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Front Man

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Everything posted by Front Man

  1. be, don't forget you now have to top that for the Mortgage release party! FM
  2. Me too! Go out and make it happen tonight! LET it happen. LET it happen tonight! Reread "With Winning in Mind" too! Don't look back. FM
  3. Great stuff Geoff! Are you going to get one of those Hans (SP?) devices to protect your neck like I see the National Motocross guys are running these days? Good Luck! FM
  4. The Washoe County Range has the bluest skies I have ever seen. I liked down town Reno too; we had a ton of fun at the '95 National. Wish I had the time and loot to go! FM
  5. I thought that was supposed to start in 2008? FM
  6. Does the academy have any job applications? FM
  7. I like to check zero off of my pick-nick table every Saturday night before a club match. For what ever reason my CMORE won't stay zeroed and it usually takes 50-100 rounds to get it right. So it works out to be about 33%-50%. I can't afford to practice to much right now; but the balance is spent on SH/WH for now. FM
  8. That makes sense to me Jax. I don't know anything about blued steel but when I get a gun in the white I wipe it down with motor oil after I handle it. FM
  9. What could JMB make with all of the col stuff we have today? I can't remember where I ran across images of his shop in Utah (?) in the late 1800's, and everything was pulley driven that I could see. Congrats on your nice work Jim! FM
  10. If you think your local race is cool just wait until you go to a professional race! Trust me, I went to tons of them in the late 80's and early 90's. Go J LAW! FM
  11. I think I'd rather spray insecticide! But snakes eat mice; I like that! I just don't want to wake up with one in my bed! Oh no! :lol: FM
  12. I spray Tempo SC Ultra inside and outside of the house. It's been so dry here this summer that I have only had to apply it once. Takes care of almost all insects. It's a Bayer product and it's good stuff. FM
  13. Exactly correct. And, keep in mind that attorney's fees vary quite a bit from region to region. The same work will cost much more in a big city like New York or Chicago than it would if prepared by an equally-adept lawyer in a small midwestern town, for example. If I had know you before my father passed you would have been #1 on my list Mike. The attorney we elected is from Holstein Iowa and has a huge back ground of dealing with agriculture related issues including properly conveying interest in real estate. My heirs are the same as my mother at this point in time. So the Wills read the same except for the name change. Minimal work is why it was so inexpensive. And yes Mike is right; a small town layer can have a tough time making a living with out owning another business. I am not a lawyer and can't practice law with out a license.FM
  14. +1000 Now if they'd just make the Pro in business black! FM
  15. The Dillon of computers and opreating systems? FM
  16. Mine was only $150. But there was minmal work as it was identical to my mothers except replacing her name with mine. FM
  17. I don't like it, but given the way the insurance industry governs our lives that may be the best policy. FM
  18. Front Man


    Use blue for your own protection. FM
  19. Front Man


    Did they allow blue ink for signatures or did they make you use black ink? I am serious and curious. FM
  20. Only a deal would keep me away W! Thanks! FM
  21. Thanks Brian! "With Winning in Mind" is going to improve my match scores too! FM
  22. A week ago today I passed my Missouri Real Estate exam. While I did do my homework I also read "With Winning in Mind" just before the exam. Instead of being tense and imaging not passing the test, I relaxed and visualized of how great it was going to be passing and working with a great friend. We were allowed 2 hours to take the exam; I had it done in 1 hour, hit the submit button and calmly waited for the computer to give me the passing score THAT I EXPECTED . Thanks for selling me the book Brian; and thanks to Lanny for helping me visualize my success! FM
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