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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Michael, there is an Official expanation on how to get a slot on the USPSA website. But here is an UNofficial explanation: All Past National champs All class winners at Area- champs (there is something else here but I can not remember) Each Section gets a certain number of slots depending on the "mission count" to get one of these slots you must talk to your section coordinator Any left, go to a "Waiting list" where you get on the USPSA website and put your name in the hat, usually first come first served I think. Hope that helps. Your local club president can help you get in contact with your section coordinator. Hopalong
  2. THREAD DRIFT Hey Flex, I guess ya'll are shooting the steel challenge right? here at our club we shoot a steel only match once a month but set the stages up like an all steel uspsa match...... MAN WHAT FUN !!!!!! I get my butt kicked most of the time as I use the 6 shot in it too but I am not a bit intimidated by steel at all after shooting these matches. BTW the entry fees ($5.00) go to the JR. program for the club, last year we bought them a new FIENWICKBAUW air pistol and helped on expenses to the JR Olympics. Back to the original programing.....
  3. OK, since it seems we have a good bit of interest, I know not everyone will be pleased with a date no matter when we do it but the biggest consensus would be the way to go on it. I was thinking about maybe just before USPSA Nationals BUT have changed my mind and am now thinking about early fall after nationals and before deer season and all the shooting winding down. The reason for after nationals is: Those who are shooting other than Revolver that would shoot a revolver at a revolver only match would not do it right before Nationals of any type. So with the shooting season winding down and no really "super major matches" to worry about this would be the best time I think (there we go again) How many stages would be enough? don't worry about them being challenging I have some very GOOD stage designers around that will test you out but not kill you (YOU WILL HAVE FUN) Sam
  4. Well I got 3 out of the 5 for 2004.... The 2 not accomplished were M in USPSA and IDPA Missed M in IDPA by 3 seconds and had 5+ second brain fart. started shooting R in USPSA with a 41% just barely in C class 12 months to the date... am sitting at 80% So here are 2005 shooting goals: M in IDPA and USPSA with Revolver (hopefully they won't change the classification process) 85% + of MR Miculek at Nationals or any other USPSA match we both shoot. (boy that one needs work) Shoot offs at Nationals, Revolver division Get Rid of about 30 pounds and keep them off.... MOST of All ..... KEEP having fun and enjoying meeting all the GREAT folks in our sport. Hopalong
  5. Well it is quite evident that there is some interest..... Let me add a tid bit here too. I understand that some people have not as good eyes as others and thus shoot OPEN to use the red Dot (Bubber is one of these I think) I myself have to wear glasses/contacts to see anything past arms length. If at all possible I will Not be shooting anything OPEN as I am slightly old fasioned (except the rifle ) and think pistols should be shot with Iron sights Now, I suggested the Open division hoping to draw more of the ICORE shooters into USPSA, yes they are similar but different but they are both "action" type sports. John R, thanks for the note about 10 shot guns, that is what I thought and thus why I suggested 8 rounds max. As far as the thing getting kicked off the forum as long as we keep it civil we should be good to go as we are all adults (or supposed to be) and should be able to get and give ideas, good and bad. I Really doubt scoring will ever change as that is what USPSA is about (and IPSC) And I am not worried about the powers that Be at USPSA or anywhere else as I am only a Little fish. It is IMHO that USPSA is like (or at least the leadership that we have now) SmittyFL they wish the only two divisions out there was OPEN and Limited, But there is the other 3 Divisions that are recognized and have to be dealt with. I think (Opinion again) that most folks that might shoot revolver (open or standard) do not because of the stage designs that we see out there now (Smitty is that one of the reasons you shoot L instead of R ? ) Smitty by the way is pretty good with the flat gun (OK he's almost GOOD) No he's Damn good and I enjoyed watching him shoot at the Nationals last Sept. Another reason I suggested open R is there are some folks out there that enjoy shooting revolvers but have this nice 627 that they can't use to its full capability due to the rules and thus might start if they had a way. I know as well as everyone else that Autos are the King and will always be I have no problem with that as I have half a dozen of them and shoot them too. Carmoney had a point there too, if the other divisions (note I didn't say just revolver) were promoted as much as OPEN and Limited