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Brian Payne

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Everything posted by Brian Payne

  1. Keith, I have the video somewhere. The blood flying off of your thumb was awesome. If you get your bridgeport up and running, practice on your Benelli, then take mine and have at it. I've only used the dremel. Payne
  2. 24" barrel, vent rib w/FO and mid bead. Receiver opened up to allow my big thumb in there, and since it will be a 20 ga., that extra room is needed. Leave the lift gate as it is, never had Benelli thumb. Tube to allow 9 + 1 and a plug to install for matches that make you load max of 8 in the tube. Nordic extras.
  3. Jay He is on his way up. He might be taking a break shortly, thinking of going into the Military. They grow up fast. Payne
  4. Switched away from the pistol grip. Also got the extended handle for my 1100, my son had it fly off during a course of fire at the Rocky Mountain 3-gun. Never located it again. Have been using the original charging handle and it stays put. I would never switch back again. Did look cool though .
  5. My wife got me an MGM flashtarget. Either she loves me and wants me to have fun practicing. Or she thinks I suck at long range rifle stages and thinks I need the practice.
  6. Too bad they weren't able to diagnose this years ago. Thank goodness my football coach noted the problem and put me at middle linebacker. Basic instructions before a game "just run all over and hit people". My mother often stated she wished there was "Ritalin" back then. Eleven kids in my family, she says she gave up on worrying about me getting myself killed when I was four years old. Figured if it was going to happen, not much she could do about it. Lots of "does not play well with others" and "does not pay attention in class" on my report cards. Just to add to the challenge. This does not always go away with age. I still have a little trouble sitting still long enough to concentrate on things (like at matches). Physical exertion always seemed the best remedy for me. My youngest son says I am like a big chihuahua on crack.
  7. I've had this since birth. Being from Minnesota puts me in the same sub zero cold winters as you. Can be a booger at times. Chopper mitts with heat packs inside start getting used when it gets below 32 degrees. Having Frost Bite numerous times also adds to the problem. The pain involved with thawing the fingers out can be intense at times .
  8. Dillon 550 all set up for .223. Also someones pet load for using 55 grn Ballistic Tip bullets. I have a SDB for loading .40 ammo and my Benelli 20 ga. shoots any cheap Wallmart ammo I put through it, so all I need now is a way of getting my .223 ammo when I need it, and at a price that allows for more trigger time.
  9. Christmas two years ago my wife gave me an envelope with a photo of a Benny Hill 6" Fat Free inside. She said she didn't know exactly what kind of gun it was but had been lurking on this Forum for a while and thought that a lot of people had good things to say about both Benny Hill and the gun. Written under the photo were the words "I.O.U." and told me to give Benny a call and get one ordered. Dang I love that woman. The gun turned out nice also .
  10. Got home from work at 0200 hrs. Pulling in the driveway I see a very large skunk in beams of my headlights. As I sat there thinking of how to remove the beast without leaving any aroma, a Great Horned Owl swooped into vision and snatched the skunk into the air. The skunk was the size of a large coon and the owl didn't even slow down its flight to pick it off the ground. Amazing power and athletic ability.
  11. - 12 degrees this weekend so it gave me a lot of time to sit around and watch TV. By the end of the weekend I found several commercials that I would like to put a bullet into. That little green lizard with the english accent. POW! right between the running lights. The weird guy who makes the "Fat Head" commercials. The Insurance commercials where people tell there stories but professional actors and such are "paid" to help tell the stories. I am sure there are others but I couldn't sit around and watch for more. Now I remember why I never watch TV.
  12. All Black and Whites on our department except one plain top. Since switching over to the black and whites I get comments all the time about how many squads the city has. They can't believe there are the same number of squads, just a different color.
  13. 55's for everything, near or far. Works well with my TA-11 BDC.
  14. I just don't understand all of this "pink" hate from the Heavy Metal people. I would think we would beyond that by now
