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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by blackdragon

  1. Thats sucks! Surgery! Ivanjava script:emoticon('', 'smid_11') smilie
  2. We are hoping to carry the hodgdon line of powders. They are starting from scratch on the IMR powders as far as loading data! Ivan
  3. Thats what you will pay for a Bow flex, Just to hang your shirts on! Ivan PS Been there done that! I
  4. +1 On the pink lenses! Ivan
  5. Ghost Holster! Used a safariland for years. Untill my pistol fell out! Getting up from a bench. Laying on my back. Ivan
  6. May I suggest Armscor brass. Ivan
  7. Flex, One more excuse to have a stopwatch in your bag! Ivan
  8. R&R Racing, RAW Industries. + Portable + Hard steel + Price! - Like all stars, A pain to reset up! Ivan
  9. I miss shooting 22 bulls eye and ICOR. I believe the accuracy placed on these sports help us and IPSC shooters, When you are looking at those 50 yd targets. Ivan
  10. It comes from hunting, If you can see the hair on an Elks shoulder, You can put the shot where it needs to go! If you are looking at the whole animal, God help you! Ivan PS Elk-0 Ivan-10 + I
  11. Could probably sell his blood for $$$$ and ounce! Ivan
  12. Not sure my insurance pays for it. I will find out for you. My wife is an office Manager for several Doc's. Ivan
  13. Sounds like she has confessed! Ivan
  14. Through out my Martial arts training (Along time ago) I would have trouble with my sciatic nerve. Always thought that "I Stretched it". It was my weight gain. Just my 2 pennys. I had a good PT that clued me in to me being fat! Ivan
  15. I hate people who drive a car, Like SH%T, That costs more than I make in a year! Ivan
  16. I have, Can you say SIGMA! Ivan
  17. Take a piece of plastic, Heat it with a hair dryer and screw it on! Ivan
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