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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. I'm not the most informed person in the world by far, but let's put a little common sense into the mix. the Model 22 is considered a "carry/defence" gun........I think......No rear sights ect. (Edit to add:) NOT a COMPETITION gun Since it is considered a "carry" gun Smith & Wesson will put in the action job (smoothing things out ect.) BUT they will turn right around and put full power springs back in it........called LIABILITY reasons........Carmoney should know this. When you get the master job on a "standard" revolver it will come back with the lower power "Wolf" mainspring and will "FEAL" smoother....just because it is lighter. I have a suspision that if you reduced the mainspring pressure until it is the same as your other revos you would then notice the "SMOOTHER" action. Smith and Wesson will NEVER give you an action job rivaling some of them seen on the revos in competition.....Their LAWYERS won't let them. Understand this, deal with it as you need to/can. NOW I am not defending S&W and they did not pay me to do so as I think the guns we are getting now days are JUNK compared to the good ole days guns (wish I had more) but this is the time of mass production, fast assembly and hold costs low....and you see what we get......guns that do the job but are more like RUGERS than SMITH&WESSONS. That is a complement to Ruger btw, as Bill Ruger understood what us poor folks wanted and could aford...you got what you wanted from them.....a gun that worked, was as tough as a pine knot and was afordable....but not precisely and elegantly done. Just my thoughts.....but I'm just a lucky chump from Ramer HOP
  2. Carmoney, I'm as cheap as you are if not cheaper. But I told you a good long time ago about shooting lead in "big" matches. Now, onto other type of bullets...... Rainiers are good, I shot them for a year(at big matches). Precisions are good, I shot them for a little less than a year(at big matches) I am now using Precision Delta bullets....FMJ with an open base....ACCURATE to say the least...only one close is the Montana Golds. You notice I mentioned open base......That keeps them a little cheaper than TMJ as then you would require a gas check/plug at the bottom....and No I don't see any smoke or is it any dirtier than the Rainiers. Precision Delta is the company in Mississippi that is now furnishing Ammo for USPSA at the major matches. They originally catered to the BULLSEYE shooters and ACCURACY is a verry BIG thing to them (Bullseye shooters and Precision Delta) Give Joe a call, tell him I sent you his way. He will fix you right up. Hop
  3. Ron, 2 days 2 guns !!!! Ok we have the when, how about the where? I presume CASA again, but you never know....... See you there !!!! HOP By the way........you DO know that is the same weekend as the Area-6 match???
  4. Benny is correct, You have 3 options.....I would opt for 2 or 3......3 prefferably 1 purchase new OEM springs and install. 2 purchase new ISMI springs and install. 3 pruchase new grams springs and follwers and install. Im not sure but the way ISMI springs and Grams springs work....they may be one and the same. Beven (grams) also trims his followers to make them take up minimal space in the tubes, thus allowing that 21st bullet to fit and still have a little "wiggle room" so you can actually reload into the 21 rounds(when using the +2 dawson base pads) Good luck with them and have fun. Hopalong
  5. ONE more change........ MY mistake in communications with Max and other things mixing around in my BLOCK head. Max/Tavis's fee is $400 not $350........so the entire weekend is $450 total Sorry MY mistake......I will TRY not to let it happen again. SAM
  6. Wow !!!! 180 and taking more Tom, Thanks ahead of time for taking this task on!!!! This will be my first Space City Challenge, have been wanting to make the trip for a few years now. GONNA BE GREAT !!!! HOPALONG
  7. Well it looks like there will be at least 10 wheels at the Space City Classic in April. I knew Jerry and Kay were going, as I'm hitch hiking down from Shreveport with them. At a glance it looked like two more M's...No A's a couple of B's more C's and a U or two. With 180 shooters already signed up, not much of a chance to get more....but 10 is not too bad and with 2 other M's !!!!! and a few names I'm not familiar with. I'm signed up for Limited, and plan on shooting it.....but if the hand gets to where I can run the 25 or even the 625.............. Tom, what kind of glove is that you wear? Help with felt recoil reduction? Sure would be nice to bump elbows with them....And I see Edgardo Catalans name I know he has been improving..... Will be fun to watch even if I don't get to play. Any way with 50+ shooters in LTD I guess I'll have enough to worry about Hopalong
  8. SO................................... NOT only has Mr. Humble performed more of his shooting demonstrations..... TODAY he managed to make 55 years of age! Happy Birthday Bubber!!! Hopalong
