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Everything posted by Fireant

  1. for the Federal primers that are in from one online retailer, because they won't sell to a Georgia resident!
  2. Thanks Matt, now I have to go and switch mine over to my open gun before my match this weekend and see how I like it.
  3. Thank you guys for reminding me of a couple of things I had forgotten.
  4. That might be something for you to try Ricky. I can't use a 147 because they hit the baffles on the comp and tumble. You don't have a comp, so it might work.
  5. Here is one of my open guns he built. The thing is so damn shiny, it is hard to get a good picture
  6. Ricky, What you need is to buy a gun with a real comp on it and get it over with
  7. Hey, how about a small LED light to fix that problem? Open shooters always have batteries
  8. Cool, I want one in 9mm.
  9. So, how did you do shooting open with it?
  10. Well, I picked one up today to test and evaluate for a buddy. As I was unpacking it and looking at the parts I thought it looked very well designed and built. I mounted it to my bench to see if I could use it on the 1050. Everything was going fine. I pluged it in and nothing. WTF! They must have run out of money in the development stage when they got to the motor/drive part. They use a tiny little motor and a groved belt for the drive train so to speak. The motor will not turn the wheel to load the bullets. I took the whole thing apart and the billet wheel wedges so tight against the plastic that there is no way it can turn. Hopefully this is just an issolated quality control issue and they actually plug the motor assembly in and test function before shipping them in the future.
  11. I can tell you what we do, but it does help the top guys out more than the others. Lets say you have 12 shooters. The first place person gets 5 points for the win and then 1 point for each person they beat at the match. So the winner gets 16 points. The second place gets 1 point for everyone they beat, so second place gets 10 points. Keep going down the line like that until the person that has 0 points. We run this for the year and count the best 7 matches out of a possible 12 matches( or 1 more than half if you have to cancel some matches. Don't count special classifiers either). While the top masters beat me like a dog most of the time, I can catch up to them if they trash a stage or can't make it to the match. It seems to be the best way I've seen to even things out. We only count the people in that division, not combined scores.
  12. Who did the work on that blaster? Man, it is sweet looking... what length is the barrel? Yes, Cheely built this gun. It is a 5 inch sight tracker on an STI standard frame.
  13. Well, I'll throw my comments out there for you. I have this gun: and with the grip tape on it the gun feels great in your hand. Everyone who picks it up just gives me that look that says" OOOOOOOHHHHH" Does it shoot softer? Not that I can tell. The gun balances great, and just feels so much better in my hands. I was concerned about reloading it. In dry fire practice if you mag was even slightly out of alignment, the mag would wedge in there and not load. In matches with bullets in the mag, I have not had any problems. The mag you drop shoots out, not just drops free. You will have to ask Cheely how it was to fit, because it came from him already on the gun. Will I be changing out all my guns to this grip? no, but I do want to try it on my open gun before I decide. Oh, this is the STI grip not the SV.
  14. The basepads on the left and right are the SSS Aluminum, the one in the center is the factory Compact pad.
  15. You can also add the aluminum replacement base pads that SSS sells. Thay are production legal. They also have about anything you will want/need for your M&P.
  16. Nice Nemo. I feel the same way even though I really hate the Sat I have to run a match. That is until I see everyone having a good time. Then I seem to forget the waking up at 5 am to get it all going. Edited to add that I just missed A class in limited also, maybe next time.
  17. +about a hundred by now. I have a similar niece situation and know how you must feel.
  18. What's even funnier is that I told him about those same matches before he posted on here Right Mark?
  19. Wow, I guess Jim is not building this one is he?
  20. But its your best 4 scores that give initial class. With 6 stages, you can crash and burn without tanking your initial classification. Yep, I was going to run a 4 classifier match and had it pointed out to me that if a new guy zeros a stage they would not get classified. So, I have changed mine to a 6 classifier match. The fees paid to USPSA is the same for 4 classifiers as it is for 6.
  21. Roger: More unbelivable what America will purchase! Yep, I don't know which is worse Wow, you don't like your dad huh???
  22. I just saw the comercial on TV. Unbelivable what America will market.
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