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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. Sorry JP, had to rethink my division recomendation for you. Since you are shooting a .40, limited 10 is your division since you will get credit for shooting major power factor. Production is minor scoring no matter what you shoot, so in this game you do get credit for your .40 vs. a 9mm as an example. Sorry, for the quick answer before.
  2. JP, the scoring in USPSA is more complicated. If you want to see how it works look at this link: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...4483&hl=scoring Trigger is right on though. You had a chance to shoot an IDPA match might as well try a USPSA match. Your XD shoots in Production division, you shoot with 10 rounds, just like IDPA. Be safe and go get 'em. Tell the Range Officer (remember RO in USPSA and SO -Safety Officer in IDPA) that you have never shot USPSA before and they will help you through. Enjoy!
  3. Mark answered all of your questions, I will just elaborate some. First congrats on the Ripon match, bunch of good guys there. #1, is because Springfield Armory advertises the XD as a single action gun so they were placed in ESP. Glocks are "safe action" by marketing terms and they shoot in production along with firearms that shoot the first shot double action. #2,Everyone is scored Vickers scoring or time + penalties that are added to your time as time. Everything is converted to time in IDPA. One point equals 1/2 sec etc. Scores are not adjusted to different divisions. #3, IDPA makes no distinction between major and minor scoring like USPSA (IPSC). There are power floors for different divisions, but scoring itself is straight forward. Since I know that you are new at the game you might not know that there is a match this weekend in Racine. This was in my email when I came home this morning: "RACINE IDPA – August 20th MATCH The next match of Racine IDPA is coming up this Saturday, August 20, 2005. All shooters new and old are invited. The match is being held outdoors at Schultz’s Gun Club. Directions can be found on http://www.schultzgunclub.com/directions.html or on our web site at http://www.racineidpa.com." Another opportunity to play is present - GO HAVE FUN! Rick
  4. I'm no IDPA expert but this is their statement from the rule book on the classifier: "IDPA has a very quick and easy method of classifying shooters." I think that the single event is there by design. The short first three paragraph's from the rule book offer insight as well: "The International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) is the governing body of a shooting sport that simulates self-defense scenarios and real life encounters. It was founded in 1996 as a response to the desires of shooters worldwide. The organization now boasts membership of more than 11,000, including members in 19 foreign countries. One of the unique facets of this sport is that it is geared toward the new or average shooter, yet is fun, challenging and rewarding for the experienced shooter. The founders developed the sport so that practical gear and practical guns may be used competitively. An interested person can spend a minimal amount on equipment and still be competitive. The main goal is to test the skill and ability of the individual, not equipment or gamesmanship. “Competition only” equipment is not permitted in this sport." Just an observation on humanity - I believe from a very early age we are conditioned with a home team mentality to the exclusion of all others. Our team is the team and all others are to be shunned or looked down upon. To do otherwise is an act of disloyalty or a treason. This conditioned trait carries over in life to many daily activities. Boys, they are just two shooting games. You can shoot both if you want, if you don't want, no one says you have too. Rick
  5. I think that is exactly why everyone must classify at least once a year now instead of the people that classified once three years ago.
  6. Enjoy yourself, life is grand! Rick
  7. On another thread I posted a similar problem that occurred while removing a 3.5 connector and replacing one. You might have stock parts but if you pulled your connector out with a screw driver and bent it out too far then bent it back in too far to try to correct it that will cause no reset. Like Open 17 suggested make sure that it isn't tight against the housing that it is in. These days when pulling the connector instead of a screw driver and prying up, I take the Glock tool and push it out through the hole on the other side of the housing. This way the angle of the bend doesn't change at all. Rick
  8. No excuses for Ralph, but when I ordered mine he was temperarily out of parts. He said because of the discussion on this board and Glock Talk his sales has went through the roof. I received mine in about a week. You will be happy. Drop him an email and see what he says. 2lbdropkit@sbcglobal.net Rick
  9. Thanks, my old link didn't work anylonger??? I have a new bookmark. Rick
  10. In Matt Burkett's DVD 7 he talks about transitions and comments on something that I do on a regular basis. Two targets - A & B. First shot on A, sights rise then settle back on target then second shot is fired on A. Here's what I do at that point - sights rise then settle back on A then move gun to B. Matt says that I am wasting a ton of time of the second settlement on B. When the second shot breaks and you can CALL that shot MOVE the gun to target B. I understand the pricipal, it is one thing to intellectualize it and quite another to make it happen. I'm working on it. Rick
  11. Thanks for the input Adam. I did end up buying a CR speed but never use it. It doesn't seem to fit my Comp-Tac Locking paddle very well. Bluntly I think that the holster is more secure on the Wilderness CSM that I wear. Like I said, I bought the CR Speed but don't use it. Rick
  12. Wisconsin doesn't have a concealed carry law and therefore we are not required to shoot from concealment in the state. Maybe I will see you on Saturday at Ripon. Schultz's has a shoot, USPSA, on Sunday. Here's a link: http://schultzgunclub.com/index.html Get a taste of each discipline in the same weekend. Just a thought. Rick
  13. Burn the spot all the way until the arrow hits the target and a little longer. I've been an indoor 300 shooter, 3D competitor and IBO tourney man. Loved the silence and no ears. Just burned out on archery but still have an indoor, IBO, broadhead league and hunting bow all set up and ready to rock should the urge every strike me. Was on the BOD of a local club and burnt to toast - really crispy like. Left after my term was up and haven't been back. One of the reasons that I don't get politically involved in USPSA or IDPA events around here. Just a shooter these days and having fun. Had a couple of local sponsors and bluntly was a better archery than I will ever be at the practical pistol stuff. The big difference is that I am having fun these days. I lost that in archery - too bad too, because the sport is really cool. Just too much baggage to go back I guess. Oh well where is the next USPSA match??? Rick
  14. One up from the bottom of the videos speaks to this situation. http://www.andersonshooting.com/videos.htm Rick
  15. "If I were the SO I'd feel bad for not catching it. Just like I feel bad for not catching a partially inserted mag, or empty chamber. Un-even enforcement of the rules is the bain of IDPA. " Is it the SO job to catch a partially inserted mag or empty chamber? Happen to agree with you on the uneven enforcement of the rules in IDPA.
