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Everything posted by alma

  1. It's likely safe to remove "Glock" from the above and insert "guns." Heck, I bet because of the role as a duty gun Glocks have more rounds down the barrel than average just because once a year someone has to qualify on them.
  2. No doubt! But I know people who have blown up Glocks with 50k+ through them and they basically got new guns back when all was said and done. Good point. I cracked the breach face on my G17 which happened to be set up as an Open Glock. Glock replaced it without hesitation.
  3. Not saying this is how it should be but thinking about an average, non-competition shooter 10k rounds is like two lifetimes worth of use.
  4. What is cheating? How do you define it? I don't think this would qualify. It is not some catch-all IDPA-esk FTDR. All that matters is that he was interrupted before he finished the stage. We all have to make split second decisions to solve problems in this sport which we might have not contemplated beforehand. Someone handed him his mag (which he should not have done) and the shooter reacted. How much time do you think he spent contemplating whether it was legal for him to accept the offer or not? At the end of the day it should have never been offered so unless he was unsafe nothing after the offer really matters; his run had been disrupted by no fault of his own.
  5. Knowingly how many rounds are in your gun = gamer tactic?
  6. Grip plugs are legal to use for IDPA and USPSA now
  7. Which buffer are you pairing with that?
  8. He is going to the SoMD match but I am curious about Quantico. How has that match been and when do you typically finish?
  9. I used to run 124 gr Zero bullets and 3n37. I will have to get you powder drop and length later.
  10. I know for the Gold a reduced powder latch spring is a must as is an overpowered recoil spring. For the overpowered recoil spring you can use the one from the 3 1/2 model Golds. Briley makes a reduced power latch spring for the Gold so that is what I use but in a pinch I would feel fine about cutting a few coils. The new A5s seem to be much less finicky than the Golds were.
  11. Jesse, Do you have any hard / fast rule for when you shoot 1 shot into the paper vs. a fast double? What time difference are you seeing by taking that confident 1 over the sloppy 2?
  12. The significant recoil up and to the right sounds to me like your left hand doesn't have enough of a grip on the gun or you are gripping too hard with your right. It's possible that your hands both fit on the XDM better allowing a more neutral grip. BE does stay however that it doesn't matter how it recoil as long as it comes back onto the sights. The XDM will have a better sight radius and might have a bit less felt recoil so that might be improving your perception too. If your results are that dramatic then why fight it? Get an XDm.
  13. More info here http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=187064#entry2073793
  14. If still run a Browning Gold which also has an Autoload. It's designed a bit different because the loaded mag tuned puts direct tension on the bolt. If you run too strong of a spring then the bolt won't stay closed. With a bit of TLC it works fine but I can't run more than 12 rounds. The new A5s don't have this issue and look really great to me. They also have a forend that won't get in the way of quad loading without having to take a dremel to it. I will pick one up for my next shotgun.
  15. It sounds like you are well prepared. From a safety perspective it's trigger finger problems (moving, reloading, drawing) and 180 issues that are biggest things to watch out for. The other fatal flaw is the first time shooters who really think they are hot stuff and show up to their first match assuming that they will out shoot everyone else at the range. When they finish next to last the humiliation is just too much and they never return. You seem to have the right mentality and have done more than your share of homework so I think you will do well. Last practical tip: make sure and bring plenty of fluids and perhaps something light to eat if you will be out at the range all day. I wish the weather were better for you but it will still be nice to get out and do some shooting.
  16. It's not a USPSA rule. I don't know if it's an IDPA rule unless you are exposing yourself. It is, however, usually the fastest and safest way to shoot depending on how well you can see the targets without getting into the port. When you spend time positioning yourself and sticking the gun into the port it will take time to remove yourself and the gun from the port as well. Also, sometimes shooters finished shooting in a port, turn to move, and hit their guns on the side of the port potentially causing safety issues. So, stay out if you can for speeds sake but if you have to or want to go in deeper then there is no USPSA rule against that.
  17. Brownnuts, Unfortunately I won't make it out to this one. Saving the hall pass for the 3 gun match at Peacemaker on March 15th. If you haven't already spent some time practicing your draw and reloads with anyone ammo or anything. For your draw focus on getting a firm high grip while the gun is in the holster and keeping yourself finger off of the trigger until you are close to being on target. Most like to index your finger on the frame just above the trigger until ready to engage targets. While practicing reloading also pay special attention to where your trigger finger is. It should go back to that same spot on the frame for your entire reload until you are ready to fire again.
  18. Don't stress. go 70% of the speed you think you should be going and focus on being safe, not fast. Speed will come.
  19. Are most people who have shirts like this actually sponsored in some way or is it just what the cool kids do to show what products they like? I shot a lot in Utah and Idaho and no one really wore anything like this but on the East coast I see plenty. The peer pressure is getting to me but so far I have resisted the walking billboard trend even though it does look pretty cool.
  20. Because I would get too discouraged and quit. Seriously I think I remember that USPSA has some process to request moving people down in classification level if there is some significant new fiscal impairment but I doubt it gets used very often.
  21. We had a thread on this a week or two ago. The thick DAA grips should be a bit thicker than the thick CZC aluminum grips. CZC's website has a chart of grip widths on its website.
  22. Because as soon as someone finds powder in Stock they buy up as much as they can and so they don't have to worry about shortages next time. I have noticed pretty steady stock availability for companies who have limited primer boys to a small number of boxes per order. I had a discussion with a shooter sponsored by an ammo manufacturer who was running 24x7 shifts but had backorders which would take several years to clear. There had been some hesitation to invest in new capacity since demand will likely taper off.
  23. Thanks all. I had been looking on the sites but didn't see that option listed.
  24. Does anybody offer Large-Tall sizes?
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