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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. I have volunteered to run a daytime league for the people that work nights in my area and want to shoot. I would like the league to be different than just going and shooting stages. A couple of thoughts to begin with. One I thought that we would keep a log on standards like how long it takes for a 10 yard draw to get an A hit. Draws from surrender, from relaxed, off of a table etc. Basics of reloads etc. Thought of using some of the Steve Anderson drills as the standards for live fire. I thought of part of the class like this and then working on some stages that uses these skills. So not all just doing drills, but a mix of both. If you had a league like this available to you would you like to shoot it? What would you like to see in the class? Looking for ideas on what to incorporate. I want to do this to help my own training and to get some new people that don't shoot matches ready to shoot matches. Thanks for your ideas. Rick
  2. Jim, your comment: "What really amazes me is the number of ROs that are surprised that we actually have an order!" should give you an idea how uncommon it is at some clubs. Just to have an order would be nice. The same person should go first or last all of the time. Rotate through it and the burden is spread out. Rick
  3. Sounds great Rob. I am just looking for a method that won't have me going first in back to back stages or going first 3 or 4 times on a 5 or 6 stage course. Is there something in the rule book about stage Etiquette? Should there be? I've been to many small club matches where right after the COF is read they call the first shooter to the line. Should I be able to ask for my 5 minutes at a club level match if this takes place and I am first? Or is it just better to go with the local flow and not make any waves. I'm not going to win the match anyhow, but would probably shoot better if I had more time than LAMR right after the COF is read. Thanks for the feedback. Rick
  4. I want to bring this up in this thread because it seems to be along these lines. I much prefer to be on a squad where the first person shoots first then goes to the bottom of the order and the person that shot 2nd now shoots first at the next stage and then that person goes to the bottom of the order. Until you go through the squad. At some shoots they just reshuffle the squad members and come up with a random list. This reshuffling the order has had me go 3 times first on a 5 stage match, which I bluntly didn't like. Sometimes I wish it was more standardized how to do things. Just a thought. Rick
  5. I was searching for answers and changed too many things at once. Correlation is not causation. After more experimenting I found the real issue was how I removed the stock striker. I bent it on removal and that's what caused my issues. Since I fixed that I have not had any problems. I was able to duplicate the problem with the overtravel stop removed. Even though I isolated the problem, I have not reinstalled the overtravel. Rick
  6. Nik, I couldn't agree more. Sco, not just today, but right now.
  7. "I have demonstrated this many times to people using airsoft guns and training (marking) knives, and it has been an eye opening experience for them. The problem with many "gun" people is thier reliance on the weapon itself. From the context of FMA, the gun is simply considered a "largo mano" weapon that fits into a system of self defense. Sometimes a knife is better, sometimes a gun is better, but you should know how to use both and when to use it. " Couldn't have said it any better. Also love to listen to Kelly Worden on his internet radio show. For anyone interested here's a link: http://www.kellyworden.com/index.html Have a grand time with the 3 gun games.
  8. Very nice thread guys, I am enjoying this one. On this original question, I believe in a process called "fear of failure". Like has been stated before, if you shoot well by yourself, but not at big matches or when a certain someone shows up to the match or during qualifiers or whatever, it is that fear of failure / internal head game that is messing with you. My second comment is just a quote that I saw today and when I read it I thought of this thread. "The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge." by Daniel J. Boorstin Brian, you ask about focus and what that means to each of us. I thought of your awareness discussion in your book. I also remember the comment of meditating not about shooting but while shooting. Shooting without expectations and being in the present come to mind as well. Will be at the range tomorrow and have a match on Saturday. My goal for the match is not to shoot above my ability level. My goal is do what I have trained to do and do it at a 95% performance level. If you TRY above your trained level you are waiting for a train wreck. Perform as I know that I can and I will be happy no matter what the score card says or what the guy next to me shot. Rick
  9. Ramtough, call Matt at CGR and tell him what you are experiencing and ask for his advice. Yes, get the reduced power Striker spring. Lubricate the contact area of the connector and be happy. On Ralph's kits, the biggest deal is that he drills that damn trigger bar that is a real pain to do yourself. Great product at a very good price. My kit in my G34 the trigger breaks at 2 pounds, 2 ounces. I'm a happy camper. My trigger job which included polishing and a 4 # reduced striker spring broke at 2 pounds and 8 ounces. Do I think the extra 6 ozs are worth $50. In a word - YES. Rick
  10. Clay1

    Mein Glock Is Kaput

    I think that it is the other way around. Get use to cleaning that thing once in a while and tearing it down and then you will be more use to it. Here is a good site with many great pictures on detail stripping a Glock: http://www.topglock.com/info/info.htm I had a similar problem when I did the 25 trigger job and bent my connector while removing it. Embarrassing but this is the thread: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...topic=25551&hl= Make sure when you take the connector in and out you don't pry on it but push it out from the off side through the little square hole. Lessons learned. Rick
  11. So Kurt, what's your thoughts on the original question? AA, Kurt is the real expert here, I like have more of a sporting clay background personally that a tactical shotgun background. That's where the board name Clay comes from. Real name is Rick by the way. Dan Inosanto is my hero by the way. Silat, kali and most of the fillipino martial arts that revolve around stick and blade are cool. Just had a discussion with a shooting friend tonight at work. He made some comment like don't bring a knife to a gun fight when I told him that FBI stats talk about the average man covering 7 yards and cutting an opponent within 1.5 seconds. The truth is that the average CCW holder doesn't deploy this quickly on command from true concealment not from a 5.11 vest at the local IDPA match. These days I shoot mostly USPSA and love gun games. Again welcome to the boards. Would love to see some of the blades just not sure where that should be posted on the board. Maybe someone could make a recomendation.