  15. Kellyn, I guess my point is that there can sometimes reach a point of diminished returns when it comes to mag tube length. The 10 or 12 round tube length that helps in one stage may hinder you in the close confines at another stage. As long as the rule states shotgun mag tues can't be changed during a match. I understand your point though. I am all for the IPSC shotgun rules. Simple and easy to follow. I will still attend any match, without regard to its shotgun rules, as long as the match has a high "fun" factor. Playing by any of the rules it not that tough, I just hate to have to plug my shotgun mag tube.
  16. I think the rule should be made very simple. Stage starts with 9 rounds in weapon (or 8 in mag tube if unloaded start). Competitor can have any length mag tube. After the stage starts, load as needed. Intent of the law and letter of the law are sometimes two different things. To keep it simple, just make everyone start with the same number of rounds in the weapon. After the stage starts, use your best ability to freestyle the stage as needed. Round capacity should not be what puts people into the open class, just the use of reloading devices (sticks or magazines), comps, and electronic sights. I would hate to see rules that govern the OAL of the mag tube. If someone wants a tube that holds 12 rounds, let them have at it. As long as they start with 9 in the gun. I really don't see where there would be that much of an advantage to something like that.
  17. M2 with 24" barrel. 20 ga. "It's the wave of the future". Nordic component parts. Good to go.
  18. Ditto on the Garmin. Purchased mine on sale at Cabela's and was using it in the truck 10 minutes later. Pretty cool driving out to Raton NM for RM3G in the motorhome and being able to tell what each exit had before getting there. I think mine is the 330 also, easily moves from one vehicle to another and I leave mine sitting on the center counsol, don't bother sticking it to the dash. Also nice in major city traffic to know if your exit is in the right lane or left lane before you get close. Don't have to zip all the way across several lanes when driving a big motorhome or pulling a trailer. Works great when sticking to Interstates or major highways, not so good when taking shortcuts cross country. It always wants to re-route you back to major roads.
  19. Chief of Police Been an LEO for 28 yrs. Also raise American Paint Horses, on the side I build log homes (mainly just peel the logs now), do floor covering, help neighbor farmers, whatever else that looks like fun. My wife thinks I need the extra jobs to burn off the excess energy I guess. Just a quick note, I could afford to do a lot more shooting if I could convince my wife we need to get out of the horse habit, but they do tend to "keep me centered" in my life.
  20. I started in Law Enforcement in Aug. 1979. Was on my first SWAT team six months later. In our training we always used handgun, shotgun, and rifle (M-16 not sniper). Shotgun was buckshot and slug. Competitions between team members often set the "pecking" order on the team. This training and competition was instrumental in finding out what equipment worked and what was just "fluff". This was long before the advent of "Tactical", "Operator", or even "SWAT" became a part of our everyday language. We had never heard the term 3-gun before. Also amazes me that a lot of what we learned so long ago is now in vogue again. The weapons I used were a .357 revolver w/speedloaders (6" barrel with swivel holster), Remington 870, M-16 and one Thompson .45 sub-gun (very cool) . We did not have tac vests, body armor, weapons mounted lights, re-chargable flashlights, thigh-holsters, or any of that other "Tacticool stuff". Old school memories.
  21. Nope, no pink parka at my place. For "dress up and go to meeting" cloths I do have a pink dress shirt for my suit. My wife says it is "hot" (whatever that means). Does that count? As to my choice of attire for the shoots. Purple and pink were the two remaining colors for "on sale" polo shirts at the local Walmart. What can I say? I am cheep.
  22. Brian Payne


    Got home from work last night and did some pasture fencing for my horses. Nice enough that I could wear light gloves and a light jacket. Wind picks up overnight, woke up at 0500 hrs. to get ready for work and we are sitting at 2 degrees. Dang, time to settle in for a long winter I guess. Might have to look into getting a Dillon 550 for reloading some .223 ammo.
  23. I think it will boil down to how the courts determine the definition of "regulated militia". In the time of our forefathers, we were all to be considered "militia". Modern society (anti-gun) may try to say that the "militia" has evolved to what is now the National Guard or Military. Payne
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