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Everything posted by blackdragon

  1. It has been an interesting path for me. Years ago I was semi competetive, Now I look at the young guns and it makes it tough. I got into the firearms business and now it is a job. All my friends started throwing around the term " Your retired" Well I guess Iam. I don't like to shoot my class and get my A$& handed to me!!!!( like Tightloop said ) I don't believe most of want that. Thats the reason I have chosen my signature!! I still like to shoot but as Chuck said it is more for fun now!! I look back at the $$$$ I have spent out of my own pocket, I would do it again. Now I have access to the products that I used to pay for and I'm " Retired" Ivan Ivan
  2. Rich, Is well..... I guess an OK guy!!!! Ivan
  3. Armscor- Rock Island Armory is sponsoring a side event like last year! Ivan
  4. Chuck, Hangover? Thats motivation!!! Ivan
  5. Well, It's back!!! Thank God. I hope everyone will consider going !!! We are going to sponsor a stage. TJ will be there. Not sure who else. But it should be a fun 6-7 days of throwing lead! Ivan
  6. We had a fiasco this last weekend with my brown dogs. Goes like this. My wife takes our two brown dogs to Pets M$%T for the doggie spa. 10 minutes after she leaves... A call. Please come back one of your dogs broke a nail in the kennel. When my wife gets there. Blood every where. They take him to " Their Vet". The vet proceeds to remove one COMPLETE nail on one foot, And a partial on the other. Ok, These dogs are 9yrs old. They have hunted under the most extreme conditions. We paid for their vet, We paid for the "Doggie Spa" and Last night Jack, was bleeding so bad that I have to get my carpet cleaned. A $300.00 " Doggie Spa. Sent a real Sh$%y email and they said they would pass it on to the corporate head quarters. We will see! I sell guns for a living. I have replaced firearms, That I knew the customer squibbed!!!! No questions asked! I felt like I had taken my son to the doctor, and they had cut off two fingers!!! Ivan
  7. I have always sighted my pistols from a rest. I don't want to second guess my equipment. Then I learned to shoot where the pistol is sighted to. Ivan
  8. Cullen, Ever Clear, Jungle juice? Nope not this Kid!!! Titos is just fine with me! Ivan
  9. Like Tightloop said, Sort of. Where your head goes your A$& will follow. Get Jerry Barnharts vids. Ivan
  10. One thing that I have noticed about Max, On or off the range he is always approchable! The Army is lucky to have him! Ivan
  11. Spook, +1 Just the sight of the wagging tails!!!! Ivan
  12. I Hate Texas Stars, Since they made them so all the plates wouldn't fall off when you hit it in the center!!! Ivan
  13. Unless I missed some thing? He was skiing for the U.S.A ??? Not Himself! Ivan
  14. There are some Horse S%&T rags out there! I cant' believe that they couldn't sell a mag like gungames!!!!. That pic with the Jet on the cover was way cool!!!! Ivan
  15. We had a female Rott ( One of Three), Her name was Britta, My wife called her Herman, She would snore and the house would shake!!! Ivan
  16. Max and Travis are the best!!!! Ivan
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