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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. You might be a good candidate for a 610. Or borrow a 646 and try it, the recoil's not that drastic at major p.f., very nice with minor.
  2. Actually, I agree with hdgun. Regular 5" 625 with an action job, chamfer, maybe different sights, and you're all set. If you shop the used gun market carefully (and do your own action work) you can accomplish this for around $500.
  3. Does Tripp or Metalloy support the competitive shooting sports? (...they very well may, I just don't happen to know the answer...) (Sorry Duane, I know you don't want to hear it, but I picked up an AP&W certificate off the prize table at the USPSA Nationals last year, and was very pleased with the hard chrome job they performed on an alloy-framed 1911, and that is not an easy task from what I hear.) I think it's important to patronize businesses that support our game. This sounds like a comment we would expect to hear from a mod on the 1911forum....
  4. KOOL stuff!! It's a great feeling watching your little guy make progress with the wheelgun. (It's been a great experience for me and Sammy, and I know it's been wonderful for Cliff and Luke as well.) So let's see some pics!
  5. Many of the lawsuits that make the news because they're so incredibly ridiculous are brought by wacko pro se plaintiffs (those who can find no attorney willing to take the case). The vast majority of these get tossed out of court almost instantly, and I'll bet that's exactly what will happen with this one. Our civil justice system actually works much better than the media culture would have us believe.
  6. OK guys, as of today Linda says there are 18 of us signed up to shoot Revolver at the Summer Blast. C'mon now, this is a Level III match! It's really important that we get at least two more shooters signed up so we can hit the magic 20 it takes to qualify for Nationals slots! If you are thinking about it, please sign up now while there are still spots open in the match. Please tell you wheelgunner friends. This is a great opportunity to show the world that we can mount a real revolver division at several major matches this year. Are you forum regulars all in this one?????
  7. Yep, that's what I use too. 4.1 gr. always makes chrono in my wheelguns and my 1911s. Personally, I use a 13# spring with no buffer in my 1911s.
  8. Yeah, some bottomfeeder is probably going to start a "You Might Be a Wheelgunner If........" thread...
  9. God I love this forum......you guys kill me!! I've never met you in person, JohnR, but nevertheless I can picture you wearing a white lab coat, shooting BIC pens up the wall against a giant wall chart, using an infrared radar camera to capture and calculate the distance to the nearest thousandth, and a computer graphing program to adjust the measurements to account for the dimple effect before each pen is finally phased out of service...... The only thing we need now to complete the circle is (1) Randy to tell us he's engineered a special Apex revolver hammer impact calibration tool (manufactured by Hearthco, of course) that will be on the market later this fall if he can find the time, (2) for Waltermitty to instantly put his dibs on one from the first production run, and (3) for me to make the absurd claim that you can measure hammer impact with a dremel tool if you know what you're doing....
  10. I'll let it slide this time.....just remember, some of my best friends are lawyers.
  11. OK, you lost me here. How could shortening the FP reduce the chance of litigation?
  12. The truly crazy part is that all the 03-series classifiers seem to use the 30% discount rate off the Limited HHFs, without regard to whether the classifier is six-round-neutral or not. Most revolver guys will wind up with inflated percentages on the six-round-neutral 03- classifiers, and have unrealistically low percentages on those that are not six-round-neutral. Bottom line, and we've said this here before, wheelgunners need to just forget the whole classification redistribution system and just shoot heads-up like men. There are never enough of us at any given match to give any meaning to the class thing anyway. Your goal should not be "High C" or "High A" or whatever, your goal should be "Division Win" or "Top 5" or "Beat Cliff" or something like that.
  13. My opinion (see Hopalong's "noses and asses" tagline regarding opinions): Right now I don't see any top shooters that are actually achieving GM hit factors on classifiers. Go look at Jerry's, he's only a GM because he wins the big matches he shoots. On the other hand, there are a few folks whose local clubs will allow them to shoot and re-shoot lots and lots of classifiers (and then maybe only send in the good ones), and these guys have inflated classes that they can't actually perform to at a real match against real competition. Plus a few that are really good at "stand and shoot" or standards stages, but who can't run field courses worth a crap. Very few sandbaggers in this division, or so it appears. Oddly enough, for all my complaining about the class system as it applies to wheelguns, my own classifier percentage (based partly on classifiers and partly on match performance) is amazingly accurate compared to my performance against our lone GM at last year's Nationals. And Cliff's and Dan's are not too far off the mark, either.
  14. I agree with Bounty. Except for the rare occasion where the stock firing pin truly has insufficient protrusion, the C&S product is purely a placebo. Randy has suggested the sharper profile might be a little better for ignition--OK fine, then sharpen the stock pin if you want. Human beings do love their placebos.....the next thing we'll see is a special deluxe version of the C&S pin that has been "cryo-treated".........
  15. I picked up a nice 625-4 (with hammer nose) a couple months ago and worked it over, and it came out really nice. I'll carry it to matches as a back-up this season. The action is not quite as light as that on my 625-6, but close enough I can't really tell when shooting a match.
  16. No Mumps so far. Sounds like it's hitting the college campuses hard. (Ironic--back when I was in undergrad, many of us were struck with a drastic case of the Pumps....I believe I'm immune these days....)
  17. Naw, he'll do it. He just can't use his special hammer, and the action won't be quite as light, but it will still be fairly magical compared to most wheels.
  18. OK, there are six wheels signed up for A3 so far. Guys, this is a match you do want to shoot. Same place and same people as last year, and it was really good last year. And the prize table was BY FAR the best I have ever seen at an IPSC match, anywhere. Pretty much everybody won a decent prize of some sort. Two guns were awarded last year in revolver division! There is still a spot left on the revolver squad with me and Sam, Keith, Waltermitty, and pskys2! Who wants it??
  19. Excellent......nearly everybody I compete against is using a Chlilinder & Schlide extended firing pin.....that is beautiful music to my ears.......
  20. Hell, it's always worked just fine for me....these dang kids just don't know how to take care of stuff, that's all.
  21. Of course it's not a Glock, it's the Armscor budget limited gun (para clone) which DougC has nicknamed the "Filipino Fantom." 21+1 rounds of .40 caliber fun. Glock. You should know better than that, Keith.....(sigh).
  22. My 13-year-old son Sam was also fortunate enough to be in this class, and it was a 100% positive experience for him. I was unable to attend due to other family commitments, but from what I saw when I arrived to pick up Sam yesterday afternoon, everybody in the class was having a great time. (Even DougC with his sore hand!) Those of you who have teenagers know it's not always easy to connect with them. Emanuel Bragg is obviously really good at it. Sam talked about everything he learned all the way home, and even after burning through at least 1,500 rounds over the past two days the first thing Sam wanted to do when he got home from school today was go outside and shoot! That's about as high a compliment to Manny's class as I can imagine! I can highly recommend EB and his Missouri Shooting Academy LLC to everyone, and particularly to those with younger shooters. And thanks to everybody in the class for helping Sam out and treating him like one of the guys. He had a great weekend!! Here's a few pictures:
  23. What do you mean "we"?? I live west of the Mississippi too, y'know. And I do the "Dan Plan" reloads.
  24. Ah yes, Skip Chambers paid me a visit this weekend too. After about 300 rounds without cleaning I started getting some "clicks" with some off-center primer hits. I'll clean things up and see if I need to take a little more off of my oversized cylinder stop. Was this your gun with the retrofitted Ti cylinder, Walt?
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