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FNH USA Midwest 3-Gun Championships

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Thats how you keep a gun running in those conditions, Kurt as well as all the other Redneck Tactical instructicators use only RTO with hydromafaction.

Jesse???? why no videos of you?????


I am hoping you will see me on TV. :roflol: Plus I figured I tape something that people actually wanted to see for once.

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the match has run behind the entire match, so bad today we have to shoot tomorrow now. we were giving the rules at the beginnig of the match now the rules have now changed. mag left empty in a gun was to be a stag dg instead it turned into a reshoot or dont do it again. while waiting to shoot we watched a shoter have a shootgun jam and instead of timing out and giving targets not enguaged scored fix it and move on to the next stage he received a reshoot so people in our squad had jams not able to clear timed out and was scored not given reshoots. very disappointed. if i had know the rules up front on grounding weapons i would not have entered. dont think i will ever be back. enjoyed everyone we shot with though. heard alot of the same from others as well. any one else?

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I don't know nothing about it , BUT sometimes things are not as the seam to be, when viewed behind the lines.

I have seen some lucky breaks when the RO interfered with the shooter when they were trying to clear jambs. the only rite thing the Ro could do was require a re shoot.

I don't want to debate what you saw, its always possible that we miss something important or that we pick something up that is equally important.

I have made mistakes when ROing , many times we try so hard to make things rite = It Just gets worst=

Play hard & lay down your best game


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The grounding rules were extremely strict but I thought they were clear on them at the shooter's meeting.

After shooting 8 of the 10 stages I dumped a loaded shotgun with the safety on and got a match DQ. I thought I had shot it dry.

It's the second time in a year I've been DQ'd on a grounding rule. When grounding a gun in the future, I think I need to get in the habit of doing a complete field strip, run a few patches through the bore, then chuck the barrel over the berm, just to make sure I can't be DQ'd again.

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Taran butler won TO, Mike Pinto won TI, Jerry Muculek won Open, Patrick Kelly won Heavt Iron, I cant remeber who won Heavy Optic???

Romero was 2nd in TO but won the shoot off by first beating Kurt, then Glenn Shelby, then Taran.

The young guns shoot off between Rob and Glen went down to the last plate or two and was awesome to watch. I'm sure you will see that one on TV as well as the Jerry vs Taran run.

It was good to finally meet all you guys at the match. It's good to put a face with the name/avatar.

Edited by jtischauser
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Taran butler won TO, Mike Pinto won TI, Jerry Muculek won Open, Patrick Kelly won Heavt Iron, I cant remeber who won Heavy Optic???

Romero was 2nd in TO but won the shoot off by first beating Kurt, then Glenn Shelby, then Taran.

Barry Dueck won HMO. He also whooped up on me in the shootoff. :)

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Taran butler won TO, Mike Pinto won TI, Jerry Muculek won Open, Patrick Kelly won Heavt Iron, I cant remeber who won Heavy Optic???

Romero was 2nd in TO but won the shoot off by first beating Kurt, then Glenn Shelby, then Taran.

Barry Dueck won HMO. He also whooped up on me in the shootoff. :)

You were right with Barry on the first run before you limp shouldered that SLP causing the malfunctions. You could have won that first run. Either way you made us OKies proud. Especially since you were the only guy in the shootoff that had less than a year of 3 gun experience under your belt. It's just too bad nobody out in TV land will ever see your run because you have that face for radio. Lmao! Just kidding. Beers are on me bro.

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Why yes, the RT crew had a bit of an issue running the FN's. Was still an honor to be on the same field with the likes of Jerry, Taran, Rob, Glen, Pat, Barry, and the in-famous Mr Weak Hand. Thanks to Larry and the rest of the FN crew that runs the 3-Gun Nation shootoffs!


RT student #18561

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Big Huge CONGRATS to my team mate Rob Romero for the outstanding win in the 3 Gun Nation shootoff and for a strong second place overall finish. Awesome job buddy. :cheers: You did the team proud. :D

Hurry up and post some videos. I want to see you guys burning it down.

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That 3 gun nation show is going to be very cool! The shoot off is a lot of fun to watch in person. I highly recommend getting out to see one in person. The only thing that would make it better is if the competitors had more time with the FNH guns to get acquainted with them. The rifle in particular seemed to be the make it or break it gun. I heard that all the rifles were zeroed at 100 yards but we all know that everybody mounts a gun and shoots differently. So why not give each of the 8 shooters one each of the 3 guns to go shoot before the match so that it's a fair competition of skills not a competition of which gun fits which shooter the best? I know that would add time to the match and delay the prize table but It would make for better competition and better TV too.

Just my $.04 after seeing the shoot and hearing the competitors comments following the shooting.

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My first major 3 gun match, and my mind is still swimming with thoughts and replays of the weekend. Learned so much, and obtained a couple goals I set for myself. I didnt get a DQ, I didnt finish dead last, and actually had a decent stage or two and a decent section of a stage or two. I had a rifle problem on stage 1 and had to take 135 seconds for not engaging and neutralizing 9 targets. What a bummer, but after a trip back home (over 2 hours drive) and a swap of BCG, I crossed my fingers and came back on day 2 and had a good day. Now if I could just shoot a little bit better. Maybe next year. The FNH guys that ran this event did one hell of a job and even with a couple issues, I think everyone walked away pretty happy. I know I will be back next year. Many thanks to the ROs who worked tirelessly and with competitors that werent always happy, they shined.

On another note, I had the privilege of watching a fine display of rifle marksmanship on our last stage that we had to shoot at 7am this morning. On stage 6, there were 7 long range rifle targets. One of the targets, the 402 yard target, was a bonus target, and did not have to be engaged, and then the other 6 were from 100+ to almost 300 yds. My friend and fellow KC area shooter, fired just 7 shots from his AR and hit all 7 targets. Not one extra round was fired. After his run, even the "pro" shooters from the next squad to shoot, gave him a round of applause. It was really good to see someone shoot so well.

Many thanks to all that I gleaned tips, and info from all weekend long, see you all next year...


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That 3 gun nation show is going to be very cool! The shoot off is a lot of fun to watch in person. I highly recommend getting out to see one in person. The only thing that would make it better is if the competitors had more time with the FNH guns to get acquainted with them. The rifle in particular seemed to be the make it or break it gun. I heard that all the rifles were zeroed at 100 yards but we all know that everybody mounts a gun and shoots differently. So why not give each of the 8 shooters one each of the 3 guns to go shoot before the match so that it's a fair competition of skills not a competition of which gun fits which shooter the best? I know that would add time to the match and delay the prize table but It would make for better competition and better TV too.

Just my $.04 after seeing the shoot and hearing the competitors comments following the shooting.

Not to side-track the thread too far, but at the BRM3G, it was the handgun that caused the most problems due to unfamiliarity. My first run, I hit the stop plate w/ the last round in the mag. (And I think a FNP holds 16?) By the end of the shoot-off there were almost a dozen holes in each of the banners under the plate rack. No problems on the rifle for me- but after shooting the match w/ a M1A and irons, the SCAR w/ optics was like cheating.

Congrats to the winners of the match, and to Rob on the shoot-off.

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I will try to upload some videos of the shoot off.

Stage 4 was my best one of the match so naturally they

tossed it. I would have rather they dumped #1 where my

pistol locked up. That was a lot of steel and penalties

to eat.

In spite of the mud, the match stages were fun.


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