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Everything posted by Jeff686

  1. Hi Jim, I have a few friendly questions: Do you have back problems? If not, count your blessings, because 80% of us do. How do you use the weighted net at an IPSC match? Have you ever participated in a large match where they forbid the picking up of brass? I think they do it to make the match run faster, and allow the shooter on-deck their official walk-through time. I too police all my brass during practice and recreational shooting. However, during a match, I feel like picking brass is rude, and I feel bad doing it. If I try to pick it between shooters, I'm in the way and people are stumbling past me trying to walk-through or set/tape targets. I hate having my head down, searching for my brass, to realize that I'm the last person on the range, and the RO is waiting for me to get out of the way to start the next shooter. Finally, I would prefer to help tape targets and set steel, helping with the work, rather than selfishly search for brass. In reality, I have to balance my time between discretely searching for brass and helping with squad duties. I WISH I could just leave the brass and enjoy the shooting. 9mm is cheap enough to do that. In retrospective, however, you do have a very valid point about leaving the brass for someone else to deal with. I'll have to inquire at the clubs where I shoot how they handle brass clutter. I know of one local guy who sells clean, used brass. I thought that he got it off the range, tumbled and sorted it, and sold it for a few extra bucks. However, I'm not sure about the other places I shoot IPSC. Thanks for you post Jim!!
  2. Jeff686

