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Everything posted by 38superman

  1. Strength training will do nothing but benefit you. As you get stronger you will get faster, don't worry about foot speed. Flexibilty should not be a problem if you do stretching exercises when working out. In martial arts we routinely did at least 15 - 20 minutes of stretching before each class. Two or three times a week produced amazing flexibilty. IT IS ALSO IMPORTANT TO STRETCH BEFORE A MATCH. It seems that one of the most prevalent injuries in this sport is torn calf muscles. The sudden starts/stops jumping, squatting and changing direction on a dime can and will tear your legs up. I had it happen to me and know at least two others that it happend to in the last year. Tony
  2. I never really had a "Mentor". It would probably help if someone took you under his wing and taught you the ropes. However, everyone has their own style and you can figure this out on your own IF you don't become complacent. When I showed up for my first match, I was given a briefing on the safety rules. I was told about gun handling, DQ's etc. How to run a stage was something I learned by watching others, especially the better shooters. Sometimes someone would give me a tip or make an observation like "you have a death grip on that gun, loosen your grip a little". Those little tips helped a lot. Start by watching the better shooters closely and learn from what they do. Experiment with your techniques such as draws and reloads and find what works for you. Take nothing for granted and keep an open mind. You can learn something from almost anybody. Even an average shooter may have something useful for you if you pay attention. Never stop looking for ways to do it better. Practice, practice, practice. Tony
  3. I'm not sure what the point was but my answer was 20. I'm pretty sure I could only take on 2 or 3 if one of them was my grandson. He has more energy than the Green Bay Packers, wears me down, and takes groin shots. Note: I have no problem with black helicopters if they will let me be the door gunner. Tony
  4. I just had a mental image of a burglar prowling through a house with a flashlight. Might raise his blood pressure to encounter a life sized Todd Jarrett Fathead (in firing position of course).
  5. +1 The same idea crossed my mind when I saw that commercial. They'll never go for it though. Not politically correct to promote the use of firearms. Tls
  6. You are absolutely correct. The child was never struck by the bullet, it didn't go anywhere, just rolled across the floor. She was struck by a fragment of brass from the case which shattered. That was exactly the point I tried to make with the doctor, but he wasn't interested in the details. He was hell bent to involve the authorites. Once I showed them the remains of the brass case and explained what happened, they were satisfied. I wonder if the doc was dissapointed they didn't put me in handcuffs. Tony
  7. I've posted this before, but I will restate it just for grins. Once upon a time a plastic bin got knocked off my loading bench with about a half dozen loaded rounds in it. It was a fall of about 3 ft. onto a plywood floor and one of the rounds detonated. The round that went off hit the floor nose first and left an imprint in the wood surrounded by powder burns. The brass case was shattered and the primer was blown out, never to be found. My 7 year old granddaughter was unlucky enough to be standing next to me and the detonation happened right in front of her. Shrapnel flew everywhere and a piece of it punctured her leg. At the hospital I had the following conversation with the doctor: "I have to report this to the authorities" "Why?" "By law all gunshot wounds must be reported" "But she wasn't shot. It was a freak accident. A bullet fell to the floor and detonated. It wasn't in a gun when it went off." "It doesn't matter. It is a wound that was caused by a bullet." I really enjoyed the part where I had to explain to three cops and a child welfare official why a 7 year old had a "bullet wound". No more Federals for me. Tony
  8. In our small town people still put up Christmas trees and decorate their houses. We even (Gasp!) have a Christmas parade with floats, marching bands, and Santa Claus. Christmas is still Christmas in Alabama. Thank God (whatever diety you subscribe to) I live in the south.
  9. Craig, I am sorry for your loss. It's good that you were able to patch up your relationship with your father. I'm sure it meant a lot to him. Tony
  10. I've seen you shoot Steven. You will do well no matter what blaster is in you hand. Best wishes and congratulations on the new 6" gun. When I get to the point that my gun is holding me back, maybe I'll sip the kool aid too. I'm a long way from realizing the potential of my 5" SVI...... Someday maybe. Tony
  11. I had a Gerber pocket knife that was one of my all time favorites. I say "had" because it was laid on the altar of Homeland Security. I forgot it was in my pocket as I was heading through security for a flight. It was a case of give it up or forget getting on the plane. I was pretty fond of that knife. I once used it to cut free a woman who was trapped in the wreckage of her car. It was the only tool I had, but it got the job done. Tough little knife. Maybe I should have explained that my knife doesn't take lives, it saves them. Besides, I would never hijack a plane. 70 Virgins would be more than I could handle. Tony
  12. John, I wish I could find a way to comfort you. I sit here try to find the words that might help, but words seem so feeble and weak right now. I can't even imagine what you must be going through. Keep your family and friends close. They will get you through this. Tony
  13. What is your impression of this load? I bought a pound of this powder with the intention of working up a load for my Pro Sx. I've been using 4756 with decent results. Most of the feedback I have been getting with 3N38 is that is works great but produces a lot of flash. Tony
  14. I saw Leonidas' wife. For a gay man, he sure married a hottie. Besides, I'm sure they had a "don't ask don't tell" policy in the Spartan army.
  15. I think it's better to just take these movies for what they are, entertainment. I don't see the point in getting caught up in over analyzing the "overtones". A lot of people said the recent "Superman Returns" had gay overtones. I don't really care. I enjoyed it as a great fantasy / superhero movie. I think its more important to consider the main theme of the movie and the historical significance that to worry about costumes and beefcake. The Spartan king was unwilling to compromise the freedom of his people and bargain with tyrants for their safety. The mantra, "If you want my weapons, come and get them" should be tatooed on the arm of every gun owner. I prefer to focus on that. Tls
  16. Cheap JP rifle. Wouldn't that be an oxymoron? T
  17. I love college football. It's about the only sport I really follow. This should be a very exciting time of the year but now that the games are set, I am terribly ...... underwhelmed. Maybe it's just me but none of the games really rate as must see TV. Are there any games out there that make you say "I can't wait to see that"? We'll all watch our favorite team if they have a game and most will watch the BCS championship game just for something to do. I guess I've just gotten bored with watching the BCS fiasco year after year. I'm sick of seeing the Bowl / League tie-ins produce uninteresting matchups in the name of tradition. The games I'd really like to see just aren't going to happen. Say, Ga against Southern CAl or Oklahoma vs. Florida. Maybe Auburn and Texas. I can't see one game out there that would make me go out of my way to watch. Maybe Florida and Michigan. Is it just me? Tony
  18. 38superman

