pain is to quit using deodorants with antiperspirants. Specifically anything with aluminum salts. PLEASE - continue with the deodorants just quit the antiperspirants... :P;)

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Rhino and everyone else with inflamation trouble,

One word. Vioxx. If not for this drug I could not work or shoot. I have had all the cortison (sp) shots you can have and the vioxx is the real deal. One a day and I can use my elbows, with out, no way. Ask your doc. Nate

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When I was in my mid 20s, the pain in my shoulder reached its peak and I got an appointment with the orthopod who then maintained the shoulders of the Oakland A's pitchers and other players. After he looked at my radiographs (that's x-ray films to you), he kept asking me how old I was. Apparently the injury also caused a lot of arthritic growth or degeneration or whatever it is, and he couldn't believe he was looking at pictures from someone who wasn't in his 60s.


He decided an MRI wouldn't tell him as much as an arthrogram, but the radiologist at the hospital in Alameda was a moron of unprecedented proportions. I'd been referred and scheduled by the office of the #1 shoulder guy in the Bay Area, and all she wanted to do was criticize me for being fat. She made a half-a**ed attempt at getting the dye into the joint, then gave up because she didn't take me seriously as an athlete. I'm not sure how she thought I'd injured myself, but she didn't really seem to care about anything other than telling me over and over that I needed to lose weight.

So, I kept taking my 12 Advils at a time and eventually decided to let it rest for a couple of months. It got a little better, but not much. Over the past decade, I've not had any choice but to rest it, but now it's starting to hurt again. Scar tissue and arthritis out the wazoo.

Old injuries and old age. Bah.

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Rhino and everyone else with inflamation trouble,

One word. Vioxx. If not for this drug I could not work or shoot. I have had all the cortison (sp) shots you can have and the vioxx is the real deal. One a day and I can use my elbows, with out, no way. Ask your doc. Nate

Yeah, I take Vioxx every day for the last few years. It's pretty good stuff, but kinda spendy.

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When I played tennis (in college and professionally) every now and then, tennis elbow would flare up. During a match, this would be horrible, as it impedes your ability to serve with any kind of effectiveness.

Try this: DMSO

Put some on a towel, and rub it on the sore/injured area. Pain is gone almost immediately. Don't get any on you, where you don't want it applied (on your hands, e.g.) as it will cause them to go numb for a bit. Not a big deal though.

One side effect. Makes your breath smell like garlic.

I guarantee it works.


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I can sympathise (sp) with shoulder pain. I had a doctor that told me to immobilize my arm every night when I went to bed. That lasted about 30 minutes and the restraint went in the garbage. I am able to control it mainly by exercise, aspirin (if you can take it) and realizing that it will probably hurt from now on.

But some days are worse than others. I'm fortunate it isn't disabling.

I just turned 50 in September, someone told me I'm supposed to hurt now!!!!!



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Rhino, dajarrel,

I right there with you guys, it take a lot less time to count the places that DON’T hurt!

Somebody (Bette Davis?) once said, “getting old ain’t for sissies”. That may be true, but I get a little more sissified every day.


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I hate that my doctor told me I would be stuck with the shoulder problems for the rest of my life. The only thing that would help is constant exercise for them. It does help some, but when it gets cold or humid, look out! Ouch. Naproxen helps some, but not much. Ibuprofen did nothing for it, but did upset my stomach. Luckily, a friend and fellow shooter is a physical therapist and will loosen up the joints before I shoot if necessary.

Pain management is a sucky way to live. :angry:


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Get this:

I'm 17, at the end of my high school career, blow out my knee, see a doctor. Keep in mind, I've always been a smart-ass.

I'd been out of school for a week waiting for it to "get better"... after it didn't, I went to the doc. So the ortho does a prelim investigation and says I'd be better off if I lost weight. I let it slide.

He ordered MRI's... good. Go in a few days later when the MRIs are back. Doc says the knee's FUBAR'd. He then goes on to tell me that there's no point in performing the surgery while I'm so overweight. I calmly explain to him that there's no way for me to lose weight when I'm unable to walk normally. He keeps saying the same thing, essentially "you're fat."

He finally comes out and says the words "you're fat." I thank him and say my ass has been telling me that for years and that they must be related. I hobbled out quite proud of myself. Another surgeon got me set up to do the surgery over the summer.

Anyway, rhino, the correct reply to a doctor who doesn't focus on the problem that you're trying to address and instead focuses on you being fat is: "My ass has been saying the same thing for ages... are you two related?" ;)

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Shooter grrl, Vioxx worked for me for a while. The first time I took it, relief came within hours, although this surprised my doctor. I lump Vioxx with NSAIDs, like Naproxen and Ibuprofen. There are others as well (e.g., Relafen). Eventually, nothing worked. YMMV.

Rhino, do not get me started on radiologists. The first orthopod I went to ordered Xrays, then an MRI when the Xray showed nothing, according to the radiologist. The MRI showed nothing, according to the radiologist. I later went to a shoulder specialist who looked at the first Xray, and pointed at where my bone spurs were. His comment was, "Radiologists never over-exagerate, rarely get it exact, and usually under-exagerate". He pulled out the MRI pics and pointed at the same spurs. Dang it, I got started.


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I started taking Vioxx Friday... how long before it starts to work?

It depends on . . .

whether or not you started with a larger "loading dose"

your metabolism

the nature (source) and magnitude of your pain and inflammation

the blood supply to the injured area

blah blah blah

I'd say a week or so and you should notice a difference. It may not be magical feeling of relief, but you should be able to tell.

If in doubt, ask your doctor or a pharmacist! :)

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It's good to hear I'm not the only one who has (insert the litany of woes and complaints here) around!

I'm feeling a little more "Up With People!" today, so I think I shall focus on the fact that being in pain reminds me that I'm alive, and that the alternative to feeling no pain at all really, really sucks bigtime! :D

But at least now you guys understand if you see the left side of my shirt untucked ... I haven't been able to use my left arm to tuck my shirt in the back since I was in high school! :lol:

Imagine my chagrin when IDPA announced its holster and mag pouch rules ...

And when I shot the single stack classic, after the first two mags on my sides, I just kinda swung my arm back there and hoped my hand would land where I could grab a mag! :lol:

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