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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Just a Heads up. Arkansas State USPSA match: May 3 & 4 CASA in Little Rock $100 bucks 1 gun-12 stages Hop
  2. I'm actually in a good mood Sir ! I will add to Cliffys' post. I got from a really good source (the MD for the Nationals) and NO I won't tell........... It will be Back to Back, but not a firm date yet but I-d bet on right before the WORLD SHOOT !!!!! I really HOPE the growth we've been seeing in Revolver division keeps going. BUT, with the shorter time of announcement, and lower gas prices !!!!!!! along with other stuff I just don't see it happening this year (sorry, but I am still an Optimist). See ya'll on a range................somewhere, sometime. Hopalong
  3. I have to give Michigan credit where credit is due. congrats to the big M !!!!! It really pains me to root for Florida, but they are a SEC team and I pull for them as long as they aren't playing TENNESSEE. So I pulled for Fl, but was impressed with MI. Hop.
  4. Well I'll start the speculation. Since our Planners have NO plans on when and where. I feel that participation will be down in the Revolver division. I myself don't think I'll make the trip this year after 4 in a row. Slots are not a problem for me, I get one from my section if I want it, to represent TN with a revolver(or whatever gun I should decide to use). See some of you on the range, somewhere. Have a GREAT 2008 !!!! Hopalong
  5. Good Idea ! Just might have to do that. Hop
  6. CZ makes a great rifle for the price. I know several that have it in the 17 mag, and the 17 mach II, have seen some impressive groups shot with these rifles. Oh the .22 shoots pretty good too ! Hopalong
  7. Had my first malfunction of my Triangle shooting sports Limited gun today, a non feed into the chamber of the 17th round in the mag (I had 19 in it). Oh did I mention this is now 2+ years I've had the thing? Thanks Benny! Edit to add: I guess that I've run 15,000 to 20,000 rounds through it now. Hopalong
  8. Out shooting the monthly steel only but USPSA style match today and my BENNY HILL built Limted gun Jammed (failure to feed on the 17th round in the mag). Now, go see the what I like topics. Hop
  9. Hi from Tennessee, THIS is going to be pretty LONG but bear with me. Been gone a little while, saw this and thought I'd add a little real world experiance. Not just for JANE, but the rest as well. I have not told this to anyone, but a few real close friends. Looking back to 2005. That was the year I decided to SERIOUSLY shoot revolvers, and shot them exclusively at any and all matches I attended, even 3-gun matches. I had made several goals. 1: Go up in classification, and be able to shoot to that level at Major matches. 2: break the 2 second barrier on the reload (on a target at 7 yds, with A hits on all shots) 3: shoot a clean error free MAJOR match 4: shoot 60+% of the match winner of the local matches I shoot (all have M and GM Open shooters) with my revolver. Those were my goals, nothing mentioned about placing in a particular spot, or vs any particular person. At the time I was just into B class and could shoot that or better at any match except when Mr. Miculek showed up, and then was close. I worked all winter on dry fire reloads, getting to where I could do a par time reload in 1.75 regularly and a good one mixed in every now and then. I go down to the A-4 match in June, have 11 revolver shooters there that year, a couple I know can shoot as well as I but no Jerry, Smith & Wesson has him out working in AZ. I have what I would call a better than normal, and likely a 105% match for me and actually win A-4 !!!! (I would call it an error free match, but I did draw a few penalties all were chosen though) So now it is June, the Nationals are in early September and I have already gotten 2 of the 4 goals I have made, time to make new ones.................... I decide that at the Nationals, I WILL shoot 80% of Jerry as one of my new goals. Work takes a downturn so I decide to ask for a layoff so I could get in more practice. Layoff is granted now I have 7 days a week to do what I need to do to get ready to shoot 80% of Jerry. I start shooting a club match every weekend somewhere, and now am at the range 5 days a week, twice a day once in the morning when it is somewhat cool, and then in the afternoon in the heat of the day so I'd be mentally and physically prepared for Barry in the first week of September. I'm now shooting 200+ rounds at a match on Saturday, then 1000 rounds a day M-F from June 15 to the week before Nationals. Let me tell you one thing about this much shooting, unless you just really aren't attempting to get better you will. AND you will go through a whole bunch of $$$$ in reloading supplies Now, forward to 2 weeks before Nationals, I have now gone up in classification, and am now shooting nearly 70% of the hot shots at the club matches. So all 4 first of the year goals have been attained, now all I have to do is FOCUS on the newest (80% of Jerry at Nationals, And the top 4.) and I have all the confidence that it is possible as I get into a stage and kind of go into "Autopilot" when the buzzer goes off, yet know what exactly is going on at the time (more on that later) The week of the nationals (started on a Thursday I think) Monday I do a really hard practice and go through 600 rounds that morning, I then go and clean the gun to a like new or better cleaning job, I then go that afternoon and shoot another 500 rounds but with match ammo. Have a really bad practice that afternoon as I'm really pushing to have a 110% practice and that bites me in the ass, so I just quit in the middle of practice and call a good friend, we have a good 1 hr chat (oh he's a pretty good shooter too "GM") about what I'm having troubles on that day. I then refocus, and have a good end of practice. Nationals: I did not shoot with ANY other revolver shooters, as I was shooting with two of my Mississippi friends so I'm stuck in a squad of all Limited shooters but me, andit had 1 GM, 7 M, 1 A, 1C, and myself pretty tough company but to be honest with you, now I think it was also a bonus. We were shooting half days and if I remeber correctly the majority of the revolvers shot on the other half of the day, I also was a stage ahead of them in the rotation. the first day we shot 3 stages, I did good on two and average on the other. The second day we shot 6 stages, I felt at the time I did great on 1 (14 the hardest stage of the match) good on 3 and average on the other two. The 3rd day we shot 6 stages, I felt I was shooting on a pace to make my goal (I don't look at preliminary scores) and shot 3 good stages, THEN. STAGE 18: It is one of those stages, shoot it conservatively and live to fight again. or go for it and put a nail in th coffin of the other guys...............I've always been one not to go the conservative route. So I go for it. AND BLOW IT OUT MY A$$.................... 