there would be more participation. I know that when I go to the Nationals or any where else I might run into Jerry Miculek that he is supposed to beat me like a drum... but I still go and will go. The same goes with an Auto shooter and TGO so I really doubt the intimidation factor has nothing to do with it. Back on stage design, At this years Nationals the stages were THE most revolver friendly as any match I have been to yet, including IDPA sectionals, state matches ect. I might not have done as well as I could have, but that was MY fault not because the stages were too hard to figure out. The new 9 shots per array rule may or may not help as it is a number divisible by 3 and really compasionate stage designers cloud make it easier to shoot with even a 6 gun. P40 I agree, it is not Finacially feesible but if it was offered maybe say 1 year as a trial, maybe the ICORE guys we mention would shoot and then we could see how much interest was really out there. and from what some of what I have heard MV does and doesn't listen to the A/Ds (kind of hears what he wants to type thing Shred, I don't think it takes anything "special" all you have to do is pick a gun, practice, and go shoot, NO DIFFERENT than shooting L-O-L-10 or P Smitty, biggest reason so few revolvers at Majors is same as P and L-10 (IMHO) not enough promotion and reason to shoot them (yes I opend the door on that one) even at the section matches the 3 divisions seem to be a "Oh yeah and some folks shot L-10, P and R and It all comes trickling down, if it was promoted better at the top it would get better at the smaller matches. Fomiester, was closest I think. Needs work Matt, GOOD shooting at E.TX but it seems to me that there was not but around 50 production shooters at Nats and besides AUTOs HAVE an OPEN division to shoot in. The Ideas so far seem to all be the same generally, I will see what I can stir up as far as the REVOLVER only match but you had better bring a bunch of bullets to shoot...... Keep the comments and suggestions coming, I will compile it all and send a letter and maybe a phone call or two to at least MY A/D. I really doubt there will be any chance of an OPEN REVOLVER division, or much more participation in standard revolver as Fomiester says but is it worth a try to see how much interest is out there and could it help USPSA, I think so, it may be what REVOLVER division really needed in the first place. Thanks for the comments, and WIDE45 thank you too all comments are noted. SAM KEEN / HOPALONG
  6. How much Interest out there for breaking out an OPEN REVOLVER Division? Basically 8 rnd MAX and all else OPEN like the AUTOS (caliber for Major ect.) and also Naturally KEEP the Standard revolver Division? I know MV is quite against such a thing but if there is enough pressure, and He IS elected you know. I still am trying to work up a Southern Championship Revolver only USPSA match but am thinking about including an OPEN division. IF there is enough interest and we have a great turn out maybe( just maybe ) the powers that should be and the powers that be will get the hint.... Please Post comments but lets keep them within the forum guidelines. SAM KEEN
  7. hopalong

    Revo pics

    Shred, You have wheel guns and were shooting a Flat sided bottom feeder at the East TX Sectional???? BLASTPHEMEY I am ashamed for you, you should be ashamed of yourself..... Hopalong Spook, What is this WORLD coming to ?????? A little help here.....
  8. For Me it will be REVOLVER, and then maybe work the other half of the Nats and get a "Front Row" seat Hopalong
  9. 6gun, Welcome HOME I have both, the 646 is still rather new to me and I really like the little gun as I have small hands too but with Jerry Miculeks grips the hand thing becomes a non issue for me. I really like the action on my 646 and have yet to really get into it and smooth it out and put a good trigger kit in it but it is now sitting at around 7 pounds. The 610 I have had for 3 years and have been all inside it and it has a 6 pound trigger so as you see the trigger thing is a non issue too. (this is a 4 inch gun) UP until this spring I shot the 610 in USPSA and IDPA and just shot the same Major ammo and did not worry about light and heavy stuff. but then I got the 625 5 inch gun so I started playing with light loads in the 610 for IDPA (4 inch barrell rule) When I got the 646 I thought that it would be the cats a$$ as Carmoney said as far as quick pointing and better reload and such. Well a freind and I went to a state IDPA match the other day and he saw I had the 610 and said "where is the 646" and this was my reply... "If you see me shooting the 646 I am just having a good time, but if I have the 610 I am here on business" I had a problem with my 625 and sent it back to S&W for repair and had to shoot the 610 at an Area match and did as well with it as the 625. the biggest thing in revolvers is you reload so many more times a match than any one else that the disaster factor is higher because of it. My partners in the wheel gun world are right