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Everything posted by blackdragon

  1. I like the let the mail box lie, Where it died program!!!! Did that and boy I was popular! With the postal service! Ivan
  2. I saw these at the Shot, they were way cool! If I shot a Glock I would get one for sure. Ivan
  3. blackdragon


    Sorry to hear about your loss!!! Unfortunatley the longer you live, The more friends you will see pass! Ivan
  4. Like I said we don't take AMEX. I get a lot of calls for it. As a merchant I understand the reason, But as a customer Im damn glad I have it. But as Brian said it is a pain to deal with them! Ivan
  5. Merlin, Thats true, Not many unless I know them and trust them! Ivan
  6. I have always used AMEX. reason? They will support the customer. Sure it costs more in fees to accept it. But to me it is worth it. I usually will not buy from a company that will not accept AMEX, For my protection. We get charge backs, The worst are the VISA and MC cards. Visa and MC seem to support the business no matter what! Been on both ends charge backs suck! Ivan
  7. Jon, I did that. I took a pin punch and cut it off. Put it in and then I was screwed. It broke.!!! Ivan
  8. The person that you are looking at. Through your triangle will tell you which eye you are seeing them with. Ivan
  9. Make the triangle in your lap. Keep both eyes open. Raise your hands and center your friends head in the middle. Both eyes open. Do this at 5yds or so. Ivan
  10. I buy the pins by 1\2 dozen. Call Rene' at Speed shooters. Ivan
  11. Try the same test with your thumbs and fingers in a triangle, But have some one stand in front of you and center their head in the middle. They will tell you which eye they can see! Ivan
  12. Dillon and Brian are the S$%T. The fee is our guest to use this forum! Ivan
  13. I kind of like the glitter on my 1050, Like I care, I have an air hose! Ivan
  14. I have a pelican case and I love it. I got an SKB case for our show guns and so far it is working out fine. I travel with 12 handguns and it has been through a whole lot of airports! Ivan
  15. boo radley, I can appreciate your thoughts, But.... That doesn't work in Master Class! Ivan
  16. Nope never have, no matter who's brass I have used! Ivan
  17. Did you guys know that Chuck Norris has Gasoline in his veins? He has never bled, Thats why the gas prices are so high! Ivan
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