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Everything posted by chp5

  1. Well, we've had Sampson for 4 weeks now. In those 4 weeks, he went from 12 pounds to 30 - which is 4.5 pounds a week. You can almost see him grow daily. He's tons of fun and housebreaking is going very well.
  2. MMA is funny. It can change and turn very quickly. As pointed out in another response, Chuck was unbeatable - now he looks close to retirement. The "Axe Murderer" fight in December will be interesting still. Hughes used to bully ALL opponents - now he's an underdog against GSP. GSP was too well rounded to lose to a guy like Sera - and he got knocked out. This sport must drive the bookies crazy.
  3. In some states the tax rate is 1/2 for agricultural use. Examples that come to mind are to have some of the property in planted pines or corn.
  4. Attorney. I represent software and tech-based companies in business transactions and technology licensing. I never go to court, wear a tie or sue anyone Before law school, I was a bartender. Those were the days . . .
  5. I'm selling an old, collectible revolver to a guy in CA. I know that it's on the C&R list and that a C&R FFL is OK for the transfer. How do I know it's OK to ship it to CA? Thanks for your help!
  6. Thanks Homie. That's interesting. It's OK to use some factory parts made for another model (e.g., it's OK to use the factory G34 extended mag release in a G17), but that ruling doesn't apply to mags? Confusing. I also read the 2008 rules as making that ruling irrelevant, because of the new "box" rule. I just want to mess around at local matches without getting blood blisters in the palm of my hand. If I wanted to game it, I wouldn't shoot a G19 in Prod.
  7. Thanks Jim, but I don't see that anywhere in the rules. In fact, the 07 and 08 rules say that there's no max mag length. Just thinking out loud.
  8. Just for kicks, I was thinking of shooting some local matches with my Glock 19 in Prod. However, I frequently pinch the skin on the palm of my hand with the short grip/mags. Is it legal to use G17 mags with the G19 in Prod? I've read some other threads that touched on the topic, but I'm still unsure. I read the new rules as allowing this. Thanks for your thoughts.
  9. Game on! Let's hope and pray for the best. Carlos - based on your read of the Justices, what's your prediction?
  10. Well, I like the M9-A1, but not enough to give up the Glocks. Anyone have a 3rd gen Glock 17 or 22 they want to trade for the M9-A1 with 4 hi caps and 2 10 round mags?
  11. I like the idea - especially for IDPA. I like how the Glock 22/17 handles better than the Glock 34/35. It's a personal thing and you will only know by experimenting in practice with a timer.
  12. My sister-in-law surprised us with front row tickets to the Police concert in ATL last night. We were about 8 yards from Sting. A live concert is where you can tell the talented musicians and vocalists from the ones that rely on technology to bolster their talents. The Police are the former and extremely talented – the best concert I’ve ever attended. The audience knew all the words to all the songs and sang the whole time. I’m horse. The amount of sound they put out is unbelievable for a 3 man band. No other musicians with them on stage. All I can say is – WOW. I have a few bad cell phone pics that I'll post later.
  13. I shot about 250 rounds through the Steyr today and I'm impressed. The trigger was very servicable and produced .18-.19 A hit splits at about 7 yards. The grip is too thin for me and I put a rubber sleeve on it. The funky sights were very easy to pick up and worked very well on open targets, but were hard to use when shooting A/B zones at 12+ yards. It did seem to send a lot of brass back on my head though. It would not come close to fitting into my Glock holster. What holsters fit a Steyr?
  14. Well said. Let's use some restraint on this one guys (something I've not done in the past) and keep this open.
  15. chp5

    Glock sights

    DOH is fine for Prod, but not IDPA BTW.
  16. chp5

    Glock sights

    Here are some good pics: pics
  17. Dan Burwell did a trigger job on my M&P at a reasonble price. It's first rate.
  18. chp5

    Glock sights

    Sights are like women . . . everyone likes something different. I like both the Warrens and Dave's sights. If you want a FO though, I'd go with the Dawson front sight and a Sevigney rear (match them up correctly). Chris Patty (board sponser - CPWSA) can set you up with that combo I believe.
  19. I feel ya man - on all but the Tanner stuff. Tanner does have heart, but but he's over the hill and is not near the complete fighter that Silva is. Silva will knock him silly faster than Tito smashed him (20 seconds?). I like all your other thoughts though Much respect. Cy
  20. I just got one from Mike like the one on the far right. It's great! Mike - can you do one that's Prod legal?
  21. I had a deer hit the side of my car when going about 50 on a country road. I didn't hit it - the deer hit me!?!? Scared the crap out of me.
  22. Yep - that's a problem I picked one up from CDNN through Chris Patty (CPWSA - a board sponsor) for around $450 for the pistol and 6 mags (4 hi caps and 2 10 rounders). It seems to point even higher than a Glock for me. The trigger isn't nearly as nice as the range gun I shot - probably because the range gun smoothed out through use. I'll shoot it this week and give it a fair trial for a month or three. If I don't like it, look for it in the classifieds!
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