the 625 is the reload KING, then the 646 and then the 610, but with a real good chamfer job and some good moonclips I will take my 610 anytime. I took it and the 625 to the range about a month ago and did some reload drills for comparison and this is what I got. 625 average reload 2 shots reload 2 shots (standing still and shooting As) 10 yds 2.27 (10 times) 610 same drill as above 2.35 so as you see the time difference is very small especially if you are shooting the 610 exclusively. Now for recoil between the two.... the 610 wins hands down, in my opinion the 646 felt like I was shooting my 610 with 10 mm factory loads. it was controlable but the recoil was pretty mean. and for minor... as I do know a few that even shoot their 625 with Minor at USPSA matches.... the extra weight of the 610 just absorbs it. So in conclusion.... 646 or 610? for competetion in USPSA/IDPA/ICORE/NRA Bianci cup the 610 remember the 4 inch rule in IDPA 646 for ccw or automobile use. BUT did I tell you I really like this gun? Sorry for the long reply but I thought that the info would be of help... Hopalong / SAM KEEN oh yeah, HI Shred!!! that sound right , coming from you
  10. here is the deal... I was an RO at the Springfield Challenge in Memphis. My stage was all sitting down so the other RO and I put a tarp out and caught the brass( supplied by Springfield all new Federal factory ammo) EXCEPT A few in the "owners class" insisted on shooting their own. Well I ended up with 5+ gallons of .45 ACP and have been using it for my 625. I was loading a bunch of practice rounds this evening and had one shell that just did not want to reprime. so I took it out thinking the old primer did not come out as sometimes is the case but rarely. and looking at its case head I find the problem. It is stamped: WIN NT 45 auto the primer pocket is OBVIOUSLY not LARGE PRIMER POCKET appears to be SMALL PRIMER POCKET. What is this shell casing? WHO'S STUPID IDEA was this? IF I find the designer I think I will kick him/her right square in the A$$ Anybody else seen these? HOPALONG
  11. Boomzilla, The reason Vic and Randy are getting such low trigger pulls is twofold.... 1 they are smoothing all moving surfaces eminsley(spelling)adding a good lube thus takeing away as much drag as possible. 2 they reduces the mass on his hammers so he has a fast but light hammer thus taking the required spring weight to overcome the mass and inertia on the hammer. I have one of Vic Picketts trigger kits in my 625 (-4 model with firing pin on the hammer) and with the smoothing and other work I put into mine I have a reliable 5 1/2 pound double action trigger pull. In my 610 I have a Wolff kit... I did the same work as the 625 but have it set at 7 1/2 and it pops Winchester primers 100 percent if I seat them all the way down. a small note here, For me out to about 30 yards I have no problem with the heavier trigger pull of the 610 as if you are pressing the trigger correctly the weight of the trigger is a non issue.( and this gun will pop federals 100% at 6lbs) Hope that helps explain things it is a basic overview as I have not seen exactly what they do but that is what I understand of it. Hopalong.
  12. SPOOK What the H***, I have only shot revolver for a year now and Limited for 3... I really enjoy both and still keep the rust off the bottom feeder but you guys are missing the boat. Shooting a revolver has taught me more in 1 year about visual patience than shooting the auto ever did. I only sometimes could call shots but now there is very few times I can't tell you what I shot before the RO starts calling them out. And it is NOT from taking the slow trip through, the only difference between my stage times between the two types now is the extra time it takes to make the extra reloads with the revolver. I have to say that I have also enjoyed shooting this year as much or more than any of the others in the past so as if ya'll haven't figured it out I voted for... REVOLVER And If you ever had problems trying to figure stages out with your Limited or L-10 gun or the plastic toy.... Try shooting with six shots only Hopalong IF DaBlaster can do it you can too
  13. Boomzilla, WELCOME to the forum... Hopalong
  14. Bob, Welcome to the forums, esp the revolver part. You are now part of Area - 4 in USPSA you can go to the USPSA website and get on the Area-4 home page and find clubs there. The East Tx. section coordinator is Wayne Miller his home phone is: 903-569-0824 home fax is: 903-569-0218 Another is Arkansas section, these guys are great guys to shoot with and have some great facillities. the Section coordinator is David Hyden Home Ph. 479-248-1009 You now have moved to the best section to be a revolver shooter in as now it has Rudy Waldinger (Houston TX) and Jerry Miculek (Shreveport LA) and to top it all off they are top notch poeple who just happen to shoot quite good. Hope that helps, good luck and see you at a Range somewhere sometime. Hopalong / Sam Keen Ramer, TN Oh yeah, Jeeper lives in Austin, he might be able to help you too.
