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Everything posted by 38superman

  1. "The devil went down to Tulsa, he was lookin for a Colt to steal. He was feelin fine, as they stood in line in front of his Glocks to kneel. When he came across this young man loadin up a big stick and goin hot. The devil jumped up on a Texas Star and said boy let me tell you what. I guess you didn't know it, but I'm a Master shooter too. And if you feel like shootin steel, I'll make a bet with you. Now you shoot pretty good doubles boy but give the devil his due. I'll bet Montana Gold against your soul, cause I think I'm better'n you. The boy said my names Robbie and those aren't the odds I'd choose, but I'll take your bet and you're gonna regret cause I don't know how to lose". You know the rest ..... Tls
  2. Montana Pink ??? I used MG bullets extensively in my pistols without any issues. It is well known that MG uses brass which is harder that the traditional copper jacket. Theoretically, this would put more wear on a barrel. The benefit is that the brass is supposed to get a better bite on the rifling in the barrel and the result is better accuracy. I wasn't worried about wear in the pistols. After all, rebarreling a pistol after many thousands of rounds is not that big a deal. Taking a chance for premature wear on the barrel of a competition rifle may bear a little more scrutiny. Tony
  3. What is the material in the Jacket? I understood that the pistol bullets were brass rather than the traditional copper jacket. Is the same true for the rifle bullets? Tls
  4. Handgun: SVI Double stack .40 - reliable as gravity and lots of mag capacity. Rifle: CTR-02 with EOTech. - Just the thing for crowd control at close to medium range. I'd also be tempted to sling my .270 Browning A-bolt and a box or two of shells for those not-so-close encounters. Might also think about the USAS-12 combat shotgun and 20 round drum with slugs and buckshot. (For those days when I'm just in a bad mood). Tls
  5. This doesn't have to be the end of it. I don't see why you couldn't go to the district attorney and file assault charges. Just because the cop on the scene didn't see fit to arrest her doesnt let her off the hook. If the DA wants to press charges, it will go to a grand jury and if they find enough evidence to a justify an endictment, a warrant will be issued. Now it's not at the discrection of one cop, she will be arrested and brought to trial. Whether she gets away with it depends on how far you want to push it. You are the victim. Demand justice. Without justice it just becomes more likely that the day will come when you have to use that sidearm instead of just carry it. Tony
  6. My word Siggy,....... such hostility. I thought the prize thing was pretty cool. Remind me never to give you a box of Cracker Jacks. Tony
  7. Ben, I can't imagine why you think you should be bummed out. Looking at the info reveals some interesting things. Consider the member numbers of the top five. All of those guys have been around longer than you. You came within 1/2 of a stage point of winning an area championship against more experienced competition. Clearly you have been shooting USPSA for a relatively short time (less than three years?) and have already made GM. What is there to be bummed about? Tony
  8. Our relations with the UN could certainly be better. I'm not for just pulling out. You see I am a Star Trek fan. I'd like to see a United Federation of Planets and I don't see how we can get there without a United States of Earth first. Following the old dictum of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer I'd like to see if we can't make better use of it. Of course if it looks hopeless after I get to Washington we could sell the property to Disney for a Diplomacy World theme park. You're a Star Trek fan too?!!! Okay, that settles it. I'm voting for you twice.
  9. "Wow, just look at how the bureaucracy is piling up already! By the time we all get a piece of the action, Dale will be lost in the administrative shuffle". That's politics Siggy. BTW....... I just thought of a nice perk. As Commander in Chief of the armed forces, Dale should be able to get all the ammo he wants for practice. That should put an end to component shortages.
  10. I can't speak for the candidate, but I should think that anyone that has been a range master or match director at a level II or III match should be able to handle the job. Tony
  11. Venri, I would love to try the Arredondo base pads. I haven't done so because I was afraid a third party base pad would make the gun illegal for production. I can't see why it should be a problem. It is a flat plastic base pad similar in weight and size and shape to the original. The only difference would be that it may be more secure. The rule book is not clear about this. It only says: "No weighted attachments to magazine". Tony
  12. I hereby pledge you my support Dale. I look forward to seeing the USPSA sticker on the presidential limo. Perhaps you could have it painted on the tail of Air Force One. If you are elected I would like to be appointed as director of the BATF. I think I could shake things up there a bit ..... "Dale for President" Hare Power !
