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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Well, I had not been planning on shooting the Old fort Shootout at Ft. Smith Arkansas but it looks like a do able thing now.... Bubber, you going?, how about Mike and Steph Luttrell Mike said they were going to start a house this spring.... Firewalker how about you? and the rest of your gang? I am bringing the "Big Iron" (Marty Robins) hope I can use it as well as that Arizona Ranger The match is April 16/17 It should be a top notch match (cheap too at 35 bucks) as Clay and the Gang always have good stages when I have shot with them. Could use some moral support (as in MORE revo shooters) and as always would love to shoot with like minded pistolaro's Sam/Hop
  2. Ignatz, Barrel length is 4 inches max in IDPA and there is not a Barrel length restriction in USPSA and ICORE. Personally I have no problem with shooting either length but the 5" seems to return and settle just a little quicker eleminating just that little bit of time it takes to see the sights. Hope that helps, welcome to the world of revolvers Sam keen
  3. JFD, How do you like it now??? Are you going to shoot L-10 or Limited at the SC sectional ???? Will be looking for good results, good Luck !!!!! How about the New factory??? things going good there too ??? Hope so !!!!! Hop
  4. Randy, The only difference between the CR for Autos and the CR for Wheelguns is: There is a spacer between the cups of about an Inch to make up for the height difference, CR has this spacer available and you have to tell them if you are going to use a 4" gun or not as the spacer for the 4" gun is not as long. I found that out the hard way and got the 5" and then had to take the Handy dandy Dremmell tool to it to make the 4" 610 fit. It works PERFECT with the underlug barrel or a non underlug !!!! Just make sure you are getting the REVOLVER model (that includes that afore mentioned spacer) Hopalong
  5. Nemo, Looking forward to it !!!!! Couldn't think of anything better than shooting with BE.com members (and PURPLE former members) Sure do miss his Wit and Humor !!!!! See you there, and the rest of the crew..... looks to me like a family affair !!!! SAM/HOP
  6. Congrats Renee, Maybe in the Near future we will get to see a S&W 1911 in 38 super every where you go !!!! Hopalong
  7. Revchuck, you asked a vague question.... but I will give you several answers. At what I call point shoot range where all I look for is the Black on the front of the gun in the A-Zone (out to about 12 yds on an Open target).... NONE This type of target is what I call hoser targets and getting the bullets out of the gun as fast as possible and me keeping the black blade where I want it I will get .18 to .20 splits between shots on the same target. Now anything with distance, or some type of tight shots just depends on how well I am paying attention to and seeing my sights that day and how much target area there is to hit. For Me (and that is for Me only) Fast splist don't mean SQUAT if you can't control where they are going... close up or farther out....This is a learned thing as at one time I wanted the fastest splits Possible from My finger and to Heck whether they were A's or C's I have noticed that when I do shoot a Major IDPA match and go to the 610 and 130PF loads the sights not only go up less but settle quicker thus allowing a quicker second shot (or 3rd) if the targets are not in that "Hoser" catagory. Now when I shot the Limited gun I could get .15 and .16 splits but because of the longer trigger stroke and the extra 4 pounds I am .02 or more slower but that can be made up else were with faster target to target splits and smarter stage procedures. Fast splits are cool, and have their place in the shooting sports we use them for but even better is fast splits between targets... Example:(in theory only) 3 targets evenly spaced at 7 yds away and 6 feet apart. Draw 1.25 shoot .16 (transition between targets).45 shoot.16(transition).45 shoot .16 for a total of...........2.63 seconds Example 2: Draw 1.25 shoot .20 transition .20 shoot .20 transition .20 shoot .20 for a total of......2.25 as you can see in the 2nd example you actually get more time on the target to confirm the "A" hits with your sight picture. This works for all type of firearms in action type shooting (rifle and shotgun in 3-gun too). Hope that answers your question.... Hopalong
  8. Dan, It shoots better than I do !!!! seriously, I got sub 4" groups with 10MM and a 1.5x5 X Burris off Sandbags at 100yds. the one that has really surprised me is the 657 6 inch 41mag (stock gun) it keeps them inside a skoal can at 100yds (factory 210 grn Federals) SAM