  12. Stick man, welcome to the boards. I have a passion for blades and guns by the way - like your board name. Wingshooting or shooting clays all of the pros use a hard focus on the target. If you focus goes from target to front sight you loose your focus on the target and it is hard to hit something when you don't know where it is. Most 3 gun events have many static targets or are shooting slugs. For these kind of targets traditional rifle sight orientation works well. Rick
  13. Cool, Glad that you liked the Vid. Check in when you can and thanks again for your service to the country. Rick
  14. Did a quick ebay search: http://cgi.ebay.com/Airsoft-Lot-of-2-Eagle...1QQcmdZViewItem Not my stuff and I have no knowledge of the seller or the product, just thought that it was interesting. Rick
  15. The Duramax is an AWSOME engine. You should be very happy with your choice. No, I'm not a car salesman. Nice of you to post this here though for those who are. It's a funny thing in life, but I work hard for my money just like everyone else and I prefer to spend it with people that I like that have similar ideas to mine in life. Read that as pro gun individuals. It's nice that someone else seems to think the same way. Rick
  16. Rubberneck, you said: "I could be happier with the way it turned out and haven't had any issues with it thus far." Did you mean that you couldn't be happier? She looks NICE. 9mm is wonderful stuff to shoot on the cheap.
  17. Tekno has it right. A way to look at it is that while touching one line the electricity has no way to go through your body (or the birds body) but when you touch another line the electricity flows from one line to the other line and your body is what allows it to flow from one point to another - the path.
  18. A comment on shooting both IDPA and USPSA. I find that some put down the other game because bluntly it is damn hard to switch back and forth. Two sets of rules and styles. It's not easy to do both well. Yes, trigger time is trigger time, but it seems that you can almost go auto pilot if you do one game often. If you shoot two different games, it sure makes you think more. I like switching back and forth even though it has not been the best score wise. I know that IDPA is very scripted, but if you are use to engaging each target twice and dropping mags, it still makes you think. I started shooting IDPA because that is what was available. I shoot mostly USPSA these days. I want to do well at both. For those that can succeed at both, my hat is off to you. Rick
  19. You might want to elaborate on what you think makes it jerky for you. There are many experienced shooter here who like the CR Speed and don't find it jerky for them. Perhaps modifying your draw somehow? Please elaborate.
  20. I'm sure that you will get various responses. If the weapon was a benchrest rifle there are standardized barrel break in routines that many feel are important. On a handgun. First clean the packing grease and relube, check the barrel for obstructions, load ammo and pull the trigger. Like I said others might very well feel differently. Rick
  21. I buy the hi-cap mags and just load to 10 rounds for production and SSP. I haven't seen the mags with a lock, but if they were available I would not even consider buying them. Drop frees have been around quite a long time now, but the gun was designed originally so that the mags would not drop free. Mail order hi-caps should be less than $12 to $15 each. I have 10 mags for my Glock 34. One of the best things about Glocks is that the cost of the mags are rediculously cheap. Rick
  22. Two things that I am thinking of while reading this post. One is the CZ SP-01 episode where a gun manufacturer designs something within the rules then someone wants to rewrite the rules because of it's introduction. Personally I don't know if this falls within the rules or not, it is just what this reminds me of. Secondly, is a phenom that I have seen over and over again. I first experienced it in the sporty clay arena. People keep trying to buy this new gun or that new gun to gain a competitive edge. The truth of it is that more improvement in scores would take place by adding some time to your dry fire routine than buying some new fangled piece of hardware. Human nature is that we just want to buy it and not earn it. We all want a pill to take that we can eat like pigs and still look like a 25 year old body builder. We want to buy the shinny new gun that will make us shoot better without added effort. It's the human beast. Sometimes things are introduced that do help mechanically, but at this point they are usually small increments. After the fundamentals are there much of match performance is between your ears. So if the new shiny gizmo makes you think you will be better who am I to say not to get it.
  23. Fantastic. I tried to work on some of my Japanese colleagues. Even though I thought that I presented it in a very professional and even tone everytime I asked they looked at me liked I asked them to go on a killing rampage complete with innocents involved. Even tried to take one of the guys to shoot skeet, thought that the shotgun on clay targets might be considered more politically correct than the IPSC targets. Still looked at me like I had blood dripping off of my hands. While in Japan I did find one person who knew of my shooting hobbies and came to me and mentioned that he had tried a bird hunt in the states and really enjoyed it. You really can see their beaming faces. Thanks for promoting the sport in such a responsible way. Rick
  24. Trigger, under the Calendar heading you will find this: "Central Wisconsin Sportsmans Club IDPA style match Saturday, October 22 at 8:45 am (mandatory safety meeting) and shooting starts at 9:00 am. We are looking for some "SO's" to come and help out. Any help will be appreciated. Central Wisconsin Sportsmans Club is located just east of Marshfield." Maps didn't copy but there are maps of the location and a contact name and phone number here: http://www.wisconsinshooters.com/calendar....rshfield%20IDPA Notice: IDPA STYLE match. More places to pull the trigger, the better. Mike, nice to see you come out of the woodwork once in a while. Rick
  25. A couple of weeks ago I toasted my Palm with some water damage. Don't ask - I think that I will replace mine with an inexpensive E2. Appointments, phone book, the 900 different passwords that I have for various application etc. It can store photos and it is under $200. Rick
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