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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. I am classified in 4 divisions. Limited A --Para P-16-40 Limited 10--B Kimber SS or Browing HI power 40 S&W Production B Stock Glock 17 Revolver A S&W 625 or 610 (use both) NO OPEN, Have no desire to shoot space guns Hopalong
  2. Roboman, here are the last 4 I have.... 99-62 My hf. 10.247 Sedros % 93.3269 Your % 93.3241 99-56 My hf. 5.7654 Sedros % 75.3647 YOUR % 41.??? 99--09 MY hf. 3.2099 Sedros% 77.7467 Your % 77.7466 99-08 My hf. 6.6829 Sedros% 87.5374 Your % 87.529 Hope that helps, this is for Revolver Division. Sam And as far as me having my HF. out for all to see.... I don't care and if it is not Polite (USPSA Admin.) Flex go ahead and take the HFs off. SK
  3. JFD, On the Back sight.... I have broke 2 of them, both broke the pin I talked to the local Para rep and he got me one, then I sent the first back to Para and they sent new one. On the magwell..... I have Ed brown on mine so I can shoot it in IDPA also, Have friends with the Dawson and like it too. If shooting USPSA only the Dawson is most likely the way to go. Hopalong.
  4. Roboman, Does it work on CM99 classifiiers? that is all I have that I can compare to. Otherwise I will just have to wait with my info.... Hop. AND Thanks too.... FLEX
  5. I'm surprised RHINO doesn't shoot what JAYGO shoots Couldn't resist that one Rhino ole boy !!! Hop
  6. Neat stuff Flex, When the update with the one I have shot on it comes out I will compare the results for you. Sam Oh yeah, THANKS Roboman....
  7. I have seen somewhere that there are at least a couple of good tactical type slings for my M1A but now can't seem to find them. Could any one point me in the right direction? If I am going to need a sling for Jeffs Tactical match, maybe a tactical sling? On a more serious note. I have a standard Military type leather sling on it and that works OK but looking for better mousetrap. Thanks in Advance.... Benny, Kurt how about that Major Rifle thing again at Alabama in April/May? esp if he has a "heavy metal/He man" division. Hopalong
  8. If the shootoffs at the 2004 Nationals lasted 3 hrs max( i don't seem to remember them lasting that long though) then each one would be cut in half (basicly)... Seems like they(Match organizers) could find 2 hrs to get it in before prize awards that evening? Sounds to me like some body has decided not to even try too hard for this "Tradition" to go on.... I'm with ROB on this... Hopalong
  9. NOT slighting the NEW Double Tap ranch at all!!!!! Sure would rather drive 2 hrs to Birmingham than 14 to Whichita Falls in March..... WOOGIE you out there? maybe you can find something out? Looking to shoot some Major in March. HOPALONG
  10. JFD, For Mags here is how you can't go wrong (also in Para mag thread somewhere) Para Mag bodies, Grams springs and followers(+1) Dawson Precision +2 pads Mag is 100% leagal, mag holds 20 and 21 if your really lucky and will reload with no special effort and feed the 1st round reliable unless you have real light spring. I have been running this set up in mine for 2 years now and have yet to have a failure to feed or anything related to mags( bobbled reload excluded) I will hear it now but even have been using same springs for 2 years. Hop
  11. Bill I must agree... In the now 14 months I have been shootng the wheel gun competitively I have found out this one major thing.... Revolver shooters MUST be able to deal with much adversity. HOP See ya'll there, if any way possible.
