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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. Sounds like this match tends to fill up pretty fast, so get those apps in ASAP! I found a good deal on a plane ticket through American Airlines, better than anything I could find on the discount travel sites, in fact. I'm really looking forward to it! Hopefully see a bunch of you roundgunners at the range on Sat. and Sun.
  2. OK fellas, I just signed up for the Summer Blast, and hoping I can convince some of you dedicated wheelgunners to shoot it with me! I have heard tons of great things about this match, and really like the looks of last year's stages. Check it out here: http://lchico.5u.com/blast.html One interesting thing--this is a major match (246 rounds in 10 stages) but it's shot in a half-day format in squads of 7 shooters. This eliminates a lot of standing around--it's a great idea, and more matches should consider doing it this way, I think. Anyway, I'm flying in Saturday afternoon and shooting the match on Sunday morning. If anybody wants to join me, feel free to jot a squad request down on the application form. It should be a Blast!
  3. Rob V. says to install a ball crane lock, then grind off the front of the ejector rod to eliminate the "apple corer" effect. Makes sense to me.
  4. No prob--I'll throw it in the shooting bag.
  5. I've said this before, and I'll say it again.....the first time I saw Bubber shoot his 686 at a USPSA match, I started laughing out loud. I was not laughing at him. (OK, maybe a little, but that's just 'cause he's old and kinda funny-looking). I was laughing thinking about how IDPA had just created a whole new division because a few vocal people felt a "speedloader gun" couldn't possibly ever compete against a "gamer moongun." Bubber had just proved that notion to be utter nonsense, right before my eyes.
  6. I have both SDMs and EGW f/o front sights on various revos, and like 'em both. Shot my back-up 625 today with stock sights, found it to be perfectly fine.
  7. Nice hammer! Man, your action must REALLY be super-light for the hammer to stay back like that all on its own.
  8. Keith, I keep looking at those, too......they are pretty cool......
  9. Cuz, my 626-6 has MIM parts and a frame-mounted firing pin. Some 626-6s still have the hammer nose.
  10. Yep, I tease Dave a lot, but there is a difference. His moonclips are the best. One of these days when my ship comes in.......
  11. Somewhere in the middle of the 625-6 series.
  12. It's really not that expensive to run Hearthco moonclips......just get 35 or 40 of your auto-pistol shooting buddies to email Dave and ask for a free sample...... HAHA!! (Kidding....even I'm not that cheap.)
  13. We're a ways from having a 5-gun GM, I think. Unless somebody has the opportunity to shoot (and re-shoot) (and re-shoot again) a ton of local classifiers, it's not going to happen in Revo for awhile. Look at the Top 20, even Jerry hasn't made GM based on his classifiers, he's done it by winning Nationals and other big matches. Since nobody is (yet) shooting 95%+ of Jerry at big matches, it'll be awhile. If Jerry is the de facto High Hit Factor, there are no other bona fide GMs right now. Or so it seems to me.
  14. Ted--I love it! Always thought there might be a true gamer buried beneath that martial artist veneer! I think you're right that more moonclips fit on the belt, of course most of us wind up stringing them all the way across the front, I always keep 8 moonclip holders in front, and one around back behind the gun for emergencies. That smaller footprint brings along one problem--if the belt isn't good and stiff, the holster isn't as stable as it needs to be. I use a Safariland belt right now, but one of these days I believe I will upgrade to the very stiff CR Speed belt. One other thing I've noticed, it sometimes takes a fair bit of fiddling to get the CR Speed adjusted so the draw naturally comes straight up and out. Set up right, it's wicked quick...but you don't want to be pulling sideways or front-to-back, you want your draw motion to pull the gun straight up and out. Fortunately, the rig is almost infinitely adjustable--it just takes a little time and experimentation.
  15. Nemo, I can tell from the picture that little dude has already got some strong arms on him. Looks like he's off to a great start! Mike
  16. Ummm.....depends on where you live. As it stands right now, it's not an easy travel situation for those in the entire western half of the country. No "other Level III matches" anywhere to be found, except the dual Production/SS match in California in June. We really need the rules adjusted to allow Nationals and the Area matches to be accepted to fulfill that "other Level III match" requirement, to make sure everybody has some reasonable option available to them. The whole point of the rules changes was to make the Series more inexpensive and accessible.
