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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. I would like to add one more thing..... I got to shoot and chat with Gary Stevens, the Area - 5 Coordinator. Area - 5 has got one good guy. Really pasionate about the sport and really dedicated. I am glad to have had the pleasure. Plus, while shooting in the rain on Friday I never heard one complaint from any of the guys shooting about the rain or anything else. Except Jim Shannahan, his daughter Kaylee dumped his range bag off the golf cart, he said. "Man there are 3 or 4 bags on that thing and she would dump mine" or something like that. See ya'll next year......See some of ya'll next week at the MS 3-gun match.(still room) Hopalong
  2. Sounds good John, But those guys wouldn't mind dropping 35 bucks for a USPSA membership to get their hands on a limited run of semi custom S&W s Hopalong
  3. We're fine !!!!! thanks for asking. We got around 5 inches of rain, and 50 mph winds with a few higher gusts. I had half the walls and other stuff started up, some came down but that is minor and will be good to go. Still Room in the match, if you are debating coming and decide to miss......you are going to miss some good shooting and fun stages. If you are coming and have not sent your entry in, e-mail me and let me know so I can have an Idea on squadding. Thanks, see you in a week and a half. SAM
  4. Get a 625, load up a bunch of moonclips and have fun!!!!! When you are done, go back and pick up the moonclips.....you will have 6 in each one....never have I had to pick up more than 7. Sure beats the Heck out of looking like a chicken scratching around. Hopalong
  5. I went kind of overboard this year, gonna tone it down some next year. 1 Florida Open 2 Arkansas State 3 Area - 6 4 Area - 4 5 USPSA Revolver Nationals.......Oh yeah, Limited and Production were there too! 6 Ohio Revolver Championship..... with the other divisions shooting too !!!!!(thanks Flex) 7 Tennessee Section Still to go: Mississippi 3-gun Mississippi Classic Missouri fall classic (Maybe) Alabama Section (Maybe) Arkansas 3-gun Area-6 3-gun (maybe) FT. Benning AMU 3-gun Damn no wonder I'm broke!!!! Next year: TN Section MS Section Ar Section A-6 Nationals Maybe GA section if Carlos gets it out of August! HOP
  6. While all this Said controversy was going on...... MR. Chuck Anderson shot his way to 15th !!!!!!!!! Way to go Mr. Anderson, my compliments. HOPALONG
  7. Patrick, Thanks for the info while also trying to shoot. Yes you, Lisa and Cliff did great. Esp Cliff and Lisa at their first World shoot as you mention and it appears you picked up the pressure on Master Walsh by your close scores. JOB WELL DONE to all. I understand that the difference between what we are used to and what they are used to also will help the IPSC shooters in the overall, that should also be a good thing to remember come next world shoot. The revolver is an AMERICAN tradition, Richardo and Spook spanked our butts and everyone elses butts (except Jerry) with our own toys, maybe in three years we need to make them work a little harder for it.(Congrats to Spook and Richardo) As for Mr. Miculek..... He seems to be in a league of his own and it is our responsibility to catch up, not make him do it all. (I'm trying) Again Thanks Pat, you and the rest of the gang did well and made us proud. As for money from USPSA..... I pay the same dues everyone else does, what I, you, or anyone else shoots should not matter !!!!! AND there were not 100 Production shooters at the nationals if I can remember correctly it seems there were close to 90(the most ever) BUT I digress, before I get my blood pressure up. Hop
  8. I also would like to congratulate.....GMANCDP......for his 9th overall in L-10 This was his 2nd USPSA major match, he said he had fun!!!!!! Hop
  9. Walt, Glad you have chosen the way of the wheel !!!!! Glad to have you, you are a member of: "The few The proud the WHEELGUNNERS" good luck with it. Hopalong Also ask as much and as often as you need, there are some pretty good revolver shooters here.......Just don't get to smoking their butts too soon or they will not give you any more advice.
  10. Despite an inner ear problem and the Ammo problem in Ecuador, Jerry Miculek outlasts young upstarts Richardo from Ecuador and Bjorn from the Netherlands to win yet another world Title. Congrats go out to all who went and shot this World shoot that will be marred for the ammo difficulties and the "Production" fiasco. The US seems to have done pretty good, but I would like to have seen more of our guys/gals in the top of the Revolver division, looks like we need to get some practice in before the next one. Congrats to Jerry, and the rest of the gang, thanks for representing the "Red headed step child" of USPSA. For the next WS USPSA needs to send a team like they did the OPEN and Standard and Production teams (monetary support). Now lets get out there and burn some powder before Bali !!!!! Hopalong
  11. Congratulations go out to Bjorn Dietrick AKA SPOOK on these forums. Spook managed to really pressure Jerry and Richardo and ended up 3rd Revolver at the World shoot. Might be a reason he is the European Revolver Champion?? Way to go Spook !!!!! Hopalong
  12. Mark, Pistol is at 50 yds..... It won't be too bad, looking at shotgun TX star ranges of around 30 or less. might stretch pistol to 100 !!!!! Now a little more serious stuff..... Longest Rifle shots 200yds......8 inch plates. Longest Pistol.........maybe 50 yd Pepper poppers Longest Shotgun......Nothing a Modified can't handle. minimum rounds per gun.....150 rifle, 100 pistol, 70 shotgun(NO SLUGS) ANY more questions? SAM
  13. Well with gas prices going up, and other reasons there were only 4.....yes 4 revolver division participants in this years Tennessee Section match. For those that did not make it......Man you don't know what you missed !!!!! Team Airedale showed up in force and made things hard, but I knew they were coming and outsmarted them and shot on Friday !!! always a pleasure seeing Dave and Jean !!! Sumatone Banang came up from Chattanooga and shot his good looking 25-2, good to finally meet him, quite a gentleman. I don't really remember having as much fun shooting a match as this one in a long while. Stages had good amounts of movement in them and many different ways to shoot them, after it was over I thought back about 5 of the 10 stages and would like to try a completely different way of shooting them. The Woods run was Awesome, just too much fun for sure!!!!! Sorry you guys/gals who could not make it, but then there is always next year. Hopalong Also, That sorry rascal Airedale...... He left 4 misses and 2 nos-shoots in that 625 I got from him!!!!!!
