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Everything posted by alma

  1. The fact that he hardly even flinches and doesn't break rank... spect. Here is a longer version http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=polish+soldier+shoots+hat+off&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCwQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fm.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DjGFnsi_cnTQ&ei=jCQFU9DcFOiZ1AHUk4C4DQ&usg=AFQjCNGmzbIbJfoaFr6PSiVYp4NFPBfzFw&sig2=Xm-6I2Lam11sSbpyfgvFAw Likely a blank but still
  2. I am pretty sure TGO shifts his grip to hit the mag release. Works well for those with smaller hands. I do it for better leverage on stiff mag releases.
  3. Yeah, 2% sounds way too low. Since such a fuss is made about keeping .40 out of CDP then I can only imagine the heartburn over optics. I would love to see defensive optics incorporated into a division as it might dramatically improve the market and art of incorporating micro dots into slides of "combat" handguns.
  4. What about the Vortex one piece mount? It seems very solid but I don't have enough time on paper to see any issues.
  5. I was wondering how you managed that. That is very impressive.
  6. Ladies and Gentlemen, May I present to you my nomination:
  7. Really nice. Are you doing 20 LPI for the back and do you already have the file? If not then maybe we could work out a file swap. The vertical lines must have been difficult.
  8. 1. Dot = focus on target, irons = focus on sights 2. Always open
  9. Dot works great for short range stages. They can be extremely light too as opposed to my Vortex. At 1 power the better scopes do a good job of emulating the dot experience but they also give the the versatility to crank up the magnification for longer shots. I shot irons for a long time and kept up with the scopes just fine until the range got past 75-100 yards or so and then I wasn't able to get hits as fast. Same matches run limited divisions that allow use of irons or a basic dot but no magnification.
  10. The thread goes over much of the difficulty with dedicated scoring devices; however, almost every shooter has a device in his pocket or range back that likely has more horsepower than the nook and with so many potential scoring interfaces if the load could be shared then it wouldn't matter if one tablet, one, phone, or one whatever went down because someone else has a phone in his or her pocket. With the move towards using the cloud have you thought about ways to modularize scoring more so that an application on any smartphone could easily pickup where the last one left off?
  11. I have seen some challenges with extreme heat that caused them to be unresponsive as well. Keeping them in the shade at much as possible on those really hot days seemed to help some. We ended up putting it in owe of the shooters coolers during down time. I am seriously thinking about bringing an ice pack for it next time it's really hot.
  12. I was in the same boat around the holidays and I ended up going with an ELS set up. I really like the idea of being able to ditch any unneeded gear before shooting a particular stage as the belts can get pretty heavy when fully loaded. I have all gear attached with ELS except my holster. I also figured that ELS would be good since so many other 3 Gunners are running it and I might be able easily to borrow gear if I need more rounds for a particular stage or something. I have a blade tech DOH and got a GLS that didn't seem to work well. I ended up making a few minor modifications to attach a BladeTech TMMS directly to the belt and it works great. The TACCOM Quad loads are really great and I highly recommend looking at those for a primary load method. I have one MountainMan caddie for weak side loading just in case. Mag pouches are Safariland 771s (with minor modifications) which came new with the ELS forks already attached. I am running a BladeTech AR pouch around the back. I was lucky enough to pick up a 50% off Safariland certificate from another Enos user so that saved me quite a bit but I did notice that searching through Amazon provided some prices which were pretty competitive. Picture attached.
  13. Go sights like the Dawson give you a precise outline for traditional notch and post shooting for accuracy. The FO gives you an inset, easy to pick up point of reference for fast shooting. I think a brass bead might be okay for the fast stuff but not a good for accuracy shooting.
  14. CZC lists grip sizes and weights. http://czcustom.com/CZ-75-85-TS-Grips-Aluminum-Plastic-Rubber.aspx Looks very cclose to what I gave above. They say 1.24 for the thick aluminum and clicking on VZ they say 1.208
  15. I measure 1.23 for the thick aluminum. The VZs are more tapered. I measure 1.20 at its thickest and 1.13 towards the edge before the bevel.
  16. Are you in NOVA? Which matches do you plan to shoot?
  17. Looks like they have a 2x10 version as well. http://www.fab-defense.com/en/category-magazines-and-accessories/id-1480/ultimag-10r-dual-magazine-kit.html
  18. How about 5 10 rounders? http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2014/01/foghorn/ny-legal-50-round-ar-15-magazine-new-fab-defense/
  19. Consider this picture of my Glock 34 heavily used for Production and reload practicing versus my fairly stock and much less used G17:
  20. Quad loading is faster when done right but a good weak hand loader can mostly keep up. I think everyone can agree with that. That alone however is not why dual and quad loading are gaining some much traction; it's because the time and effort it takes to learn to load reasonably fast with dual or quad is significantly less than the time it takes to master weak hand loading. The effect then is it has closed the loading gap between the best shot gunners and everyone else so now it can be more about shooting fast and not missing than just about loading.
  21. That's great news! I have been thinking a training journal application that could track individual exercises would be really nice. For the basic timer function I would love a portrait oriented view that instantly gives you the majority of the shots and splits in a string in near real time. For example: 1.07 FS (first shot) 1.27 .20 1.60 .33 1.80 .20 2.00 .20 .... 3.56 .56 Additional start button on the tablet would be nice as well. Also, for those who were wondering this is sensitive enough that I can pick up the hammer fall from a dryfire draw if I set it to "airsoft" mode and turn the watch to the inside of my rist.
  22. The original DAA PDR is the only mainstream one that I have seen. It wouldn't be legal for IDPA in dropped, offset configuration. Not sure if it can be hung higher/closer.
  23. alma

    Need help with TS

    This is the case for me as well. Five mags all lock it back. Could there be a difference between the 9s and 40s?Which follower and springs are you using?
  24. I agree with other posters here. If it's mostly stock then I wouldn't hesitate to have it pull double duty. I like to have my carry/home defense gun be the same general platform as my competition guns. When I shot a Glock 34 in used a 19 or 17 for carry. I have moved to CZs so my defense guns have changed as well. I would say to shoot what you have for now and use the same for your home defense gun. If you shoot a lot then chances are very good that you will be buying a different gun for competition at which point the Walther can be dedicated HD. The Walther could be very capable as a Production gun but I am guessing it's harder to find holsters, sights trigger modifications, and other extras than if you ran a Glock, M&P, or CZ. In the meantime enjoy the sport and get all the Tigger time that you can.
  25. alma

    Need help with TS

    No need; first mag goes to 11! On that note, are you running 22 in the mags and one in the pipe for reloading and reliability or do you start with 24 in the gun and try seating the 23 round mags when reloading? When I would run my G34 in a similar set up the added pressure from the full mag would slow down the slide enough to cause malfunctions if I wasn't careful. My standard then was to run 23 on my first mag and load one in the chamber and the belt mags had 22 to ensure a smooth reload.
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