  12. Barretone, What about Sweeney? 1 1/2 months before Nats? might be a good tune up and if Flex does get his 20 surely someone could give him some competition? Hop
  13. Glad to have you Dave !!! You are as you know, in Area-4 Home of the World Champion Revolver shooter Jerry Miculek, and his darling wife Kay (who will kick your but with a gun too). Being you are in Dallas you might want to slide up to Ft. Smith Arkansas and shoot with Clay, Mike, Mark and the bunch at Old Fort gun club, Nice range, Great folks they host a match every spring called the OLD FORT Shootout ususally 50+ shooters there. I am sorry I did not get to meet you at East TX section but sure did enjoy jumping the gate (NOT) Area-4 match in June will be something to see, there will be folks from all over down there even from out of the US, if as Ususall they fill up it will be as big as the IDPA Nationals (300) or so shooters. Have fun, the guys in USPSA are not much different than IDPA except they know it is a game but are quite passionate about it too. If you have any questions, comments or advise (yes you do) just get on and tell, ask or what ever. Sam Keen / Hopalong
  14. Flex, Revolvers: 20 you say???? I would LOVE to see that !!!!!! USPSA can't even draw 20 revolvers to the Nationals, but I will do my best to be there..... HOPE that helps some. so there you are 10% already...... Jeff.........1 Sam........2 next? HOPALONG
  15. Well the year is over, are the results that are showing the final results? IF so BENOVERSE KICKED ASS... Open: Max Michel Jr BE.coms BJ Norris lurking in the shadows at 4th (way to go BJ) Limited: TT slips by Dablaster at the last minute.. Dablaster GMShooter BE.com -1, 2, and 3 L-10: Larry Houck if there is some one on BE.com I am sorry for I did not know. Production: Todd Sindelar ----- sneaks by the WHO? feller from Arkansas Matt Mink semi famous BE.comer Revolver: Hopalong catches Tilley at the finish line. My congrats go out to all the winners, overall and class. and ESP all the BE.comers that KICKED BUTT and took names Hopalong Have edited to add: Yeah, Like Fomieister says Let's have a LONG list (yeah right there were not enough PS shooters for a long list) Of the BE.comers who also KICKED BUTT and took names in the PS.
  16. Way to go Sam !!!! Ya'll don't know the half of it..... Mr. Sam Carmoney is quite the talented shooter, I had the pleasure of seeing him in Action in Missouri last fall.... in 5 years (or less) we won't be watching out for Jerry only !!! And like I have said before....... Anyone that has the name Sam and shoots revlolvers is Alright in my book. Hopalong
  17. RedMist10 LOVE the new Avatar HOP Dennis, If you are talking to yourself AND the RO at the same time as reloading you are using way too much time reloading, you could use that time to talk to the PEANUT gallery too.
  18. Let me add to what I posted earlier.... The reason I (ME personally) shoot a moonclip gun is two fold.... 1 Action: I use the 610 or 646 S&W for IDPA, Smiths have a shorter trigger stroke and smooth up the best of any out there. 2 Brass: I reload, and shoot way more local than major matches so I pick mine up and it is way easier to pick up 1 moon clip than 6 scattered pieces of brass. the first reason is paramount, the second is just a little perk that comes with shooting the moon clips. Hopalong. For what it is worth... I know IDPA is not USPSA and will never be.... that is why there is USPSA and IDPA. But to Dramatically change a division the way Revolver division was changed there should have been some kind of poll taken from the people that make that division go. Pretty simple, send questionaire to all people classified in Revolver then hash over the results and come up with a solution (to a really non-issue, speed loaders can be as quick as moonclips they just take practice too) hopalong
  19. Weebles, Browning is the Manufacturer of the gun, It was designed by John Browning, the Man who designed the 1911(Colt .45), and a whole bunch of other guns, the HI-Power was basically a remodel of the 1911 but they are quite different too. Good Luck with the 10M air, I shoot some air during the winter months to keep the mechanics up for NRA silhouettes, and service rifle. Hopalong
  20. I have not read the rule book on line, membership expired and will get one with re-upping. Here is a simple fix for what was thought a problem for the 625. Make cartridges power factor specific per caliber.... example go to Jim Bobs gun store... buy 1 box winchester 1 box federal 1 box cci 1 box remington bullets.... shoot 5 of each through the chronograph and come up with an average power factor per caliber and make that cut and dry per caliber then it is up to the shooters to shoot what they want. This will also cause trouble among 357/38 spl guns so what do there? require multi caliber guns to shoot the stronger of the two 686 shoots 357, 610 shoots 10 MM ect. This is slight work for the folks at HQ but would make for the option of shooters to use the gun of choice, the biggest thing between the guy that goes for equipment "advantage" is they are not willing to invest in the time to get good with the "good guns" 686 vs. 625 (sorry but that is just what it is) Then once you have caliber specific Power factors lump them all back together in 1 revolver divison, I would have no problem shooting my 646 against a 627 or 625, but would not have any way. Hopalong