  13. Thanks for the tip. I will seriously consider your comments but I am not convinced that my technique is the sum total of the problem. When I first started shooting limited, I occasionally had a mag fail to seat properly and fall out of the gun. I don't slam it in there like I'm trying to punch out Mike Tyson. However, I've learned to make sure I bump it hard enough to engage the mag release. If I am causing wear and tear, so be it. It's never caused a problem, but if a part breaks I will replace it. I'd rather do that than have my loaded mags bouncing off my toes when I'm trying to shoot. With the Para I'm using full capacity factory mags down loaded with 10 rounds for production. My technique might be part of the problem, but I still feel the Para base pad is too weak. If anyone doubts it, take one of the mags and using your thumb, push forward on the pad without releasing the tab. I think you will be amazed how easily it pops loose. I will look into the standard capacity and J model mags as suggested. Tony
  14. I use the same technique to reload the P18.9 that I use for all my guns. When I have practiced with it, both in live fire, and reloading practice I have a tendency to break the base pad loose. When doing a speed reload I may be slamming it into the gun a little too hard, but no more than with my limited gun. My palm may be pushing forward a bit when the mag seats, I don't know. I do know I'm not making this stuff up. It happed several times and with different mags. I have never had it happen on any other gun with any other factory magazine. I bought this thing because I wanted a 1911/2011 style production gun. The idea being that it would make it easier to transition back and forth between divisions. When I find a solution I'll start shooting it. In the mean time I have plenty of other guns to shoot. Tls
  15. Adam, I own a Para LDA 9mm which I bought for production. I put a Schuemann barrel in it and because I am left handed, I wanted to put an ambi safety on it. I contacted John Amidon for a ruling on the legality of this. The answer was that it is okay because this type of safety was a factory option on some of the LDA models. In other words, if the factory offers a part on some version of a production model LDA it is legal. The basic criteria is: "If I add this part will it still be a production gun that could be bought from the factory in this configuration". If I had a question about any given part, I would ask for a ruling. Otherwise you may find yourself shooting Open. Tony Note: One of the reasons I haven't shot this gun in a production match is a problem with the mags. The mag base is plastic and held in place with a small tab that hooks over the back of the tube. This tab is not very robust and does not seem to hold the base very securely. When practicing mag changes I often dislodge the base and push it forward, almost to the point of coming off. I'm afraid I will dump all my ammo on the ground in the middle of a stage. 3rd party bases are not allowed. Next time I bump into Todd Jarrett I think I will ask him how he gets around this problem. Until then, the gun is on the shelf.
  16. I couldn't do that. I would get confused and show up at the range with a drill, 4 mags and a 1/4" bit. Tls
  17. +1 (Singlestack, I love your new avatar) ROTFLMAO
  18. Answer: Football fans Hot in Alabama in July ???? Go figure. It'll be okay. Soon the heat will fade, the leaves will turn and the marching bands will play. Life is renewed. Tony
  19. Yep, read that one in high school. "The Gift of the Magi" was given as a literary example of irony. Your's is a neat story Jim. Cars & guns are fun toys, but you have something far more valuable. The love of a woman is priceless. I hope to meet you both on the range someday. Tls
  20. Hotel California. "Take it Easy" running a close second. "Margaritaville" gets honorable mention
  21. This is so not fair. You were unemployed and actually had time to practice. This is quite an accomplishment Micah. The Benoverse is proud of you. Tony
  22. Wow. A quick search at gunbroker.com reveals the 610 to be an expensive revolver. I see the 646 is chambered for .40 as well. And another pricey gun. -Chet Define expensive. I have a NIB unfired 4" 610 that I am about to put up for sale. I figured to ask $700 for it. That doesn't seem to be to be a great deal of money, especially for a stainless revolver that's out of production. Roughly the price of a new Glock. You could buy 3 at that price and not cover what my limited gun cost. Tony
  23. Shooting is good therapy. Practice, practice, practice.
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