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Everything posted by chp5

  1. No doubt. I thought the show was great - but I stand by observation.
  2. chp5

    The First 48

    Good point. Colin Vaughn...and yes I am a homicide detective in Cinti Very cool Colin. I really like that show. I'm glad you're the LEO and not the deceased! : So come on - tell us - did you get the bad guy?
  3. I want to like him, but I think Tom Petty is lobotomized. No offense to the Tom Petty fans . . .
  4. With the # of pieces of mail that go through the USPS everyday, I've never had one messed, late or failed to show up. I'm sure it happens and I'm sure it's frustrating when it does, but the USPS might be the best run governmental body that the Fed government has.
  5. chp5

    My Girls

    So THAT'S what happened... Mark - you have no idea . . .
  6. chp5

    My Girls

    Had that surgery too. Hurt like hell. Hope you're doing well! BTW - my nose is still crooked and messed up
  7. Just got me ne w27 round BDM mags for the CZ V-22. They look great and very rugged. I'll try to shoot them this weekend.
  8. chp5

    Back pain!

    Bierman - I know how you feel. I bulged 2 discs in August. I'm better now, but still stiff and some pain. Take care, get 2+ opinions and get well!
  9. I used to like Dallas in the Landry and Staubach days. Now I hate them!
  10. I am also in shock! I'm glad everyone escaped though. Contiuned prayers for the Nagels.
  11. So is the Vickers the same length as the extended Glock part or in between the standard and extended parts?
  12. It looks like the Glock extended part. Am I missing something?
  13. I'm glad for you. I've been miserable in a job before - and it makes life pretty miserable. It's good you left on good terms with the old/new company. Just proves the old saying - "don't burn bridges." Life has unexpected twists.
  14. Agreed - a bit of thread drift. It's about Congress wasting time and our money - and focusing on BS topics while leaving the important ones for another day, year, decade . . .
  15. As jflowers points out - it's the interstate commerce clause. Most people don't realize that the Consitution limits the Fed government to certain listed powers. All powers not listed are reserved for the States. The Fed government has wrongfully used the the interstate commerce clause to do an end-round on the Constitution and do whatever the hell it feels like. This "federalism" started with Lincoln and is now the norm - despite the terms of the Constitution. This fact should alarm most Americans - but just give us TV, baseball and Britney Spears and most of us can't be bothered with that other stuff . . .
  16. You and I are paying these guys’ salary and, instead of focusing on issues such as the national deficit that’s a time bomb for our county, wars on terrorism, the non-existent boarder, healthcare, education, etc, etc, these guys are spending their time and our money on whether a bunch of over-paid, ego-manic jackasses are putting needles in their asses. Are you kidding me . . . ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! It makes me want to take a bunch of steriods and go knock their teeth out
  17. I will not do business with Citibank in the future! They have my mortgage and I'm now looking to refinance!
  18. I think Dale sums it up well. A .22 division can grow our sport more than any other single addition/change IMO. It can bring in new shooters and juniors. It can also add some variety for seasoned shooters. I can't think of a good reason not to do this.
  19. I think it's out of production by HK - isn't it?
  20. This needs a thread of it's own to explore... perhaps a poll too. +1 The .22 division is cool in steel and I think it would be great for USPSA too.
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