  15. JEEPER You could have left that tidbit of info OUT ! The gate was not my best athletic experiance by far !!!! IF that sucker showes up at the A-4 match it is official-there will be a gate burning for sure... HOPALONG
  16. Sniper, Thanks Rudy was a pleasure to talk with and did not mind an ametuer like me picking his brain "class act" Lee, Me thinks you exagerrate a little here but thanks anyway. the pleasure was mine and I look forward to the next time, maybe if things work out we can get to shoot togther. Hopalong I have not yet decided on Area - 4 yet next year but if both Jerry and Rudy get to shoot I might have to make that trip again (I have enjoyed the shooting at A-4 but this last year seemed like had too much wasted time in the mornings).
  17. Midvalleyshooter, Here is the trick, as told to me by the 1st OPEN and Limited GM in Mississippi... When you go shoot a match, shoot in controll and smoothly. When practicing, start in control, work faster until you are out of your comfort level and obviously out of control and then go back in control but right on the edge, then back out of control (this is a long serious practice not a 50-100 round touchup) and then back in control on the edge again. What will happen is the "edge of out of control" will be more noticeable and it will aslo get to a faster pace to where you will be gaining speed all the while the eyes are learning to run with the hands too. then you will be able to see faster and thus shoot faster. Good luck Hopalong
  18. I work for a guy who started shooting before there was a USPSA but when he joined he got the number A-1235 Stan Wigginton Open GM, Limited GM Best of all, Great guy, good coach and I could not ask for a better man to work for. Hopalong
  19. Well I got back from the "shoot out Range" where the East Texas section hosted their section match and where I got the privledge of meeting Rudy Waldinger. The match consisted of 6 stages: Stage 1: Speed off the table 3 arrays of targets 1 on the left, 1 straight ahead, and 1 on the right. the left arry was fairly open but had some No shoots, the middle array was shot through a port and also had no-shoots as did the right array. Gun was on a table in front of you with all reloads coming off the table, I chose to shoot 3 from the right array and leave the easiest then reload going to the middle array leaving the most open and then reloading and shooting the left array leaving the farthest right target, reload and shoot that target, and the two remaining from the other two arrays that just some how conveinently were also the easiest to see and most wide open targets through the ports having in theory only 1 standing still reload as when moving to the other arrays for their 3 targets there was some foot shuffling. Stage 2: Lets get Physical Gun on the table shooting area around table and going forward to a short wall. target arrays of 3 on left and right going toward short wall and target arry of 3 behind wall. In front of shooting area is a cattle gate (about 4 foot high) and barricades to the left and right, you had the choice of jumping(or climbing) the gate or running around the barricades (not much of an option though as it took twice as long to run around as climb or jump) I jumped the gate (NOT gracefully at all) and got the gun shooting left then right then to the back with a reload between all them, completely missed the reload going to the back and had to get another moonclip (added at least 3 seconds) Stage 3: Key to sucess Target array of 4 to the left a box with a key in it infront of you on the ground(to open the window) a target array or 2 on the right behind barricadesa target array of 2 to the left going forward and a target array of 3 behind the barricade with the window. I shot the 3 on the left while going forward to open the box, reloaded got the key shot the 4th then the 2 on the right , reloaded going forward shot the 2 on the left opened the window reloaded finished up. (here is where I got my penalties) I knicked a no-shoot with just enough to break the perf, and got into a no- shoot just enough not to break the perf (called the second but did not have any bullets left) Stage 4 Mad Dash Targets to the left, right and forward in the open and behind barricades with a shooting area through the middle. Just broke them up into arrays of two or three which ever was convenient and tried not to hit any more no-shoots Stage 5 Walk in the park Similar to the prior stage but more targets, and