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Everything posted by 38superman

  1. I voted yesterday. So when will the results be known? Tony
  2. I get the distinction of being the low man on the B totem pole in Limited 10 ....... 60.05 % Once again, promoted as I'm packing to go to Nats Hope you get promoted again... Thanks for the sentiment. B class is like the Bermuda triangle It swallows up shooters and they are never heard from again. Extensive searches don't even turn up the wreckage.
  3. I'm not sure I understand this at all. I thought guns were banned in the UK. How can gun crime be up 37%?
  4. Sorry to hear that man. Zhunter wanted to know if it's too soon to ask her out. All kidding aside I know that has to hurt. I hope the right woman will come along and make you smile again. Tony
  5. Had to give up my slot today for personal reasons. I hope whoever gets to go has a good time. This will be the first nationals I've missed since I've been in USPSA. Best wishes to all. Tony
  6. The two guns I shoot the most are my Open gun and my Limited Gun. Both are built on S_I frames so they use the same holster / belt / mag holders. All other gear is compatible so all I have to do is swap out the gun and go. I keep Magazines for both guns in the range bag. The magazines look alike so I use Grams base pads on the 38 super mags and Dawson base pads on the 40. That way I can easily tell them apart. I also shoot lim10 with a 45 STI Edge. I keep a set of mags for it in an I-Shot nylon pouch that holds 6 mags. When I throw that gun in the bag, I toss the mag pouch in with it. For my Production gun and my 1911, each has it's own range bag complete with gun specific belt/holster/mags/pouches. Tony
  7. German Beer? Topless Park? Man, thats what I call civilization!
  8. I get the distinction of being the low man on the B totem pole in Limited 10 ....... 60.05 % Once again, promoted as I'm packing to go to Nats
  9. Same thing happened to me. 1st or 2nd place in C class at an area match (along with a B class score) moves you up automatically. At the time I was around 58 percent. My classification percentage caught up with my new B class status about 3 or 4 months later. I welcomed the promotion but the timing could have been better. I went from being a very competative C shooter to a middle of the pack B shooter about a week before Nationals. Oh well.... those are the breaks. I probably wouldn't have been so happy to get that B card if I'd know how long I would have to keep it. Tls
  10. Happy Birthday to all. Gary, I refer you to the words of Ronald Reagan. "I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign." "I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience." Tony
  11. Sounds like a consultation with Hopalong is in order. Sam seems to be able to move between platforms without much difficulty. Tls
  12. BTW. To drift the thread back to the original subject, I noticed some interesting trends when I started video taping matches. Two things really jumped out at me. One was I was surprised by how much "creeping" I saw when I played back the tapes. Another thing was how much other shooters would encroach on the stage while someone is still shooting. One match in particular had a cooper tunnel about halfway down the bay. The shooter was barely clear of it before the next shooter entered it making a practice run. Tls
  13. Now this is starting to sound good to me. Playboy bunnies for RO's Stage descriptions that give the virgin count. Man, sign me up for that match. Tony
  14. I havn't seen any problem with the Ghost. I bought mine used three years ago and never had a problem with it. The lock is easily engaged with one hand, I just drop the gun into place, reach down and engage the lock with my thumb. I have long thought that once the Ghost is worn out, (if ever) I might like to try the Guga. Some of my fellow club members swear by them. My only hesitation would be that some stages require me to start with the holster locked. Any motion such as jumping, running, standing up, that may cause the gun to fall out requires me to keep it locked. The Ghost has a lever that protrudes out far enough that I can easily sweep it as I draw. The corresponding unlock lever on the Guga is much smaller and I fear I would miss it when unlocking on the draw. Aside from that I may yet give Ribas a try. I still think it would be hard to beat my Ghost. Tls
  15. Not a bad idea. Some competitors might find it useful. Others wouldn't bother to read it if you tattooed it on their forearm. Tls
  16. I can't see why you would need to ask unless you are at the top of the order. If you've already seen 3 guys on your squad start the stage from surrender, isn't it obvious by now? Tls
  17. As an RO I understand the frustration of having to repeat myself so often. As a shooter, When I walk onto a stage my head is spinning. I try to pay attention to the stage description but it is hard when my head is going through this: Should I move left to right or right to left? Where do I make my mag changes? If I choose not to make a mag change is one extra round enough? Did I remember to reload all my mags? Where am I in the order? I have to pee like a russian race horse, do I have time to race down to the Port-a-Toilet? Remember not to sweep your arm when you open that door. Is the battery in my C-more going to last though the match or should I go ahead and change it? Do I have time? Should I go ahead and turn the dot on so I don't forget it or wait for LAMR? Oh crap its on now, turn it off or just leave it? Is this one of those lovely multi string stages with 4 different combos of start position and strong/weak hand? At the end of the day when I get to your stage, I have already shot 10 different stages that began holding a golf club, straddled a wooden pony, jumping out of a helicopter, sitting in a dentist chair, throwing a grenade, or hauling a tool chest. If I need you to clairfy up or down, don't assume I wasn't listening, 10 minutes later I may have simply forgotten ......... what was I saying? Tony
  18. I've only seen a couple of episodes but really liked it. One episode involved F4's vs. MIGs over North Viet Nam. Anyone here remember 'Nam? Weve been in the Middle East so long, seems like a 100 years ago. Very good animation. It really did a beautiful job of explaining the aerial manuevers and tactics in 3D so you could easily grasp it. Tls
  19. Those guys are not "shooters" they are trash. -ld Agreed. When I see that, all I can think is that the sign should say, "Redneck Crossing".
  20. Virginia must be a little different from states where I hang out. Around here, "Signs of other shooters in the area" normally means bullet holes in the road signs. Tls
  21. This really illustrates why you can't just take a load for granted no matter what the source. You have to work them up in your gun. What can you guys tell me about temp sensitivity? Al posted that his loads vary by about .5 grains of powder from summer to winter. I have found that the term "reverse sensitive" means different things to different people. I would like to have a little clarification about this. My loads were developed in very warm weather (mid 90's). When the weather turns colder, will I need more powder or less to maintain the same pf? Tls
  22. 9.3 gr seems like a lot to get 171 pf. 8.8 was giving me 173 pf. This was under extremely warm conditions. Maybe it will take more powder when the weather cools down. I understand that 4756 is somewhat temp sensitive. Tls
  23. Nipplehead, Man, that's a beauty. If I got one that's exactly how I'd want it to look. Tls
  24. I have been shooting Limited and L10 for several years and starting playing a bit in Open division this spring. I usually place higher in Limited although I feel I shoot better with the Open gun. The reason is that Open is a top heavy division. It is loaded with GM, M and A shooters (and a few others that ought to be). It's not uncommon for me to go to a club match and have a strong day only to find that I placed 16 of 23 or something like that. This is because most people gravitate to open after they have been in the sport for a while and are much more polished shooters when they get there. If you have been shooting in another division, you probably have been moving up the score sheet as your skill improved and more newbies are filling in the sheet behind you. Not the case when you jump to open. Even with decent ability you may often find yourself in the lower tier. Once you learn the gun and adapt to the nuances of the division you will begin to move up again. Tony
  25. I recently saw the movie and thought it was a decent action flick but not quite as good as the first two. It seemed to be an endless chase scene as Bourne out manuevers the security services in major cities around the world. Lots of action and not much of a story. Worth the price of admission but nothing special. There were mistakes on the firearms end of things but I quit thinking about that long ago. Hollywood never gets it quite right. Tls
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