    The TSA

    And I thought Oregon was cheesy with the stickers for address changes...
  3. I like 7625 in my Gold Team. I couldn't use it when loading on my SDB (powder would spill during indexing). My new Hornady press is much less violent. I wonder if 7625 would work in a Gold Team 9mm with all those ports? My 38SC is pretty full at 7.2 - 7.4 gr. Would that be a compressed load? How much less powder would you need if there were no ports?
  4. I thought that Subaru Station Wagons were really hard to drive. Every time I see one on the road, the driver is having a really hard time with it. They are out of their lane, stopping at yield signs with no traffic, driving really slow, and ogling the Sierra Club calendar on their dash instead of watching the stoplight turn green. I know that the Forester is a little SUV, not a station wagon, but I think it still comes with a tie-dye hemp poncho and some birkenstocks. Check your trunk!
  5. Everything broken was replaced. Everything dirty was cleaned. All delrin parts replaced. Lubed. New powder tube. New springs. I'm not sure that everyone would get exactly the same treatment. If parts are not warn, they may not replace them. For example, I don't know if new springs is standard, or only when they look worn. Mine was an older model without the double-charge safety interlock. They didn't upgrade it, which is fine by me. I've seen some pictures (forget where) of a 550 that had almost rusted to dust, and they restored it to like-new.
  6. Yea, me too. I think my SDB took about 2 weeks. My overhaul was free, since I had broken one of the posts that the lever arm rotates on. They had to replace the chassis.
  7. Bart does have several good points. I guess it depends on your personal situation. I'm shooting open on a budget. I bought a used Tanfoglio Gold Team, with very little custom work. My total investment on my gun, including mags and 2K of brass was under $2500. I only shoot local matches (of which, three are within 30 minutes of home, woohoo!!). I only shoot in the big matches when they are local. My expenses for shooting are now basically limited to reloading supplies and gasoline. Every time my wife sees that Starline charge on the credit card, she complains. "What do you need more brass for?" I would love to have a 9mm! I'd buy used brass, shoot it once, and leave it. Easier on my back and my marriage. Granted, the difference in cost is as much perception (buy used, leave it on the ground, pay cash vs. new on credit card, pickup every piece I can find) as reality.
  8. I WISH my open gun was 9mm. I hate picking up brass. I feel like a brass whore at the match. It hurts my back. I can't find it half the time. I would much rather spend my time helping tape/reset/scorekeep/RO. If I was shooting 9mm, I would leave it on the ground. I'd probably still pickup my practice brass, but that is much easier and quicker. That alone is good enough reason FOR ME. YMMV.
  9. I would do the same. I would also call the bank manager and explain my actions (again, using a reasonable and intelligent perspective, as you have already demonstrated). It might even help to have some gun crime statistics concerning those who legally carry.
  10. Yes, it seems that satellites have taken most of the aerial photography business. I used to do a lot of flying, in Boise and Florida. I made it to 14k ft near Boise, and used to fly for hours around central Florida, all in a single seat glider. I've got my single engine rating, and was working on my IFR. However, Oregon weather kinda sucks. For 8 months of the year, flying here is work, not fun. It makes investing in a plane less attractive. When we move back to Florida, I'll at least have a glider, maybe a little power plane too... Maybe not, if the stock market doesn't stop dropping like a rock...
  11. I ran a recent score through the classifier calc. I am sure I have the correct score, I wrote it down in my notebook. The classifiercalc said it was a 72% It gets on uspsa.com during today's update, and it's a 69%. Either it was entered wrong at my club, or the online calculator is wrong. Anyone know if the online calc is accurate? Thanks! Jef
  12. Here you go!http://www.aaps-federation.org/aaps2/aaps2_003.htm If you can't get enough locals to make a "real" match, you can join the postal match, and shoot in your yard/garage. New match every month. Prizes and fun. Must be 18? You can shoot USPSA as long as you can hold a gun (safely).
  13. Oh, and I don't need more money for a 'meaningful change', what I need is a feeling that my current position will last until retirement.
  14. Can you measure the brass after resizing? I know you can only get it in part way, but you should be able to measure it and get an idea of the ID of the die. It is possible the die is marked wrong. Do you have a friend with a 40 die you could try? I thought the 'glock bulge' didn't prevent resizing, but rather didn't get resized because the die does not go low enough to resize the whole length of the brass. I thought it failed at chamber check, not a resizing.
  15. Post the exact markings on the die, and the exact markings on the brass. If you still have the box from the bullets, post anthing printed there as well.
  16. Does the Casio come with a remote shutter release? If so, have you tried using it?
  17. Rye, Yes, you can trust Brian to give you good advice. Hey Stormbringer... How do you have your LNL setup? I'm loading 38 super on mine. I bought the powder-thru expander, and am not at all happy with how it works. It has a very abrupt shoulder on it, and therefor doesn't have much of an adjustment range. Do you use a separate expander die? I wanted to save a spot for a bullet feeder or powder check die.
  18. I knonw this is a bit of a tangent... This is what is known as a non-causal relationship. People frequently confuse non-causal for causal (I'm not implying you are). Causal means that there is a cause-and-effect relationship. When I have to explain this to friends, I like to say that non-causal should use the phrase "happens to", but causal should use the phrase "because". Here's what I mean: On average, a secretary who tries to be as attractive as possilbe happens to also be good at her job of taking care of her boss. - likely true & implies non-causal On average, a secretary is good at her job of taking care of her boss because she tries to be as attractive as possible. - likely not true & implies causal Since this relationship is non-causal, you can't make a person into a good secretary by forcing them to dress more attractively. On average, a person is fat because they eat to much. - likely true and implies causal On aveage, a person that is fat also happens to eat too much. - maybe true, but implies non-causal Since this relatioship is causal, you can make a person fat by forcing them to eat more. Popular news snibbets of scientific studies often fool people into thinking there is a causal relationship. For example: Children who are good readers also happen to have lots of books in their home. We all know, however, that buying a bunch of books won't make our children good readers, but rather households that are enthusastic about reading happen to need lots of books to read. So, the relationship between number of books and good readers is non-causal. - this is not a great example, but I'm short on time to come up with a better one. off to a meeting....
  19. Dude, don't worry about getting your ammo tuned in. Just pick a safe recipe from a reloading manual and go shoot. I wouldn't delay shooting in a match just because you might not be at exactly the correct power factor. GO SHOOT!
  20. The USPSA has 8 'areas' or regions. Each Area consists of 4-8 states. Each year there is an Area championship, but attendence is not limited to people who reside in the region. They are open to anyone. For example, this year the Area 1 match had 300 competitors. 1st come, 1st served. As far as the USPSA Nationals, there are many ways to get a slot: see here: http://www.uspsa-nationals.org/archive/200...ot%20policy.pdf Additionally, you should check out the two big Steel Shooting matches each year: Steel Challenge World Speed Shooting Championship, in Calf, in August (web page is flux, scroll to bottom): http://steelchallenge.com US National Steel Championship, in Florida, in March: http://www.ussteelshoot.com/
  21. STI ??? What's that??? You should be looking in the general reloading forum, under 9mm, not the EAA/Tanfoglio forum. Although we're willing to help, I would believe that the info above is for the Tanfoglio Gold Team with V-8 popple holes and factory compensator. YMMV with another gun. Who built your gun? Start by asking them!
  22. It seems to me that there are a lot more choices for 0.355 than 0.356. For example, Montana Gold makes 11 bullets in 0.355 from 95gr to 147gr. They make one in 0.356 (130gr). Also, a note on powder... I started with Henning's suggestion of 7625. My SDB was spilling the powder as it indexed, so I switched to Longshot. I recently switched to a Lee LNL, that indexes much more gently. After running out of Longshot, I grabbed the leftover 3/4 of a pound of 7625. Boy, I really like it. It does feel better than Longshot at the same power factor, and isn't nearly as loud. Now, I just wish I could buy it locally. BiMart quit carrying it, and I don't think they have it at Sportsman's Warehouse.
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