  21. I was looking at the L-10 thread that is going on about single stack vs. double stack and came up with this question. Why do you shoot Revolver instead of some kind of auto ??? I am really going to let the cat out of the bag here on my own question but here goes.... I started shooting Autos (Limited Division) and shot in it for 3 years and change... When I made it to B class Limited but could only be in the middle of the pack at a match but started shooting good classifiers instead of Sandbagging I put it down and started shooting the revolver which had always intrigued me (had a GP 100 that I shot in IDPA and did pretty good with) Now 1 year and change later I have deciced that this gun is really fun to shoot, Challenging is an UNDERSTATEMENT and now know that real dedication to shooting is required to get good (NOT GREAT) with one of these things. PLUS shooting the limited gun is boring now, usually only 1 reload in an entire stage....... come on where is the challenge to that??? So lets hear it, what makes you shoot OLD GUN ???? HOPALONG
  22. Leave it alone..... I shoot in all Divisions BUT Open, and could shoot my LTD gun in it.... might not win but sure would piss off the red dotted blaster people that got smoked by the "iron sight gun" As far as competition in the L-10 division goes does a 1.15 reload with a doublestack gun and 1.20 reload between a singlestack gun make the difference in a Match? Hell No and those who think so are only kidding themselves. sorry to be blunt but that is just the way it is. As far as price to get into shooting goes.... I can go buy a Para-Ordnace P16-40 ltd for 800 bucks at the gun store and shoot it in LTD or LTD - 10 or I can go buy a Kimber Custom Eclipse (basically the same set up) for 1,000 bucks at the same gun store. People are going to spend what they want to or can no matter what division they shoot. as far as getting IDPA shooters to USPSA... In my neck of the woods the guys I invite to shoot USPSA that shoot IDPA usually turn down the invatation due to shooting philosiphies not equipment. So Gary, Thanks for asking and being in the forefront among the board the thing that needs attention is what JFD and VLAD noted: Revolver division One thing I read earlier but can't remember who wrote it is this.... Limited and Limited 10 should have the same and exact results on the classifiers (Hit factors should be the same in both) I have not looked at the new classifiers but up till now there was no advantage in shooting an 18 round Mag vs. 10 round in the classifiers. I am like Matt Mink If you can shoot Limited GM then you should be L-10 GM ( Sorry for the bluntness again) and If you can shoot L-10 GM then you should be L GM.( I myself am A, limited and B, L-10 but that is due to not shooting L-10 much) I shoot my Kimber Single Stack in L-10 when I shoot in it, there is a place for Single Stack guns....Limited 10 don't think single stacks can't be competitive, go challenge TGO to a shoot off HOPALONG SMITTY, did you shoot Limited or Limited 10 at this years Nationals?(NOT trying to be a smart ass or anything like that just using you as an example of cross divisions shooters) I already know that answer and he will Say Limited due to that is where the majority of the Competition is.... the dedicated L-10 shooters will shoot that and the others will shoot Limited and unless a match is single gun only that is how it will always work. AND the Single gun thing is beat to death too so lets just leave well enough alone and try and promote our sport better. Hopalong
  23. James, Shoot the 646, I presume you were talking about the change in IDPA about moonclip guns???? Shoot for overall match win..... The flatsided bottomfeeders HATE it when they get smoked by a wheel gun Hop/Sam
  24. Hi Weebles, Good to see some more youth shooting even if you are stuck up there. I currently shoot: NRA: Small bore silhouettes, sporter rifle and pistol, cowboy Small bore Prone Hi-Power Service rifle (M1A .308) USPSA: Revolver (S&W 625) limited (Para P16-40 ltd_ L-10 (Kimber Eclipse .45 single stack) Production (Glock 17) 3 gun, pistol, para oradnace Shotgun Remington 11-87, rifle M1a Scout squad .308 by springfield IDPA: Revolver (S&W 610, 646 or Ruger GP 100 depending on which one I feel like shooting) ESP: BROWNING hi-power CDP: Same Kimber as L-10 SSP: Same Glock as Production Anybody got some spare time for me to do something else? Any way Welcome Weebles, Lots of good INFO on here.... Sam Keen
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