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Everything posted by Fireant

  1. Not having to hunt for my brass in last weekends 107 degree heat( heat index) with no shade was worth every trade off I know of. I can brass at one local match a month and have enough once fired 9mm brass for 2-3 months of shooting cost to me $0
  2. I don't still have the directions from my Dillon tumbler, but I remember it saying NOT to use liquid in the machine. Dry media only.
  3. It's a day and moment you will never forget. Mine was 24 years ago and I remember it like it was just today. Way to go.
  4. Wow, 1K rounds huh? I don't think I could have done that. I check my 1050 with each new case I bust open. My new plan is to get a conversion for 40 and do all my loading on the 1050. I'll load a years worth of 9mm and 40 during the two cool months and not have to worry about loading in the hot shed during July.
  5. So, it's not really the discount you hate huh?
  6. Well funny that you ask where Kenny was. He was right behind the the are I was shooting in and hapened by while I was looking for the mangled piece of brass. All he had to say was dumba@@! I load my 9 mm on the 1050, but use my 650 for 40. Sometimes when switching between the two I don't push the handle as far forward as I should. I'm just glad my fingers and I guess toes are all in the right place. My toes are way too ugly to use as a finger
  7. Hmmm, never thought about lottery tickets. The only thing I wanted to do was throw the gun down, but I quickly cleared it and then counted my fingers again. I do have to clean a bunch of unburnt powder off my gun. It seems to be fine, although I did not put anymore rounds down range after that.
  8. It was my 6in fat free in 40. I bet you are right on the high primer idea. I had 50 rounds of test ammo I was trying out and never chamber checked it.
  9. Right up close and personal. I had a round not chamber all the way and when I did the usual hold the back of the slide with the weak hand and hit the frame with the strong had drill......boom! I thought I'd blown a damn finger or two off. I could not feel any of them. I counted to 5 a bunch of times to make sure they were still there. Then I wiggled them to see if they still worked and then counted again. It was 2 hours ago and I'm just now getting the feeling back in my left hand. I did not have my hand over the ejection port. I can only imagine how many fingers I could have damaged if I had. I looked for the piece of brass but could not find it. I don't know what that round hit to set it off, but it was not pleasant. On a side note I sure am glad I was wearing black shorts, it's hard to tell if they are wet or not from a distance
  10. I hadn't considered that. Thankfully this infraction happens rarely and I've only encountered it 2-3 times in almost 10 years. I'm still not comfortable with asking someone to unholster a gun that doesn't have the safety activited, but I'm now less comfortable with touching the safety myself. It's funny how many RO's don't realize that this is a DQ action. I had a guy shooting with me recently that told me he shot at this one club for 6-8 matches before someone told him he had to decock his gun before holstering since he was shooting production. Notice that they have let him shoot 6-8 matches holstering a double action gun in single action mode
  11. Yep, order them from Kenny. You will have them before Midway even thinks about your order and Kenny is a site sponsor. Help the small business man out you know.
  12. The only reason I clicked on this thread was because I knew JT would have a good picture to match the title
  13. Don't you know it. I never go that far north in the winter you know( or ever if it can be avoided ). It gets too cold and some of those places forget to put sugar in the tea. How can you have tea without sugar? It's just not right I tell ya!
  14. USPSA Commands in the (deep) south... 1. Make Ready - Load that F***** 2. Are you ready? - Y'all ready? 3. Standby - Hold up 4. Beep - Git-R-Done 5. If you are finished, unload and show clear - Y'all done? Empty that F***** and lemme see 6. If finished, hammer down, holster - Y'all done? Pull the trigger and Put-R-Away 7. Stop - You dumb son of a b****, you've been shooting since you were old enough to hold a gun, and you go off and do something stupid like that? Empty that F***** and get the hell of my range... Sorry... couldn't resist... most of my family is from the south, and I spend plenty of time there... Frank Hey, have you been shooting one of our local matches? I pretty much have my RO's trained to use those commands only with the southerners(no, Florida is not considered southern ) and to use standard range commands for foreigners.
  15. Thanks for the info, but I'll keep them for my own testing.
  16. My advice is to go ahead and jump in and get it done. I ended up taking 5 years off between each of mine. Had I just kept going it would have been better. I just reached the 5 years after completeing my specialist degree, so guess what I start in July?
  17. Hey you never know, but his last batch of 1:16's seems to have gone quick.
  18. take the thing apart. I mean how do you get the little slider plate off the basepad without breaking it? I have some that I want reanadized and they have to be taken apart first.
  19. HMMM, nothing unsafe huh? Well, what if when you did giver her the MR command and she racked the slide a round came out from yesterdays practice? I've seen it way to often. Safety rules are there for a reason. They are our line drawn in the sand, so don't cross them. When I leave in the morning for a match, my family expects me to come back home in one piece and the rules are what makes that happen. What if since they only recieved a warning from several RO's for trigger in the triggergaurd during a reload they combine that infraction with a 180 violation and AD while doing it? When we get lax on making the hard calls then people think just like you do, that they are not really that dangerous. Remember that little pebble you roll down the top of the mountain makes one hell of a snowball at the bottom. Shooters have to know that there is a punishment for breaking the safety rules. If my boss tells me to be at work by 8 in the morning, but never does anything when I come in at 9 what have I learned? I've learned that he does not follow his own rules. We all have to follow our rules every time, not just sometimes.
  20. +1 I actually have 2 issues in open, finding the dot on the draw and finding it when switching to weak hand only. I had hoped the Quinn was a fix all, but it only solved the find the dot on the draw issue. That is no fault of the mount, it is all shooter error. I think the Quinn mounts biggest problem solver is to let you use junk range brass and help your gun runn better, since it open up the ejection side of the gun.
  21. +1,000,000 to this statement. I have been called the hatchet lately because people are having brain fades in the heat down here, but they either broke a safety rule or they did not.
  22. I carry an extra gun, the last thing I want to have to do is fix a gun at the safe area. I loose things on my work bench, I can only imagine what I'd loose out on the range.
  23. I never noticed the smoke while shooting, but one RO said he inhaled a bunch. I picked the hottest/most humid day to test also. They chronoed right at 170. I emptied a 20 round mag in one spot and could still see the entire target with almost no breeze at the time. Another shooter was shooting lead with titegroup and his looked like the tailpipe from my diesel truck.
  24. I know what you mean jack. I went to a Jr. Military college and the locals loved to call them into the baracks at 3 or so in the morning. A special place in hades is way to good for them in my opinion.
  25. +1 on the Quinn mount. I am also dot challenged and after a year of fighting it I have switched to the Quinn. It also helps keep my gun presentation the same for open and limited.
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