  17. Good point. A month or two ago I did a little campaigning with a few match directors about getting an "other" match somewhere near here, but everybody seems to want to call their match the official "state match" or "sectional match," and frankly I think my request was mostly met with confusion. And I really don't want to raise the issue as to our Iowa Sectional match--although we are building this into a really nice match, I don't think we have the certified staff or resources to make it a Level III Tournament, at least not this year. But I do understand what you're saying.
  18. I do NOT know what that strange post last night was all about. Somebody must know my password.
  19. Thanks, guys, for responding. I didn't mean to come across quite so strong.....now that I'm signed up for the Series I'm not at all sure that I'll even be able to find an "other" match to shoot....in my particular case, I'm already signed up for the Single Stack Classic, which overlaps Space City, and I have a weeklong work commitment that knocks me out of Targeting Education and AWARE. Maybe I can find a way to make it to Summer Blast, or maybe the remaining areas will approve something.... I was really happy when I thought the Board had finally dumped the "other" match thing, because of the fact that a bunch of "other" matches had changed their designation to something else. I know my feelings are the same as those felt by shooters in previous years who couldn't make the Nationals. And I know the Board was trying to fix that problem. Unfortunately, this ain't the fix. I guess I would like to renew my request that the Board revisit this, and allow the area matches and the Nationals to be included in the Point Series as additional options to satisfy the "other Level III Tournament" requirement. What could that possibly hurt?? Either way, I'm in, so I'll do my best to play and enjoy the game. Thanks, Mike
  20. Gary. Wow. I gotta tell ya, this sorta knocks the wind out of my sails. I understand not making the Nationals a mandatory part of the PS, to encourage more participation, but not even allowing it as an option for those seeking an "other Level III" match?????? How could that possibly make sense? And for that matter, not allowing an extra Area match (which we at least have scattered around the country) to serve as the "other Level III" match???? Why not? The Nationals and area matches are the biggest and toughest out there. The policy as stated in the board minutes could easily be interpreted to include these....why in the world not do that?? As it stands right now, those 4 "other" matches (Space City, Summer Blast, Targeting Education, AWARE) will be difficult for many shooters to attend, for geographical and timing reasons. If those are the only 4 "other" matches out there, I think I kinda want my $25 refunded...... (mostly kidding, it's not really about the money, but USPSA shouldn't have accepted sign-ups until this was clear.) Either way, I sure hope a clarification is issued.
  21. I think I figured it out.......I'll bet they mean they will only enter the first two area matches you shoot into the PS system, and you get your best percentage times two......they will only enter the first four state or sectional matches you shoot, and you get your best percentage added......and they will enter your percentage from one additional Level III match, and you get your best percentage added. That makes some sense, because it would discourage (to some extent) running around the country and trying to buy your victory by entering as many obscure matches as possible. On the other hand, somebody would've had to add in that stuff, because I sure don't see it anywhere in the board minutes.
  22. Jeff, As I understand it, the whole concept of "other tournament" is now out the window. That turned into a problem last year--matches like the Missouri Fall Classic which were traditionally designated an "other tournement" were switched over to "state/sectional" status. This year, you need one Level III match for the Point Series, and it can be the Nationals, or any other Level III match you happen to find (Space City, Golden Bullet, MS Classic, Summer Blast, Targeting Education, AWARE, MO Fall Classic, NC Sectional). For that matter, I believe you can shoot another area match and have it count as the additional Level III match (but at 1X). So it's not one "other tournament," it's "one other Level III tournament"--they're using the word "other" not like in past years to designate the match that way, but simply in recognition that it's an "other" tournament beyond the one Level III Area match that you will be counting for score at 2X. But I could be wrong. They need to get this clarified.
  23. Tom, those are the details listed on the website under "2006 Policies." They're definitely changed from the 2005 version, but they do not appear to be 100% correct. They do state that if any discrepancies exist between these policies and the board minutes, the board minutes would prevail. The minutes state that "the USPSA Nationals will no longer be a Point Series match" and "the words 'other tournament' shall be eliminated from the Point Series policy and in lieu thereof, the words 'Other Level III Match' shall replace said words." Last year it was Nationals (x4), one Area (x2), two State/Sectionals, and one Other match. So applying the board minutes, for 2006 it should be one Area (x2), two State/Sectionals, and one Other Level III match (which would include, but not be limited to, the Nationals). Right? I agree it appears they have it messed up on the policy description.
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