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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. I thought of printing it out and putting it on the fridge, but then I wouldn't get any this weekend or next weekend. Let's just say that I can relate. Rick
  2. So how do you find out? I clicked on "members" at the top of the page but couldn't sort by join date or posts. I consider myself a shooter not a computer guy - help. Rick
  3. Clay1


    The best deal on 9mm new ammo is from Natchez.com. I buy Blazer, 115 gr ammo for $207 delivered for 2000 rounds. Beats Wally world and no tax. They shoot great out of my G34 - have bought 10,000 rounds this year and fired almost 9000 of them without a single issue. Rick
  4. Go have fun with the head shots but as an old time fox hunter once told me about hitting vitals on those moving reds "there is a whole lot of air around that fur". In other words those easy head shots have a way of not being so easy when under match pressure and trying to keep .2 splits. It's harder to explain than show on a target but where the shoulder of the targets transition to the main sides of the target (the lower point of the shoulder) is where the top of the down zero zone starts. Get use to where it is and have fun at your first few matches. Rick
  5. Guess that I should have posted the whole section: "8.7 Sight Pictures and Range Inspection 8.7.1 Competitors are always prohibited from taking a sight picture with a loaded firearm prior to the start signal. Violation will result in a warning for the first occurrence and one procedural January 2004 Edition Rule Book • 57 penalty for each subsequent occurrence in the same match. US8.7.1 Not applicable. 8.7.2 If match organizers also prohibit taking a sight picture with an unloaded firearm prior to the start signal, competitors must be advised in the written stage briefing. Violation will result in a warning for the first occurrence and one procedural penalty for each subsequent occurrence in the same match. US8.7.2 Not applicable. 8.7.3 When permitted, competitors taking a sight picture with an unloaded firearm prior to the start signal must only do so on a single target, to verify that their sights are prepared as required. Competitors who test a targeting sequence or a shooting position while taking a sight picture will incur one procedural penalty per occurrence. US8.7.3 Not applicable. 8.7.4 Competitors are prohibited from using any sighting aid (e.g. the whole or part of an imitation or replica firearm, any part of a real firearm including any accessories thereof etc.), except for their own hands, while conducting their inspection (“walkthrough”) of a course of fire. Violations will incur one procedural penalty per occurrence (also see Rule 10.5.1)."
  6. George, I cut an pasted this from the current rule book: "8.7 Sight Pictures and Range Inspection 8.7.1 Competitors are always prohibited from taking a sight picture with a loaded firearm prior to the start signal. Violation will result in a warning for the first occurrence and one procedural January 2004 Edition Rule Book • 57 penalty for each subsequent occurrence in the same match. US8.7.1 Not applicable." Does the last statement: "US8.7.1 Not applicable" mean that we don't have this rule in USPSA and that it is only for IPSC matches? I was told that I could only take one sight picture at a match this year and never with a loaded gun. Can I or can't I in a USPSA match. I don't shoot IPSC just USPSA. Rick
  7. Thanks, you can tell that I am somewhat of a shooter, but I am not very much of a computer guy. Appreciate the help. Rick
  8. I can find a copy of the rule book in PDF format but would rather have a copy in Word format. Sometimes on the web it is nice to cut and paste and post the specific rule from the actual rulebook in response to a question. I don't know how to do this with PDF and I can do this with word. If you have any other ideas, I would appreciate it. Thanks, Rick
  9. The lower down zero zone (body) is the place to shoot. Cut and paste from the current rule book: CoF 2. Seventy-five percent of all shots required in a match must be fifteen (15) yards or less. Occasional targets out to thirty-five (35) yards are to be encouraged. The IDPA rule book is much smaller than the USPSA rulebook, read through it a couple of times at work. It helps scratch the itch. http://www.idpa.com/Documents/IDPARuleBook2005.pdf
  10. We always do this when we compare IDPA and USPSA in these types of conversations. The real deal is that both sports are a blast and trigger time is there. Now, I can understand us slamming the anti-gun, tree hugging liberals from hell, but if you want to play this game and I want to play that game and we both play with guns - you are my kind of person. You are a friend by default unless you don't offer me a beer when I come over or some other serious offense. Now, I am a cross over shooter, which I will define as I shoot both games. Bluntly this year, I started to feel the slightest bit elitest about my USPSA shooting and was doing it almost exclusivly for a couple of months right before the state IDPA match. I decided to go to state without shooting a local match for more than 2 months. I had my ass handed to me. I didn't shoot the greatest but that was not the real reason. You train to do certain things in USPSA matches like double tap targets. I was suppose to shoot this one with one round and that one with one round etc. I just botched up the cof pretty badly. There is definatley a skill in shooting one game vs the other and for those that can do both well, my hats off to you. If you shoot IDPA and haven't shot USPSA or the other way around - give it a try with an open mind. If you run into a jerk, guess what both games have them but they are rare - just move forward and enjoy yourself. If you're in a slump, maybe the new game will kick some enthusiasm back into gun games for you. Go pull the trigger and have fun. Rick
