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Posts posted by HOGRIDER

  1. 13 minutes ago, DirtyB said:


    Flat points or round nose?  OAL?  


    I'm going to load a couple K of BB 147 flat points, and the local shop has some N320.  I have a whole jug of W231, but seems it might be a little too fast burning for the combo.


    Check both (all) pistols that you’ll be using this load in for optimal OAL!  Load for the shortest one.  I like ~1.120” OAL but YOUR GUN(s) may need something different.  My powder charge is displayed on the target above, but start out below that and work up to what your pistol likes!


    Safety above everything else when developing a load!



  2. 3 hours ago, Racinready300ex said:


    By suck I meant they don't feed as smoothly as the CCI primers do. I realize lots of guys need there super light triggers and love them some federal primers. 

    Ah.....now I understand your displeasure with Federal primers not working in your primer equipment!


    Yea, must be a lot of shooters that like Federal...........I noticed they were the #1 used primer in Production and Carry Optics for the last 2 years as reported in the USPSA Equipment Surveys.


    I apologize to @boatdoc173 for taking the thread off-subject.........



  3. 1 hour ago, Racinready300ex said:


    Note that I said it's not the press and I'm not using a PAL filler. But, I'm glad your system works for you. 

    Yes, I noticed you stated it's not the press.............



    It also depends on the primers. CCI run amazingly through that thing. Right now I'm loading Federal and they kind of suck. I had to adjust it a lot, now it's running but getting the upside down primers here and there. 

    I was simply addressing my experience with Federal primers and that I did not think they suck............



  4. 36 minutes ago, GrumpyOne said:

    I reload on a 550B, and have for years. If you are only getting 200 an hour on yours, then something, either in your process or in your press, is wrong. Running wide open, I can get 600 an hour...that is with primer tubes pre-filled. Without much effort at all, 400 is easy to get per hour (9mm or 40s&w), with 500 per hour being the norm.


    As for de-capping pin getting stuck, are you saying it gets stuck in the flash hole of the brass, or it is pulling the primer back into the primer pocket?


    Get a clamp type LED desk light, screw it to your bench, with the light shining down into the case. Get a 1.5" parts mirror with a telescoping handle. Remove the mirror part, and place it on the press to where you can see into the case. The 550 has some casting holes almost directly above the seat station, use that hole with some hot glue to hold the mirror in place. With the mirro and light, you can glance into the case when you seat the bullet by looking at the mirror. 


    When reloading, when your right hand picks up a piece of brass, your left hand picks up a bullet head. Always try to have a bullet head in your fingers, except after setting the bullet in the seat station. Index the press using your thumb, place the bullet, pull the handle...picknup brass and bullet, repeat. The key is movement. Put your brass and bullets so that they are accessible with the least amount of movement from your hands. This means the brass on the right side of the press, in a low walled, large area open top container, just to the right and in front of the completed round chute. The bullet heads are on the left, again in a low walled, large area open top container, maybe 2" from the shellate. 


    For primer issues, replace the plastic primer rod with a brass rod with the end bent at a 90° angle. Cut the brass rod long enough that the primer slide locks back when the last primer is used and the bend is resting on the top of the knurled nut on top of the primer feed tube. This will serve as your primer warning. You can mark the rod, if you wish, to show how many primers you have left. The brass rod will slip down into the primer cup and the primer slide will not go forward, and the brass rod provides weight to help force the primers down. This makes it virtually impossible to load a round without a primer, as there will be zero resistance when trying to seat the primer (and the press will sound different). 


    Tighten the shellplate down tight, but where it spins freely, then lock the set screw. Should be little to no wiggle in the shellplate. 


    Trust your press. In 100k+ rounds I have loaded, I have never loaded an unintentional squib. 


    You can easily double your production just by the hand movements I mentioned. 



    Sounds like a great time to make a video of your process!  I’m sure it would benefit other 550B operators!



  5. 3 hours ago, boatdoc173 said:

    @Boomstick303 and @ddc  . I appreciate your points of  view and advice. I fully understand why you would  work manually at first.


    I am still working out the issues that present  on my RL 550C.  most are fixed and I am now enjoying my sessions more.  Just thinking that the better        r eloaders offer a faster way to make the ammo. I need to research what it is  that makes the RL 750, 1050,1100 better than my 550c. why would they make more ammo--manually.?


    I KNOW  that a case feeder and a bullet feeder  could speed up my loading #s( and that I  would would been an auto indexing loader to take advantage of those improvements.


    Initially ,I would have to invest a HUGE amount of time to clean and  sort by headstamp the 9mm brass( some brands of brass cause issues for sure. I want to get them out of the mix). I am concerned  about the lack of a lifetime warranty on the 1050,100 series.  The  lifetime warranty is a huge draw when buying dillon reloaders. It is appreciated beyond explanation


    I have a lot of thinking and reading to do


    @boatdoc173Something you might want to consider............  you could send your mixed brass to a commercial sorter/seller, and for a reasonable fee, they would sell you back your own brass in about any configuration you may need.  All same headstamp and FULLY PROCESSED!



