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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. Nice to have you on board!
  2. I'm a big fan of the plain black .360" Millett rear sight. I used them to pretty good effect back during my pin-shooting days, which is a sport where you have to actually aim the gun. I don't like white outlines, or any other gimmickry of any kind, on rear sights. Don't want my focus on anything but the front blade. I don't like the Weigand blade. Good idea, not a great execution. Make it out of steel, make it actuall fit half-decently without all the wiggle-waggle....then we can talk. I see no need for the super-expensive custom import stuff. I'm convinced there is no weak link in the Millett design. And as far as the point that it turns sorta "silvery", I guess I kind of agree, but then again I don't want my visual focus on a nice crisp black rear blade anyway, I want my focus on the front sight.....
  3. That would have to be an aftermarket job.
  4. I think I understand the stage now. You're gonna have to run up to the second position no matter what, and eat a standing reload somewhere, right? Might as well make all shots as close as possible. So I'd go plan B. Or perhaps it should be called plan ! Yeah, the make-up contingency shots would be nice to have in the gun just in case, but not at the expense of having to slow down enough to snipe decent hits on the 35-yarder. Or so it seems to me.
  5. That would have to be called the "Conquistador Series."
  6. Sorry Dave, I tried to diagram this out, but can't quite get it visualized.... Can you draw us the stage and scan it in or something??
  7. Good going Walt! There's some pretty tough competition in Revo C, but I have no doubt you're ready to take 'em on!
  8. Yeah, I think Cliff's got the smart plan, doesn't cost any time to shoot it that way, and you leave yourself an option to add the DT points if you have to do the reload anyway. Although it sounds really obvious to say it, I would shoot the fastest pace that was still within my ability to pretty much ensure getting the 6 hits on the steel. This is very much like my old game of pin-shooting, where maintaining just enough control is the key to winning matches.
  9. No question--I'd run the 6 steel and forget the drop turner. 10 points is a lot to sacrifice on a 40-point stage, but I'm sure I couldn't reload and get in the extra shots in time to improve the hit factor. Plus--steel lined up all nice and neat like that remind me of bowling pins!
  10. Interesting stuff, Randy. I've always just cut the factory rebound springs, I might have to rethink that one of these days and try a lighter power aftermarket spring..... Man, I sure hope I'm one of those "fast twitchers" you're talking about!!
  11. Randy's the best, but I'm not yet 100% sold on the idea of the super-light actions on IPSC guns. The action on my 625-4 felt wonderful and did not seem to have sluggish trigger rebound until I was really pushing the gun hard on very close targets. (I can't shoot as fast as Jerry but I can crank 'em out pretty quick when I put my mind to it....) The double-clutch problem is completely gone now that I switched in a rebound spring with just a bit more oomph. I said it before, and I'll say it again, for me the point of diminishing returns is around 5 pounds. It might even be more like 6.
  12. I happen to agree with the NO PENALTY camp here. But the very fact that there are experienced shooters and ROs who arrive at differing interpretations of the stage description tells me that the language is ambiguous. By definition. These need to be crystal clear. If anybody (other than a raw beginner) is on here asking how these should be interpeted, the descriptions should be re-written and re-written again until everybody understands them and applies them consistently. Or so it seems to me.
  13. FYI all, There's a similar thread running now over on the Rules sub-forum regarding interpretation of classifier 99-42. Once again, there are conflicting opinions as to exactly how the stage descriptions should be interpreted, particularly regarding revolver shooters. Once again, this situation highlights serious problems in the USPSA classification system. There is no doubt in my mind that many inconsistently-administered classifiers are being sent through to Sedro. I really think USPSA needs to re-write the descriptions and tighten down the language to eliminate the controversy.
  14. Thought I would revive this thread to report on my latest action work, done on my "back-up" 625, which I purchased and slicked up while my "main" 625 is off getting hard-chromed. It's a 625-4, with forged innards and hammer-mounted FP, and seems to have the usual peening for earlier stainless guns--meaning there is visual evidence of some peening on the cylinder stop notches which seems to have work-hardened to the point that it has stabilized without causing skipping problems. I skeletonized the hammer as per my usual process, and reduced the tension on mainspring and rebound spring as much as possible and still have 100% ignition. So far, so good. When messing with the gun, though, I noticed that I had a tendency to short-stroke it every once in awhile, which is not something that happened regularly with my other guns. I figured maybe my finger's still just a little sluggish from being stuck inside all winter.... But in the first two matches I shot with it, at least once each match I found myself short-stroking it, then having to click-click-click all the way around to pick up the shot. Not good. In comparing this gun's action to my other revolvers, it's clear the trigger rebound isn't quite as lively. Moral of the story: Reduce spring tensions in balance, but don't get too light on the rebound side of the equation if you're planning to run the gun fast on close targets.