  9. AZshooter, I started this game with an Autoloader, after 3 years of it I swapped to a revo. The gun I orignally started with is a Ruger GP-100 and shot it mostly in IDPA, but did a few USPSA, did ok and with practice with the gun could most likely do fair with it too. The first Revo I got really got into shooting was a Smith 610 4" and I used it for both IDPA and USPSA and shot major loads in it all the time it did not matter what "SPORT" Shot that gun for about 9 months and then aquired a 625 that I am using now and I would venture to say that either gun does fine as it is the guy behind the sights that makes the difference. Matter of fact here is one example: last year at Area - 3 I shot 69 % of Jerry M with the 610 shooting Major Last year a Nationals 2 Months after Area -3 I shot 70% of Jerry M shooting the 625 and making Major. 2 different guns, basicly the same results. The 625 seems just a little more forgiving on reloads though as when you screw one up with the 610 you usually end up getting a new moonclip instead of just jiggling it around on the gun and then going in like with a 625. I would like to try a 25-2 for a while and see if the lighter (no underlug) barrelled gun makes any difference but in all seriousness I think it would be minimal at that. But man are they (25-2) good looking guns. Revos, Like Autoloaders are mostly all the same, practice with the gun and getting to know it is the trick. Now Major vs. Minor.... Unless you don't like or can handle the recoil of a major load, or you are extremly accurate and don't shoot many C or D shots shoot major as the points given up are not worth it. When I shot the Missouri Fall Classic last year someone asked me if I was shooting Major or Minor and this is my answer..." Major, I shoot too many C's to shoot Minor " Hope that helps, answers a question... Sam Keen / Hopalong And Congrats to Dan "A" class Carden..... He's not too far Micheal, just keep working you'll get there.
  10. KYLE, So who the HELL is Sticky Fingers ???? I know a few professional Hit men.......... And what's up with the one shot per target ??????? (ask Manny about that) Do I need to take out more than One contract ??????? Hop
  11. Ok, so I'm just a little late but.....Happy Belated Birthday Jeff....oops thats SSSAAAKKKOOOO Hopalong Seems like here lately I have spent more time in a Hotel bed than my own so sorry about the week late stuff !!!!!
  12. Sell it and take the $$$$$$ Lots easier than the other.... hope that helps SAM
  13. Smitty sent this to me to look at for my idea on the 3-gun team thing I'm working on.... so I will bump this one and maybe we can get something worked out that might bring another level of excitement. On Muti-division teams..... Sounds great 1 shooter per division per team with no more than 1GM/M, 1 A, 2 B/C, 1 D or a combination of something that would fit. Example: Team----Smitty------1gm(limited),1 C L-10 2D (revo and Prod) 1B (open) Notice the 2 d but no A..... allow any lesser classified shooters until that classification is full...(gets more lesser experienced shooters involved) for scoring just use their match percentage !!!!! gm shoots 100% he gets 100pts, D revo comes in 2nd in the match but has 47% and gets 47 points so his overall placeing doesn't "upset" the numbers (this is the tricky division as there may be no others besides 2 or 3 shooters) then you get a total for the team based on their performance in their division !!!!!! For the clubs that would get really serious with the Team thing they would either find new members who shoot in Divisions that are not represented or some of them would just Change over to a new Division. but it would still do nothing but help increase participation at all levels of the game. Just a few thought from a country boy who likes burning gunpowder !!!!! Hopalong Thanks Smitty
  14. Airedale, From looking at the results we had better see a "B" by your name on the USPSA card pretty Da^% quick BUT What's the deal ? you let Fomiester sneak in between you and Zookeeper Just a quick note....I have heard that the TN section match will be the last weekend of August this year....(NOT Chiseled in stone) You and Jack going to Huntsville at the end of April to shoot the 3-gun match? I hope to be there with the M1A Fomeister.... Keep up the good work, next is to smoke ole Zookeeper himself !!! See ya'll on a range somewhere, sometime !!!!! Hopalong