2 mikes on swingers, 2 no shoot hits that cause mikes and now I have ZERO'ed a 90 point stage at the Nationals, where my goal is to shoot 80% of Jerry (Yes that DID go through my hard head). The next stage is the Darkhouse, It requires focus and concentration so I manage to some how get that last stage off my mind and shoot it. Then the last stage of the day, felt pretty good about the Darkhouse and was feeding off it and had let the other stage get off my mind. Shot it what I though was "Man that was pretty good" The last day we shot 3 stages, I felt I shot one good and the other two average. Now with half a day to look back at the entire match, all I could think about was the ONE stage that I zero'ed. My buddies Chad and Bryant kept telling me I had a great match but it didn't help one bit. Results come out and Somehow my name is there, 6th overall. with 2 stage wins (14 and 2). I have many of my friends coming by and congratulating me for 6th and 2 stage wins..........all the while I'm getting more and more disgusted for ZEROing that one stage.(that was all I could think about) Even Jerry came and chatted with me about how good a match I shot, but I still was MAD about the one stage. Awards came and went, we decided to hit the road that night so away we went to Tennessee, and Mississippi. All the way home, Chad kept saying how good a match I shot and going on about stage wins at the Nationals especially stage 14 the hardest stage ot the match (I shot it the fastest, and dropped the least points of any revolver shooter) and stage 2 (that was the second stage after I Zeroed the other stage). But still all I could think about is that Zeroed stage, and how it cost me the top 4 and 80% of Jerry. I ended up shooting 78+% BTW. Got home and had many friends e-mailing me about how I did good and congats for the stage wins ect. and still all I could think about was that one stage..........now it is starting to get to me. I'm getting not only mad at myself but pretty discusted with Revolver shooting and lay it down not to touch one again for another 5 months. In the next half a year it took all my will to even shoot USPSA even with a Limited gun (a Brand new Benny Hill custom at that). I was so focused on that stage and it costing me my goal that it ruined the big picture for me and almost made me quit shooting. Now looking back I can see that 2005 was the best year of my shooting and I can also say that I have/had the thing we are really trying to find................the abilities to win..............not only physically, but mentally. But just did not recognize it at the time. Hindsight...................20/20 or better. So in closing, DON'T focus on the goals as an all to end all, but as a constant road that plays out before you. Or as in Janes first diary. A journey to the top of the Mountain. I got to the rise of my mountain, and let the focus on the top let me miss the journey and the view. Good luck to all, and may God be with you this year. Hopalong
  10. Pat, I hate to be the bearer of bad news.......................BUT !!!! You may want to think really hard about using Clays to make MAJOR in 40 S&W. That is on the high side of the pressure tolerances, the only thing you might have going for you is you're using it in a gun designed to handle 10MM pressures. The ONLY way I'd think about using Clays to make Major is in a 610, and then I'd really go through the numbers, might even give Hodgedon a call too! Hop
  11. On the cylinder chamfer, You need to check with loaded moons that the chamfer does not extend past the cut of the brass towards the bullet. It is fully supported that way, and to get it chamferd that deep you really have to get after it with the tool. 40 brass just doesn't like moon clips, unless they are Hearthco moons. just make sure you tell him it is an early model as there are some differences. Hope that helps, Hopalong
  12. Thanks for the encouragement and good words. I did this with much thought and deliberation, just think it is the better thing for me to do (now). Caspian 45, NO, The only thing I'm going to make a run at is being a better person. Mover, I'll see you in Dickson when I see you. Hop
  13. +1 from Tennessee God Bless America, and her troops !!!! Happy Birthday Jesus ! Hopalong
  14. I'm like Pat, 147 FMJ out to 200 give or take, then 175 smk past that............you talk about making a MGM flash target flash !!!! Oh, you were talking about mouse guns.............. 55grns for hoser stuff...........77grn for long, or windy, or steel that needs to go down or flash Hop
  15. Sorry to hear that Dennis, Hang in there, It'll All come out of the end (oops, I meant in the end) !!!! Hop
  16. After being a NROI certified CRO for 6 years I have decided not to get current. Starting to see way too much carelessness (yes I did correct many with the appropriate methods). Hop
  17. Tonitown Arkansas, It is an INDOOR Match. Check it out yourselves. www.ICORE.ORG Hop
  18. YES !!!!!! Scribble at least two (2) Tenneseeans into the mix !!!!!! Hop
  19. I'm going to try for the 3rd time to get there, who else? Hopalong
  20. May he rest in PEACE, and God be with his friends and family. Hop
  21. Art, My lead supplier is getting a mold for just that bullet, look at February as to when he'll be able to start filling orders (I think). Check back with me then. Hop
  22. according to the listing, new unfired except at the factory. auction #86723008 Just thought I'd tell you guys. Hop
  23. Ramer is fairly close to memphis. No, sorry I won't be at the match this weekend. Say hi to Linda for me though. Good luck, see you on a range somewhere. Hopalong
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