  11. That's my draw and reload, oh you want me to shoot bullets too???? Congrats Jake, PHENOMINAL!
  12. Welcome to the board Jerry! In production no mag well is allowed, that pushes you into limited class. Yes you can change the sights. The most popular are probably the Dawson Precisions or a Dawson front and a fixed Heinie rear sight. Besides the sight a nice trigger upgrade is a wise investment, check out this link: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=25729 Besides sight and a trigger upgrade, buy lots of ammo. If you don't reload or if you do but find it more convenient to just buy 9mm, a 1000 rounds from Natchez is just a little over $100 to your door. 115 grain, Blazer ammo will get you on the right track. I have two of the G34s so you can see where I am coming from, but nothing wrong with a G17. 9mm is the way to go for a production gun, if you want to shoot limited 10 then the 40 is the choice. For a starter the 9 is so much cheaper to shoot. Start there, you might end up there and be happy. Rick
  13. It's nice to know that I am not alone. I sucked at the state shoot at the end of July and just needed a break. I took off the months of Aug and Sept. This past weekend I shot 600 rounds at a Stressfire class that had very little to do with competitive shooting, but it was fun pulling the trigger. I'm recharged and ready to run a league at the local club. I just volunteered for an 8 week league. The break was good for my mind. I have another hobby and just refocused on that for a couple of months. Ready to start pulling the trigger again. Rick
  14. Thinking of you as I was watching this video today. Not for sensitive viewers: http://www.theclam.com/video/unbreakable.wmv Good luck with your assignment and thank you for watching over your country. Rick
  15. Just my opinion, but I don't believe there is a hospital in the states that would allow you to play with that thing while you are there. Damn, granola eating, tree huggers just won't get it. There was a point I thought about bringing one of the Glock training guns to work just to work on grip during breaks. They are all blue and the slide and trigger don't work, just wanted to work on grip and index with it. They would have fired my @ss and like I said they just don't get it. Neat idea but they will move you from the rehab center to the physco ward if you are lucky and to jail if you are not. Just my thoughts. Rick
  16. I haven't been on the boards lately and haven't shot since the end of July. I came on tonight / this morning to make a post. The post was going to be about burnout. I found this thread and thought that I would post here since this seems along the same lines. I went out tonight and fired about 200 rounds. I have lost some in the last 7 weeks or so, but hopefully I am ready to start playing with handguns again. It's hard to talk about failure. That's what I feel. When you shoot 3 or 4 times a week and you don't feel like you are making any progress and you just blow at matches, it makes you wonder what the hell you are doing in the first place. I don't have to tell you that this game is expensive so why am I throwing good money after lousy results? Just venting here and standing up and saying that I believe that burnout is something that happens to many people. We don't seem to talk about it much. Some of it probably has to do with unrealistic expectations of achieving certain goals. This internal pressure to get results can be a nasty edge. I think that I just need to shoot and leave the expectations out of the equation, but that is alot easier said than done. I understand it mentally but there is part of me that is very competitive and just wants results. Will follow the rest of the thread and see what other kinds of advice is given out. The Nike "Just Do It" isn't really all that simple is it? Rick
  17. I bought the Leica Eric. Thought that the optics were much better than the bushnell product. Ranging to a grass field can be difficult, but the range finder does do everything that I need in a piece of equipment. Bowhunting to varmints, I like mine. Rick
  18. One more comment. For a bolt gun a CZ Scout is hard to beat. It comes with a fowler that makes it a single shot or you can put a clip in the gun. Nice quality and reasonably priced. I shoot one in a 17 HMR too. It's not the Anschutz or the Sako rimfires that my wife and I shoot, but it is a great piece never the less. Rick
  19. All three of my children shot a 22 bolt gun from a Hart front and bald eagle rear about the age of 3. I kid around and tell people that I am raising mercanaries (sp?). Two of the kids shot rimfire silhouette on the league with my wife and I before they could hold the rilfe offhand by themselves. The put it on the pedestal that is used for the ammo, stood up and supported the forearm on the pedestal. It is neat to see an 8 year old toppling rams at 100 meters this way. Kids are amazing.
  20. Tried to answer this once before, let's try again. Here is a link for a 2 pound trigger pull drop in kit: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...topic=25729&hl= Here is the link for the 25 cent trigger job: http://www.alpharubicon.com/mrpoyz/glock/ Hope that this helps, Rick
  21. Didn't shoot the Ripon match this last time around JP. Good luck in your shooting carrier whether it is in Wisconsin or SC. Have fun and I'm sure that we will meet on the boards again. Rick
  22. Eric, Archery is a big topic just like handguns. We tend to think USPSA on this board and we tolerate some IDPA discussion it seems. There is more - handgun hunting, bullseye etc. Archery is the same. No matter what they tell you bows are not that much farther along than they were 10 years ago as far as velocity. A high performance bow still does between 230 and 240 fps AMO. They try to inflate the numbers by using IBO ratings but the efficiency of the gear is similar to what it has been. Just like in this game some like open or limited or production. Some shoot traditional, or adds sights and a hook (release). Just find what you like and go for it. One comment that most shooters will identify with and that is that you can get so good shooting in the back yard by yourself, but to really advance you need to be around other archers or other USPSA shooters that are better than you are. You will learn alot from a local club. Right now for new equipment the hot set ups seem to be the Mathews solocams or offerings from Hoyt. Have fun with your renewed interest in Archery. I still love the lack of muffs when I shoot archery compared to handguns.
  23. Rev Chuck, I guess I should read the "From" line once in a while. Genghis: "I have spreadsheets which will calculate scores in both USPSA and IDPA" Sometimes it seems like we need a mainframe to figure this stuff out doesn't it?
  24. Just one FTN per target. Rev chuck, I'm trying to put a face with the internet screen name. Have you been wearing tape on your thumb at some of the matches lately?
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