    My Vols!

    For me it's a toss up between LSU and UGA. I'm kinda leaning towards UGA but if LSU goes then I'd still be fine with it. Personally I think LSU or UGA vs. either Oklahoma or USC would be a better game than Ohio State. I hate to admit it but Ohio State is good but I don't see them as good as Oklahoma, UGA, LSU or USC. LSU or UGA? Why choose between them? I say send them both to the title game. Ga is a hot team right now and I'm not sure LSU would have beaten them, had they been in Atlanta instead of UT. However, GA has no right to complain if LSU jumps over them to get the National Championship game. LSU is the rightful SEC champ. The Georgia nation will just have to settle for the Sugar bowl. Auburn had to settle for the Sugar bowl in '04 after going undefeated. Personally, I would love to see UGA against either Oklahoma or USC. I think either matchup would be the game of the season. Tony
  19. 38superman

    My Vols!

    Congrats to LSU on the SEC title. Usually, LSU is one of the most brutal, punishing games we play each year. Win or lose you will be so beat up after LSU it will affect your next three games. After we beat them last year, the only thing holding our quarterback together was a mile of tape and a lot of grit. However, on Saturday night I thought it was Tennessee that was playing smash mouth. The Vols were playing tough physical football like I haven't seen from them in a while. It was a valiant effort and you have to give them the respect they deserve. I really think it'll be LSU against the Buckeyes in the big game. As much as it pains me I will be pulling for them as I did Florida last year. I gotta support the SEC during the bowl season, especially in a championship game. Thank God I haven't been put in a position of having to pull for Alabama. I think Auburn will end up in the Peach Bowl, possibly against Boston College. That should be fun to watch. War Eagle Tony
  20. Yes the dot does move around alot and that takes some new open shooters by surprise. Your iron sights do the same thing, its just not so blatently obvious. You'll get used to it. Hold the dot on target as best you can and shoot. Despite the dot movement, you'll be surprised how well you can hit, especially on steel and distant targets. Tls
  21. John, This is awful news. I am so sorry for what happened to your boys. I will keep your family in my prayers. Tony Shores
  22. Mechanical Engineer. I design conveyors and machinery for the automotive manufacturers. I do this as an independent contractor, operating my own small consulting business. Self-employed for 10 years now.
  23. This poll should be multiple choice. I'm not sure I could pick just one. I thought it should be anything Tony posts. I've killed more threads than a cross-eyed seamstress. I didn't get my "problem child" moniker for nuthin'. Tony
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