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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Good words, Right Attitude. Looking forward to the day..... Hop
  2. OUCH !!! Good to hear you are a satisfied Customer, now let us know the progress.... Master Revolver in 20 Months ???? Hop
  3. John, I have a "NEW" Para with the Sterling finish on it too, I am hoping that it (the finish) holds up as the gun is quite the looker. If it holds up as well as the last two I have used I will be well satisfied (again). The first one had close to 100,000 rounds through it when I aquired another just to use as a back up, when the second gun showed up one of the guys just getting into USPSA here offered to buy the first. so away it went (almost 3 years of shooting on it when I sold it, now it is up to 5 years of 3 matches a month + practice and it has only needed Recoil springs, 1 bushing 1replaced rear sight(pin broke) and lots of cleaning. The second has 1 1/2 years of shooting on it and about 60,000 rounds through it (90% lead on both guns, the rifling looks great) and All I have done to it is replace recoil springs, 1rear sight(seeing a pattern here?) and lots of cleaning.( It by the way has a new owner too, as of this week). This will have me down to 1 para "new" p16 as mentioned before and 1 Caspian slide, S_I frame Limited gun. Who needs them bottom feeders anyway when Smith & Wesson is still making Revolvers? But in all seriousness everyone needs at least one of all the types of guns Para Ordance has its place in USPSA, I will recomend one to all people wanting to start this game, it is the most cost effective way to get into it and shoot limited / L-10. The people I have recomended it to that have bought one I always tell them... " buy a para ordanance P-16 40 Limited, if you don't like it I will buy it from you." I have not had to buy one yet......... SAM KEEN Note: This is NOT a blanket offer......
  4. A-class Limited A-class Revolver for the last year I have been shooting Revolver, when I first started on it I shot live fire once a week and dry fire 3 times a week. During the winter time I lay off to clear my head, think about the past year and refocus on the coming year, not just shooting but the job, relationships ect. Now I am getting ready for the Florida Open and the year in general and am getting 3 - 4 dry fires and 2 live fire practice in a week(depending on the weather) and try to get 2 or 3 matches in a month to see how to incorporate the skill advances into an actuall match. Kelly N has it correct. Matches are not supposed to be practice, practice is to work on a certain skill or skill sets or learning how it works with other skills, matches are where you put them together (or at least try to in my case). Hope that helps in any way. Hopalong
  5. I'm Pulling for Jerry this year he has been so close in the past..... Can you see it ? Rajun Cajun takes ALL !!!!
  6. I found one of the Missing Masters...... he Kicked My A$$ at Area-4 last June..... Jack Graham who by the way is sitting at 94% in Revo....1 more good run and we will have 2 GMs in Revo..... really even if the 625 had not gone out of time in the middle of the match the best I could have done was 1st loser. Thinking ahead to A-4 this year..... Jerry M, Jack G, Rudy W, Hopalong, Hopalongs friend who wishes to be the secret weapon (if he can go) maybe a few others to sweeten the pie. with talent like the first 3 and at least 1 also ran Area-4 may be the big one in Revolvers this year?????? Think about it...... I'm looking forward to the Florida Open but am really looking forward to A-4 (even after I said I would not go back, yes I will eat Crow, it won't be the first time) Might possibly be the real revolver Nationals...... Hopalong
  7. Fomeister, What is this shooting for Team Fisher Price thing? After all this Heavy metal stuff you going to shoot one of them there Matell toys??? I am expecting you, Aierdale, Akidale and Jowar to have the 2nd generation "Best battle rifle ever invented" M1A the first generation is the venerable M1 Garand!! I will pay Curtis to make sure all stages can be shot with a 20 round mag or even better get him to make the match 20 round mag only so everyone has the same set up no matter what gun. He already is scoring Major and Minor what more can you ask for ???? See you Saturday..... (maybe) Sam
  8. Dave, I have come to the conclusion that shooting .308 is like shooting revolver..... You don't see many that shoot them..... but when you see someone that can REALLY shoot one it is AWESOME !!!! Plus the matell toy guys don't know what fun they are missing Looking forward to seeing you, fomiester, and jawor in April...... Why not next weekend at the Classifier match they are having ? I think Fomiester mentioned something about trying to make it any way..... Fomiester, Is he as good a sandbagger with the .308 as he is with the wheelgun? What you bringing to shoot at the classifier match anyway???? Hop