  14. Don't anyone feel sorry for Airedale !!!!! That sorry rascal left 4 misses and 2 noshoots in that gun !!!!! Even though this match is my section, it has to be one of the best, if not the best section matches around. I finally got to meet Sumatone Banang, from Chattanooga TN he is a real gentelman. To all the BE.comers I met and remet (to many to list) It was good seeing you, and looking forward to the next time. Us Range officers and Staff sacrificed ourselves to the Rain on Friday so the rest of the folks did not have to......."you are welcome" Stages were great fun, shooting skills of all sort were tested, along with other skills. NEED I say anything about the PRIZE TABLE ? Barry Caddell just keeps on making that thing grow and grow. Looking forward to next year. Think of those in the path of Katrina or whatever that B**ch of a storms name is... Hopalong
  15. Bill...... Watch your credit card statements, he said something about a new open gun... Good to see you at the match !!!! and good shooting. Sam
  16. Hamp, You need to quit this Vacation in Ecuador crap. Your guys might need a little trigger time before the MS 3-gun Ya'll be carefull, see you in 2 weeks !!!! SAM
  17. Well the Tennessee Section match is over and done with..... Brian Enos . com forum members dominated the Overall division winners. Congrats go out to all the shooters who showed up, it was a extremely fun match and those of you who did not come...... you really missed a good one. Congrats go out to : SmittyFL...............Limited Division winner HKSniperman........Production Division winner Jake Divita............Open Division winner Hopalong...............Revolver Division winner (luckily) 4 out of 5 Division winners........ Pretty Darn good if you ask me, maybe that is why these forums are so good, great folks with great talent (present company excluded) that willingly SHARE thier knowledge. Tom Carpenter won the Limited 10 Division, I don't know if Tom is a member or not but if he is then it is a BE.com SWEEP !!!!! Congrats again !!!!! Sorry to those who did not get to make this match !!!!! Sam Keen
  18. Mikey 357, That would be the 2nd weekend in November..... class on a Sunday This is just a suggestion, I have not talked to Jerry yet as He and Kay are at that messed up thing they call WORLD SHOOT. I was and am just looking for enough interest to try to line it up. HOP
  19. Kathy, So sorry to hear the news. Strong couragous mothers make for strong couragous daughters like you. Hugs and prayers to you and your family. Tightloop, I have not had the pleasure of meeting you in person but if you are a chip off the old block I would really have liked to have met your father. Mine was 57 when he passed away, mother is still kicking high. My thoughts and prayers to you too. Sam
  20. Todd, We will make room for you since you asked polietly (and early) Tony Holmes is coming too.......every body bring a crying towel, looks like it is gonna be a good one !!! HOP/Sam
  21. Revchuck, for finger position.....this forum, page 7, thread titled "Finger slip on trigger" about the callus, I have one there too, just keep it sanded off when it gets too bothersome. It just means you are getting some trigger time. HOP
  22. Mike, Have fun with your non-revolver blaster !!!! For about 150 bucks more you could have bought a good Para and not had to do all that stuff, but me thinks you like Tinkering with them anyway. Let us know how the thing runs for the steel match, might see one of these on a prize table one day..... HOP
  23. Hey John, Here is an offer...... a little back ground first. I DON'T do California.....Stupid politics over there. BUT..... I would be willing to do the IRC and I'm pretty sure the other USPSA "heavy" revolver guys could be talked into it, IF you could talk VIC and the other heavy hitters in ICORE to do the USPSA Nationals. I know it is easy to do the IRC all you have to do is send $$$$$ But for USPSA you will have to get a slot For some it is easier than others, but it would make things really interesting to see how it comes out. Wouldn't you say??? Definately be fun !!!!! Hopalong
  24. I have NO idea !!!!!! but I would guess somewhere between 1 and 8 !!!! See you sunday. SAM
  25. John, So you know what getting your clock cleaned, and all that!!!!! getting your plow cleaned is 2 x the ass kicking !!!!!! See ya in 3 weeks. HILLBILLY HOP
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