  6. 23 hours ago, Racinready300ex said:


    It's the primer filler not the press. It loads a primer tube before I'm done loading so I never stop loading. I'd prefer not to waste a primer, but I prefer not filling tubes by hand more. 


    It also depends on the primers. CCI run amazingly through that thing. Right now I'm loading Federal and they kind of suck. I had to adjust it a lot, now it's running but getting the upside down primers here and there. 

    @Racinready300ex  Been loading with nothing but Federal Match SP primes for MANY years, and in my experience, they are without fault in the RL1100 or previous XL650s.  I usually load in passes of 500-1K; and just load up however many I need using Dillon PPU tubes with my PAL Filler.  If my machines priming system is clean, I have "0" upside down primers............



  7. 1 minute ago, ddc said:


    Those are both good points.

    I had not considered the first one but that seems to me to be a very valid way of looking at these scenarios and he asks a good question: Where are the reports of spontaneous discharge without human interaction?

    And if Bruce Gray thinks it's all b.s. then that carries a lot of weight for me.


  8. I agree with this guy's statement:



    The guy was pretty solid in the video, I'm not gonna bash him.

    I'd point out though that every one of these "My Sig Tried to Kill Me" stories always seem to be while on the range, in the process of holstering/unholstering.. etc.

    I want to see the story and video of the loaded gun going off in the gun safe, in the night stand, in the holster on top of the china cabinet, etc.

    How many stories are there of NO human interaction immediately prior to this happening? I've not seen any yet.


    And I definitely respect Bruce Gray's comment:



    Bruce Gray

    This guy says "SIG said it was a defective firing pin return spring." The P320 has a striker reset spring, which is irrelevant to his claimed scenario. I call b.s.




  9. 2 hours ago, ddc said:


    Is this for a duty weapon or otherwise self defense oriented request? 

    If for competition only most do not bother with backup irons as they just slow you down.

    You will quickly become proficient enough that irons just get in the way.

    As someone that recently transitioned over to RDSs, I totally agree with @ddc on this!



  10. 10 hours ago, boatdoc173 said:

    they helped @ hogrider.   redding CS( tops for sure)  found a dealer withthem in stock.  there is always 1 0r 2 cases with a hole just small enough to pull the pin-- grateful that these pins made this a RARE  thing  vs what I had  before.


    thanks for the info 


  11. 2 hours ago, boatdoc173 said:

    However the  biggest issue I had with the redding and even my dillon decap/size die  was the  decap pin getting stuck over and over in the  case. the MA decap system should fix that time eater.


    From Redding's FAQ:


    Question:  Does Redding manufacture a Decapping Pin for use with small Flash Holes?

    Answer:  Yes, These small pins (part number 01059) are available from most Redding Dealers. 





  12. 2 hours ago, oddjob said:

    Kinda figured this out.  I saw there is a small tab that snaps forward when the slide release is pushed up with the slide off.  When I assemble the the slide onto the frame and lock the slide to the rear & rotate the takedown lever the tab is still in the "back" position.  If I push the tab forward the slide release is free and the slide can be released forward.  The part is called  the takedown safety lever.  Not sure why the tab won't move forward on its own.


    Maybe its rubbing against the grip module?

    Like @Boomstick303recommended, watching this video should shed some light on the interaction of the TSL (takedown safety lever) and the slide release!




    The Slide Stop Lever and the Takedown Safety Lever definitely interact; and can give us problems if they are not in the correct positions during reassembly! 

    Slide Stop Lever Details.png

    Takedown Safety Lever Details.png

  13. 13 hours ago, bulldog009 said:

    I've watched this video a number of times, it helped me out a lot when I was doing some work on my trigger when I got the Tactical Trigger package. But now I'm considering switching to the new SA DIY kit. Has anyone found a video, other than SA's that show the DIY kit results? Just curious how it compares to my current setup. 

    If you do Facebook, I would take a look at Robert's video that IMO has some great selling points! 


    And I think one of the reasons that I personally like the TSA Competition Trigger System is how much it feels like a 1911 trigger!





  14. On 10/9/2022 at 12:02 PM, Stuey said:

    Does anyone have aftermarket replacement sights for the P322?  Not a big fan of the rear fiber optics on them.  

    Haven't seen anything available yet............


    FWIW, I installed the Holosun 407K X2, and it works perfectly!  



  15. 13 minutes ago, X5SigChris said:

    For the life of me, I just couldn’t get the stars aligned to get the trigger back on lol. Simplest part of the install and I fought and fought until I took it all back apart and started over. Not sure what I did wrong but it was defiantly wrong lol. I want that TSA take down block for next time 

    The TSA Accessibility Tool definitely works and is a big help with the FCU!



  16. 42 minutes ago, Johnny_Chimpo said:


    The P-10 doesn't have a fully cocked striker.  It says so right in the CZ Armorers Manual and its easily verifiable

    And neither does the X5 Legion/ MAX series……

    So your saying the P-10 has a DA first shot?


    I’ve never shot one…..but CZ USA lists it as  “striker” type pistol……



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