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About anbrumm

  • Birthday 03/17/1992

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  • Location
    Staunton, IL
  • Real Name
    Andrew Brummett

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  1. I've had good results with brass juice. It is nice to not have to use the pins as it makes sifting a lot faster. I've reused the solution 1-2 times in the past with still decent results.
  2. What’s the best you can do on the boss hanger

  3. If your state allows you to just purchase the slide. Cajun sells OR slides for the S2. https://cajungunworks.com/product/cz-shadow-2-optic-ready-slide/
  4. Regardless of why they didn't attend, if it's laid out that no refunds will be issued after X day and the person finds that they can't attend they should contact the MD at the least. If they held a spot all the way until the day of the match and then didn't show that keeps another competitor from attending. While I understand that something could have happened morning of the match, they could still contact the MD and discuss before requesting a charge back on their card. In my mind, without at least talking to the MD first I think it is intentionally trying to defraud the club.
  5. This is what I do. I have the timer set for about 3 hours so if I can't get right out there to turn them off they auto shut off. Works great. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  6. This. I bought a CV-2001 and have on loan my uncles FL-2000. Running both of these is about 1/3 or slightly more of a 5 gal bucket in one run.
  7. Cody and Jared talk about it in the newest Shoot Fast Podcast. Still no date as NY has been so locked down.
  8. I just loaded and chrono'd some rounds out of my Shadow2 last night. The load I ended on was as follows Bullet: 125 gr Blue Bullet Powder: 3.8 gr Sport Pistol Primer: Win SPP Length 1.10" Average Velocity for 10 rounds - 1050.2 FPS. PF - 131.275
  9. I was able to get 5k Winchester SPP last night. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  10. Depends on how much you are wanting to spend. For around the 1k mark you can look into ultimate sorter machine. If you're looking to spend quite a bit you could look into roll sorters. Otherwise only other option is the trays pretty much. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  11. I really like this setup. I've been thinking of isolating my case feeder from my bench mounted press. I also thought about mounting the bullet feeder separately, but always wondered if the case feeder was isolated from any movement of the press that you may not need to mount the bullet feeder separately. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  12. I was going to do double 3/4 plywood top with 1/4 birch, but my uncle had recently built a bench where he used 2x10 for the top. We did that with 1/4 solid core wood on top. I did mount to the bench due to height reasons in my basement. The way we built it is the 2x4 of the frame is on the inside of the 4x4 legs. So the front mounted up no problem, but the back ones are lagged into the 2x4 frame. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  13. I made a home made pin that I can get in/out with the shroud attached. It is not something to be real proud of, but it was a cut off piece of an old mag spring ( L shaped) with some masking tape to make it fit tighter. It's not pretty, but I figured it's better than no pin.
  14. I just recently got mine, and haven't loaded a lot with it yet (around 50 rounds), but in my test with running bullets through when setting up it seemed to run 125 gr blue bullets through it just fine. I probably ran a few hundred through it during testing.
  15. If it is getting that bad, I would go with the pyrex hopper a few others mentioned. Seems like that's always going to be a never ending battle if the powder used eats it up that much.
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