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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. Help me understand this concept....."cocking" a revolver??
  2. Hey, I just realized that another of our Revolver forum regulars crossed over to an auto-pistol and did pretty well at the 2006 Single Stack Classic. Nice job, TGO!
  3. Actually, you can do pretty much anything to the MIM parts that you can the regular parts. My 626-6 with MIM parts slicked up great, using the same techniques I've always used with forged parts, and everything's held up great after several thousand rounds.
  4. Suh-weeeeeet!! (but what's that weird thing sticking up from the hammer??)
  5. Maybe try shooting with some different people?? This whole game is an extremely social thing, for most of us anyway. But some people get themselves locked into shooting only with their own special little clique, and unless the chemistry is exactly right, that tends to create burn-out in and of itself. I'll disagree with the others who have responded to some extent--I think shooting can be a great stress relief outlet. When I'm shooting with my friends (or with people I've just met at a big match, for that matter), the last thing I'm thinking about are problems at work or at home. So don't quit. Shoot more...but give yourself a change of scenery in terms of the people you're shooting with. Just a thought. Good luck. Things do have a way of working themselves out.
  6. Sounds like the Summer Blast in PA is now up to 24 revolvers!! Revo division is definitely gaining momentum!!
  7. I always knew the weather in Barry could be unpredictable, but I never expected to have that much snow on the ground in April. But I knew it was worth freezing my butt off when I saw all the beautiful guns Kimber and Colt supplied for the prize table. And that Wilson Combat side event sure was a blast!
  8. Keith, I have a nice shiny nickel moonclip now that I don't remember ever buying. I think of it as sort of a trophy. So if you see it laying around after I run a stage sometime, I guess you'll have to steal it back! I found one of Dan's Hearthco clips in my stuff after a match last year, but I mailed it back to him (insured for its full value, of course).... Dave, I have no idea how many revolvers are signed up, I'm just a lowly laborer. But I know with you, Dan, Keith, Jim, Sam (who will NOT be kicking his dad's butt anytime soon), and me there (for starters), we'll have enough to have ourselves a bona fide shootin' match.
  9. Cool! Great job, Dave! DougC told me there were a LOT of wheels at the PSA.
  10. Jim, don't expect the kind of beverage service we experienced in WI. Then again, your entry fee for the IA match was a bargain, right?? Sign-ups are starting to get a little tight, already a bunch of GMs and Ms on board, looks like this should be the best IA Sectional ever. So what else you want to know?
  11. I believe you are exactly correct. As long as the gun is holstered and you don't completely leave the starting position, there should be no problem. There is no "now turn around and face uprange" RO command.
  12. So the winners of the main match in A, B, C, and D classes also won the XD Challenge in those respective classes?? Hmm...... Congratulations guys! Now go shoot some classifiers.
  13. Man. I wouldn't be too happy with (a) the "gunsmith" or (2) the guy who sold it to me. As long as the screw doesn't protrude into the bore, it probably isn't really hurting anything. Guess you could shoot it and not worry about it (and don't sell it without telling the prospective purchaser about the problem), or have a new barrel put on the gun. Don't feel too bad. I bought an expensive H&K rifle at a gun show once and discovered later that it had a bulged barrel.
  14. Thanks for the info, guys.....I was also hoping to see the times. I hit a half-decent aggregate time shooting in the rain Sat. AM, didn't expect it to be a winner, but I'm curious to know how it compared to everybody else. Last year they posted the times somewhere on the web (might have been on SA's site, I can't remember).
  15. Looking forward to it, Mark! A3 was very good last year, and this year's stages look really fun. See you there!
  16. I guess I'm cheap, but I've used the Uncle Mike's double pouches the last couple years, including the big Single Stack Classic matches, and they worked perfectly fine!
  17. Dang! I think I'll miss that meal as much as I'll miss shooting the match...... You guys have a great time!
  18. Ah, it's not so bad....most of the time, there's a way to shoot the stage decently with a 6-shot gun, but you need to get pretty good at breaking things down and finding the tricky way to shoot it! All part of the challenge, all part of the fun!
  19. They're fine. No problem. Haven't seen an equipment hassle yet in Revo division, doubt if I ever will. The whizz-bang hi-torque stuff is absolutely no advantage anyway in this game. Most of the ROs don't know the rules for Revo, and the shooters don't care (as long as it has iron sights and you only fire 6 shots between reloads). It's great not to have to get your panties in a wad over a 1mm variance in magazine length, or a shiny spot under the trigger guard that might be a non-factory external modification....
  20. All right, all right, let's get this thread back on topic. There may be others who wish to congratulate me.
  21. Sheez, Dean.....you're actually voluntarily entering this discussion?? I was going to congratulate you on your performance at the SSC, but figured I would spare you the hassle from these guys. (I'll tell ya, this Waltermitty character has been getting awfully lippy recently. Apparently he needs another reminder of who's boss.) Hey, good luck out in CO! Tell everybody Sam and I said hello!
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