  9. Thought some of you would like to know..... NTPS, the same place as the last 2 Tennessee state matches is hosting a special classifier match Feb 12, and 13.... consisting of 4 stages of classifiers and 2 field courses. Don't know the times for each day off the top of my head but their website is www.ntps.org their info on first shot and directions are listed, don't know about any classifier info as I have not looked at their web site lately. I will be shooting Saturday so if any of you round gun shooters want to come play Kick ole Hopalongs A$$ I would preferr you did it in person instead of on Sunday!! small note Lance said there will be some TURTLE targets there.....( Florida Open shooters.....) Hopalong
  10. Yes I agree, the talk about Revolvers is a good thing...... But let's not just talk about them, let's get them out to the range and drag a few others (revo shooters) out with us... I have looked back on 2004 Area - 4 and wondered just WHO that was that kicked my butt so well, even had my gun not went out of time he still would have thumped me pretty good.... Checked the results and there is one of the Missing Masters I was looking for .....Jack Grahm who by the way is sitting at 94+% 1 more good run and there will be 2 Revolver GMs So thinking forward to this year..... Jerry M, Rudy W, Jack G, Hopalong, and who else ? with talent like the first 3 have there would be real good prelude to USPSA Nationals and at least 1 also ran.. But seriously, This match will be where the Big Dawgs in Revo will battle it out and all that want a part of it need to make the trip down to Shreveport in June. Looking forward to Florida Open but really looking forward to Area - 4 this year (That is after saying I would not be back, yes I will eat crow it won't be the first time) Hope to keep the interest up, Maybe even SmittyFL will lay the flat side down..... Nah not likely but it sounds good. See you at the range somewhere, sometime. Sam / Hop
  11. Way to go Weebles !!! Keep it up we are rooting for you as a member of BE.com you are now "special" You may not follow the IPSC/USPSA thing but BE.comers are generally the ones to beat at any match you go to. Now you are included in that categorie !!!! Hopalong
  12. Erik, I feal your Pain man, Shooting in Memphis today had pretty good match going, got to the Classifier.... two strings.... 1st string draw 2 on each of 3 targets reload 2 on each stronghand 2nd string same as first but 5 yds closer and weakhand. First Run good smooth freestyle good reload smooth stronghand (feeling good now have a good M class run going) draw and smoke the freestyle, reload come up weak hand (knowing I need to get a good sight picture and squeeze off the shots) 2 c (ok with that) 2M NOW I'M PISSED 2A. the two mikes I went past the target on the first shot and did not get it stopped after seeing the proper sight picture I wanted and the second was just DUMB.!!!! now to work on left hand.... more control but right now I can shoot weak hand better than I ever have.... Just one of them things we have to work out in our own heads (The sooner the better) Hopalong
  13. Dave, A real HE-Man would use a 625 S&W shooting Major Loads for his "Short gun" I am in the process of rigging me up a system to shoot my Revo in 3-gun, should be "tons of fun" You and John need to sneak down to Dickson in April to shoot the "Southern Tactical Rifle Championship" info at www.3gunmatch.com then the tactical 3 gun match at Huntsville the end of April/first of may ours will be in the fall, if work allows me to get it organized. How the dogs???? Thanks for the B-day wishes. see you somewhere, sometime. SAM
  14. Spook, You get your problem fixed ?????
  15. Lynn, Would that be CAT Fish for dinner ? Well I'm not too modernized, but down here in Dixie where shooter grrl lives now they drink BEER with Catfish.... Hopalong
  16. Good for You James, Now forget about the little "OOPS" and go get that warm fuzzy fealing that you will get when you pull it off.... Then go after the next step on your ladder.... Hopalong
  17. Any body know Henry Swartouts E-mail or Web site address? I am needing to get some stuff too. (pre order to make sure He brings what I need) Thanks in Advance. SEE YA'LL THERE !!!!! Hopalong
  18. And ya'll thought ya'll were LATE Guess that is what happens when you work out of town all week! Thanks guys and gals this one makes me a .38 special ! not quite a .38 super ! Thanks again ! No I don't think Go Rilla implies that..... I hope ! :-)
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