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About ddc

  • Birthday 10/13/1949

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    Emmett ID
  • Real Name
    Don Crow

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  1. Yes. Very frustrating. Welcome to IDPA. IDPA...
  2. I'd keep beating on Dillon until you get this figured out. There is no reason your primer system should be giving this much trouble.
  3. So IPSC PCC matches must be run on their own? Are they completely stand alone or do they run the same stages as an associated handgun match just running before or after the handgun match?
  4. I would strongly suggest that you learn how to reload a basic 9mm load (9mm minor) before you do anything else. In manual mode, no Mk7. Once you understand your machine thoroughly and are comfortable with the basics of reloading you can progress to 9mm Major. Again manual only. Then and only then hook up your Mk7 drive. At this point go back to 9mm Minor and perfect your man-machine-drive process. Do not be surprised if it takes a while. Once you've got this all under control introduce 9mm Major into the equation. Diving into reloading, automation and 9mm Major all at the same time is asking for trouble, frustration and may be a bit dangerous to boot... Just my 2 cents worth... good luck.
  5. It's been a while but I recall it's staked, maybe mushroomed is a better term, in place. Some are in there more tightly than others. Get an appropriately sized punch and drive it out.
  6. The following is a cut'n'paste from their FAQ which killed my interest. Are standard 1911 parts compatible with the Platypus? The following Platypus parts have design changes and standard 1911/2011 parts are NOT compatible: Barrel Frame Slide Slide Stop Mag Catch Trigger
  7. Stateing Stating that the "pawl only comes out of one side" is good info as far as it goes but every time I see that comment in this or in other similar threads my mind is screaming at me "so why are they providing only half of the answer, which side is it?" Sorry, it's my OCD typing that, not my fault! I have it under control and will now put it back in it's cage.
  8. My gut reaction is that the indexing arm has become misadjusted. It is not unheard of for the Dillon arm to migrate on the primer magazine shaft. Perhaps that is occurring here as well.
  9. So it worked fine in the past but now it doesn't? Have you made any recent changes to the machine? When was the last time the top end was cleaned and lubed? Also: I find FW Arms explanation to be rather strange. As far as I'm concerned "if the pin is clipping the shuttle" then how about designing it so that it doesn't. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell everybody that they need this special pin? Really? I have an FW Arms Prime Time that works just fine but if he gave me that response I'd be pissed.
  10. The shuttle actuating arm is very sensitive to adjustment height. It can be frustrating finding that point where it is not too low and not too high. There is not much of a sweet spot. Too low and the leg jams against the bottom of the channel. Too high and the slide does not move far enough. I just bite the bullet and resign myself to 20 minutes of minute adjustments accompanied by an appropriate amount of swearing and wondering why there can't be a better way. And before people chime in with "just get an FW Arms Prime TIme" I already have one of them on a machine. It is a little better for sure but I don't think it's all that great an improvement. You still have an arm that has to be adjusted for height.
  11. Mine works equally well with MBX or Atlas. My practice mags are Prodigy mags. Not 100% reliable but good enough for practice.
  12. I've used these Comply through Amazon, about $15 for three pair: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RRD7XJE?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 They are memory foam; not silicone. I scrunch them down by rolling between fingers, moisten, insert. They expand nicely. I have weird ear canals; I use the smallest size.
  13. Check out the Range Panda hanger. www.rangepanda.com
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