  16. Google shooting supplier in Manassas, VA. Surprising results.
  17. Here is a partial list of the SO responsibilites: Safety Officer (SO) Responsibilities. 1. Focus on the shooter’s firing hand and gun. 2. Remember that the shooter is always given the benefit of any doubt. 3. Run contestants through a course of fire safely and smoothly so that the shooter may enjoy the shooting experience. 4. Treat the shooter with courtesy and respect. I think items 2, 3 and 4 would apply to this situation. It's not safe to let someone shoot without ears on and he should not have been allowed to start without them. Just my opinion that's all. If you really want to know the answer, you could call HQ on Monday and ask them. Again, shooters DOES get the benefit of the doubt. Shooter should be shooting with safety equipment on. Treat all shooters with respect. Seems simple enough to me. Rick
  18. Min. 500 rounds in two days. Can't imagine taking the class with a snubby 357 or anything like that. I'll shoot it with my G34 and do it comfortably. No one has shown an interest at $100 off the list price. It was like taking the class and someone throwning in a case of 9mm ammo for free. Looks like I will be taking the class myself. Thanks for the words of encouragement on the class guys. If nothing else I get to hang around some more people that have similar beliefs and get to go bang for a couple of days. Sounds like fun. Rick
  19. The guy had the muffs on his head and didn't pull them down. Let the guy reshoot. Let's pretend the shooter is your 12 year old son. You want the kid going bang without the muffs on? On changing the verbal commands that you give because you think that you like them better than what is written in the rule book. Please, just say the commands as they are in the rule book - please. The "IF" stuff is USPSA and not IDPA. Rick Rick
  20. No quotes to add, had fun reading though. Rick
  21. Nice read, made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Glad that we have men like that on our side.
  22. Pulled up their web site for you: Competition Electronics If you have any questions about your product call us between 8:00-4:00 Monday thru Friday central time at 815-874-8001 FAX 815-874-8181. Sorry, I use a Pact, but the phone number might do you some good. Rick
  23. JFD, that "cancell the order and then the product arrives" is how I ended up with two tact lights. I ordered a holster and an Innova T3 from Botach (notice how I didn't mention the original vendor - but these guys are just plain bad so no such respect given). The holster never came, but I finally cancelled my order since they wouldn't return email or phone calls and I recieved the light within a couple of days after the cancellation. Botach is just a bad experience waiting to happen. Anyhow now have the T3 in the van and the C2 in with the gun bag. Rick
  24. I'm in area 5. I don't want to shoot the match, just get in the gun give away raffle. Sweeeeeet!
  25. Over two months ago I order some popular base pads and another sight from a vendor that seems to always be behind in their product availability. They say they have the Glock basepads in stock but the sight is on back order so I said just ship me the basepads. A week later they arrive except they are designed to fit a Para and not a Glock. I call them up and the guy who answers the phone says that he is sorry for the mistake and cannot figure out why I was sent the wrong ones and he would send out the right ones right away. This time a couple of weeks go by and I call and ask where are my base pads. They are on back order. But they will ship next week. I ask about my sight and it is in stock. I tell them just to mail both of them at the same time next week. Two more weeks go by and I call and ask where are my basepads. They are instock and I don't understand why they weren't shipped to you. What did you order again? I don't think they even had my order on file. I asked about the sight and it was in stock two weeks ago but now it will be 6 to 8 weeks before it becomes available. Out of frustration I tell them to send me what they have now. Thought about it for 15 mins and called back and cancelled everything that I had on order with them. Life is too short to wait over 2 months for things that I was told were in stock. How do these places stay in business with this kind of customer service? I shoot their sights now, but will probably just put Bo-mars on the other glock and move forward. Rick
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