some steel Some arrays had 7 or 8 shots so there was no "revolver friendly way" to shoot this stage as there were 3 standing still reload in it no matter what. Stage 6 Really Hard cover 3 targets: Hard cover on each, Virginia count. at the buzzer shoot 2 per target, reload 2 per target reload and 2 per target. WE started on stage 6 then went to 1,2,3,4,5 I took a little more time on the first stage but managed to shoot some c shots anyway as I had a little finger problems on that first stage. Here are the results: Match results: Rudy Waldinger M 100% Sam Keen A 90.48% Scott Hattrup C 64.65% Robert Williams U 29.71% Robert twisted a knee halfway through the match and had to withdraw. Stage 1: Speed off the Table Rudy 100% 118 Pts - 24.02 Sam 99.55% 105 pts - 21.47 Robert 74.31% 107 pts- 29.31 Scott 61.19% 109 pts - 32.51 Stage 2: Lets get Physical Rudy 100% 86 Pts - 18.05 Sam 82.61% 81 Pts - 20.58 Scott 78.31 % 85 Pts - 22.78 Robert 46.97% 76 Pts (-10) 29.47 Stage 3: Key to success Rudy 100% 107 pts - 25.58 Robert 62.19% 94 (-10) 32.29 Sam 57.67% 94 (-30) 26.53 Scott 55.14% 94 (-10) 36.42 Stage 4: Mad Dash Sam 100% 114 - 19.58 Rudy 89.80% 118 - 22.57 Scott 64.80% 109 - 28.98 Robert- DNF Stage 5 Walk in the park Rudy 100% 150 - 36.58 Sam 96.99% 145 - 36.46 Scott 59.22% 151 - 62.18 Robert DNF Stage 6 Really hard cover Rudy 100% 90 - 15.41 Sam 90.17% 85 - 16.14 Scott 66.79% 82 - 21.02 This was the first time I have met Rudy, I did not get to shoot with him though but we did talk a good bit after the match and he seems like a really good fellow. He told me he had not shot much in a while so he was deliberate with his match and that won it for him, I tossed it on the 2nd and 3rd stage as I had a missed reload on the 2nd and the penalties on the 3rd. I am not saying I would have come out above him if I had not goofed, I am saying I would have been closer. If I had to shoot it again would I change anything? No the way I read the stages and came out with a plan is the way I would do it again. the missed reload and penalties are just one of them things. Scott if you read this, I enjoyed shooting with you... keep shooting the wheel gun you have the basics down just need to work on stage break downs (biggest thing to revovler shooting IMHO). Rudy If you read this, It was my pleasure meeting you, I look forward to the next time we meet as I always like getting to see good folk. The Match was run very well, and went glass smooth good work Wayne and any and all that helped. Do you need to make this match? YES if at all possible Hopalong
  20. Well we got the section match in Saturday with no rain My road partner and myself then hit the road not planning on getting wet shooting steel... I do not know who won the steel match, or how wet they got (betting on waterlogged though) but I can tell the results for the section match. Limited - Bryant Chaffin Limited 10 - Tony Phan Open - Ken Hicks Production - Matt Mink Revolver - Rudy Waldinger The Match was very well organized as we were done by 1:00 or so and all the stages were fun to shoot (except the one where I shot the No-shoots) Wayne had 80 or so for the section match and I would go back next year if possible. Congrats to the winners, for the East TX section (especially for no rain) and way to go Rudy.... Hopalong Oh yeah, great match Jeeper and good meeting you shred
  21. Patrick, Just use the 6 gun in both will see you there. Hopalong
  22. ICORE type shoots are still in the works, but kind of on the back burner, have to work up the MS 3-gun match and need to do 1 thing at a time. Hopalong
  23. Did anyone notice DABLASTER aka Emanuel Bragg shot a wheel gun?? and seemed to do pretty good with it, what next for the Missouri "Mannyac"? "Look out Jerry Miculeck, Dablaster is coming" Keep it up Manny Hopalong
  24. DJ, Here you are on the Plastic Tupperware forum, I thought you were going to put the silly buottom feeders away !!!! Hopalong By the way, what you going to shoot at the Alabama match in March?
  25. Ok, I have updated the results. Jerry is now a Senior as of this year! and will be one in USPSA the first of the year when the green book goes into effect. Now Mike...... PUT those SILLY bottom feeders AWAY Thanks Mike, our club and those I regularly attend that shoot IDPA will not be having classifiers anytime soon but maybe Master next time ? (that is if I don't forget the silly reload on the strong hand string!!!! ) Hopalong
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