  15. Great news Dave, we gotta be getting close to the magic 20. C'mon fellas, if you're thinking about shooting this match with a Revo, jump on board while there are still open slots!
  16. Y'know, I shot a good solid match today, no penalties and felt pretty smooth, and this kid who's barely shot in months keeps getting closer and closer.... Mar 12, 2006 Match Date: 3/12/2006 Place Name USPSA Class Division PF Lady For Age Points Stg % 1 Carmoney, Mike A23819 A Revolver Major N N 454.1747 100.00% 2 Carmoney, Sam A51792 C Revolver Major N N 368.7983 81.20% Printed: 03/12/2006 7:50 PM Mar 12, 2006 Match Date: 3/12/2006 Stage: 1 Stage 1 Place Name No. Class Division Pts Pen Time Hit Fact Stg Pts Stg % 1 Carmoney, Mike 16 A Revolver 88 0 19.04 4.6218 95.0000 100.00% 2 Carmoney, Sam 14 C Revolver 85 0 27.75 3.0631 62.9613 66.28% Stage: 2 Stage 2 Place Name No. Class Division Pts Pen Time Hit Fact Stg Pts Stg % 1 Carmoney, Mike 16 A Revolver 59 0 12.49 4.7238 60.0000 100.00% 2 Carmoney, Sam 14 C Revolver 53 0 18.13 2.9233 37.1307 61.88% Stage: 3 Stage 3 Place Name No. Class Division Pts Pen Time Hit Fact Stg Pts Stg % 1 Carmoney, Sam 14 C Revolver 89 0 27.39 3.2494 90.0000 100.00% 2 Carmoney, Mike 16 A Revolver 90 0 29.35 3.0664 84.9314 94.37% Stage: 4 Stage 4 Place Name No. Class Division Pts Pen Time Hit Fact Stg Pts Stg % 1 Carmoney, Sam 14 C Revolver 100 0 26.99 3.7051 105.0000 100.00% 2 Carmoney, Mike 16 A Revolver 97 0 26.37 3.6784 104.2433 99.28% Stage: 5 Stage 5 Place Name No. Class Division Pts Pen Time Hit Fact Stg Pts Stg % 1 Carmoney, Mike 16 A Revolver 105 0 24.22 4.3353 110.0000 100.00% 2 Carmoney, Sam 14 C Revolver 99 0 34.08 2.9049 73.7063 67.01% I'm beginning to become a bit concerned. I think I may need to load him some special ammo.....or maybe send his gun to S&W for one of their 12-pound action jobs.....
  17. Nice job Sandman! I'm fairly new at the IPSC game myself, and have learned lots of great stuff here, too. This is indeed a great resource.
  18. haras, don't worry about the lock and the MIM. seriously. and yeah, the current 617s have a stainless cylinder. don't worry too much about that either.
  19. .....probably involves lots of black velcro.
  20. fox34, on my 25-2, I'm using the EGW sight with the Millett .360" rear. That's on a 6.5" barrel, but I'll still bet it would be OK on a 5". If not, Brownells is great about handling exchanges.
  21. I thought the same thing!! I was pleased to see so much revolver coverage in this most recent issue. When I say the revolver renaissance is upon us, I really do believe it's true! Even Clint Smith is running around with a wheelgun on his hip these days....
  22. Well, I do wear glasses pretty much all the time, but it's DougC that has to pee after every stage......
  23. Dave, this is awesome news, particularly considering last year there wasn't even a "Rev" box to check on the entry form (until you rounded up a sparse few and insisted the division be recognized, donating a nice prize out of your own inventory)! Unfortunately, Sam can't make it. The Sunflower is right in the heart of his baseball season, and there will only be 11 guys on his team this year. Gotta let him keep things balanced, I know when not to push. Now.....we can consider this next guy an honorary Iowegan for purposes of this match....but actually Dan Carden hails from the beautiful Bay Area in California. Doug Carden is a born and bred Iowa farmboy all the way. They're both good shooters and friends of mine (or as they say in the mafia, "friends of ours") who coincidentally share the same last name. Who would have thought the Sunflower Classic would become a major revolver destination match, with shooters flying in from Florida and California to battle it out? Check it out--3 out of the top 4 overall Revolver shooters from the 2005 USPSA National Championships will be at this match!! (I think that's called a hat trick or box quinella or some shit like that...) There are only a handful of actual Masters in our division nationwide, and several of them will be shooting in Topeka! Yeah, man!....this is gonna be big fun.
  24. DT: Hope everything's OK with the ticker. Bet it was nothing I couldn't've fixed with the dremel tool and maybe a little super glue! Not sure about Colorado--I have work-related conflicts that may prevent us from attending this year....
  25. Thanks, folks! .....it's sorta rough knowing I have one foot in the grave, and the other on a banana peel....
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