  15. I have been considering teams for the MS 3-gun match and would like your input...Go or no Go!!! What I have in mind is everyone send their individual application in as Usuall, if wanting to shoot as a team make sure that request is on the application along with team members (A team will consist of 1 limited, 1 tactical and 1 open shooter). Individual results will be as always and team results will be the combined score of all 3 members. normal entry fees for individual shooters and another 50 bucks per member for the team with that money going back as prize money to team competition only! What do you folks think??? all input good or bad welcome!!!! SAM KEEN MS 3-gun MD (sucker)
  16. That check will go for the 2005 tax season...... so the 1099 will be "upcoming" The money will be used wisely (GUN PARTS) and will be wrote off on Taxes as "Work Equipment, to be Depreciated" All you need is a good Lawyer and a good Tax man and The "Goberment" can't spend what they don't get!!!!!! And what is the deal ?????? Clockman II ??????? HE's El Conquistador now Don't work too hard, get some time in with the .45 and watch out for Sam, "any one with that name that shoots Revolvers..........." Hopalong
  17. Damn Jeeper !!!! You have to tell all my secrets I was going to be 30 seconds ahead of the rest of the group because of MY Leaping ability !!! Good Luck back in AZ I was looking forward to shooting with you again. Hopalong
  18. Not in any Particular ORDER: Stepping on 6+ foot Western Diamondback rattlesnake at 1:00 AM 30 minutes from the closest Band aid Joint. Looking out the side window of your own truck with the ground coming up to visit you. Getting a Loaded P220 stuck in my face. (NOT at a match either) The first time working out of a boom lift over 100 ft (and a few more times after that) pretty neet to see the birds flying under you though. Doing a 360 on a dirt road at 50+ mph and driving away without even hitting a ditch (VERY long ago) Getting hit by 480 volts......Damn that HURT Flipping the boat in Feb with Air temps in the teens(no not drunk either) Realizing I was 60 feet up a tree with a wild racoon at midnight and out on a limb that I could easily wrap my hand around (LONG AGO) There's more but those just come to mind the quickest HOPALONG
  19. Well at a quick glance..... This match has several "standards" That damn GATE showed up just like we thought when we saw it the first time at the East TX section !!! Looking forward to it, just need to work on getting over the gate a little better this time !!!!! Format is MUCH better this year than last !!!!! (thanks Wayne) Can't wait to get my A$$ waxed by Jerry M, Ruddy W, and a few others but hell if it wasn't getting waxed what is the USE of going???? HOP
  20. HMMMMM...... Hop in the AIR CHEVY pass out from working all week and let Shooter GRRL verbally ABUSE me for doing so One thing about it though.... get to split the GAS with RB.... and get VERBALLY ABUSED by Shooter GRRL.... and then get to shoot a match in OHIO....What else could a feller want ???? GRRL, if you and RB PROMISE not to so thoroughly KICK my Ass like you have been for the last month or so I just might take you up on the offer. PLUS you just Have to see young SAM CARMONEY run the wheel gun !!!!! Something about someone named SAM shooting a REVO !!! Hopalong
  21. SGDM, Aren't you supposed to be flying around somewhere ???? You don't have enough time to be fiddling around with being a gunsmith too.... I'm working over your way.... At Cumberland Steam Plant..... You know the 4 big smokestacks just south and east of you there that ya'll use as a reference point. Sights look pretty good even though designed by a Fly Fly boy !!!! You going to Cramblits Tactical 3-gun next month ??? I am hoping to, see you and the AMU there !!!! Sam BTW glad you did not get shot down this time !!!!!
  22. SSSHHHHHHH..... Carmoney don't tell anybody...... that is my INCOGNITO disguise it came off the list of new Avatars..... gangland (gunman ) HOP Not quite El Conquistador though and Mike.... Young Sam deserves to be on the REVO supersquad but the way I've been shooting for the past 3-4 weeks I would need to be on my own squad !!!
  23. Allen, when is your next one????
  24. Flex, S.A. How far from Columbus is the range? I spent some time in Marysville working at the Honda Plant back in 2001 but flew into the local airport... need to figure out the drive time from south TN (REAL far SOUTH) I'm thinking about 10 hrs just guessing. Still trying to make it.... Hopalong
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