  9. Small news flash !!!!! I have been playing with a new grip on the "Shootin Iron". I might be able to run the gun by May, even if the tendon is not quite up to snuff. SO...... If I need to I will run the wheel to make the 20 needed shooters.....but don't plan on it, I would rather see 20+ and me not HAVE to if not needed. And on the tendon....... It is now not as tender, rubbing it only brings dull pain but it is still at least a third larger in diameter as the oposite one. Get them entries in, and keep up the pressure on those who are sitting the fence!!!! HOP
  10. Since we are tooting Bubbers Horn......... Not only did he win the Revolver divisions pretty well hands down......(11%.between him and Waltermitty) SEE what shooting with no mistakes does? There were 40 shooters at the match......Bubber ended up 11th overall......shooting minor and with speedloaders !!!!! Now I have shot with Waltermitty, and he is no slouch with his 625.....Maybe the new Titanium cylinder is outrunning him and his trick RACE Revolver needs a set of speedbreaks on it....Who knows???? I do know that he did not lay down and just let Bubber have the match. Now those of you who are thinking it is not too big a deal........ 18 shooters using a revolver at the same USPSA match IS a big deal!!!!! Last year the record was set at 20 by the Ohio section and the USPSA Nationals so having 18 is BIG !!!!! and to think it was not won by one of them GAMER RACE MOONCLIP guns Congratulations Bubber, Carmoney will be proud of you! I know I am! Hopalong
  11. Congrats to Bubber!!!!! He managed to eek out a win in the anual "Ft. Smith 6 gun classic" and is now the defending Champeen .....same place, same time, next year. Watlermitty and 17 others made Bubber use those speedloaders for all and more, just wish I could have been there to assist in the assault on Ft. Smith, oh well maybe next year Hopalong
  12. Ron, FYI, NRA hi-power can be shot on a 100yd range....called abrivated just get the correct targets. For those interested Tommy, It is a little bit of a trip but the Memphis TN club has the full course Hi-Power match every month, and there are a few good shooters there......check them out at....www.memphis-ssa.com....or something like that I usually miss it too when typing it in.(they are on my favoites list now) Plus they shoot USPSA on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month year round. Welcome to the forums Hopalong
  13. Jake, Leave the green thingy at home, I have a spare 625 for you! You already know how to shoot, I'll show you how to make the gun fit the game. (You shoot it and I'll get your entry fee........Deal?) Ferrell, Sure send it to John, He will check classifications right before the match anyway.....to make sure all are where they are supposed to be. Memphis has a match this Sunday, 1:00 exit 20 on I-40 just north of town. If you want to go let me know I'll send you good directions. I have to get with Bryant, but we (CRSSA) might have a special classifier in April just in case. More on that later. Ron, Good for you! How was the Ft. Smith match? Waltermitty, Bubber, Firewalker, Mike and crew aren't too bad with them old fashioned guns. Now the rest of you, get off your hands and get to filling out those entry forms and send them to John......need to get 20 before any other division does........JUST because we CAN!!!!!!! HOP
  14. Flex, Thanks but I got it! Lynn is correct, the range is in Glen, Mississippi.......a population of maybe 200 in the township? I posted Corinth, Mississippi (38834) as it is the logical place to stay (12 miles from the range) Corinth Mississippi and surrounding communities is about as far NORTH as you can get in Mississippi and still be in Mississippi. Alcorn County which Corinth is the county seat is 1 county west of the Alabama state line so we are in the far North East corner of the state. I will have info on our website hopefully sometime this week. www.crssa.com Flyin40, you are more than welcome. let me know if I can assist in any way. Hopalong.
  15. UPDATE !!!!!!!! Change of date: NOW is May 27 and 28 all else is the same. Mothers day is May 14 and I did not want Mrs. Michele to be angry at me for making Max miss her first Mothers day. Yes Max and I know the new date is Memorial day weekend, but just think...... No need to hurry home on Sunday just to go to work on Monday. I have one paid entry now, with 4 more that have verbally committed. get with Max or myself to get in on this course. For the match on Sunday, expect to see just about anything you would see at a Nationals or Area type match (Prop wise) we have just about all of it. HOPALONG
  16. That a way Haras!!!!! Now maybe Revchuck can jump in. Haras, you need to get the guys down there that shoot with you to sign up. I know three that shoot either with you or near you.....NOT including the one you and I talked about that will be going for the 5 GM card(And you can't tell anyone either....they will have to come and see). That would be 5 without even trying, and doesn't include the few I have talked to that are somewhat accomplished Wheelgunners. I think 20 is possible, just have to keep it infront of everyones eyes. Plus, with slots being at a premium last year for Nationals.....NO ONE can complain for 2007 because of not enough level III matches in 2006. There are a few Alabama shooters who always show to shoot this match, some of them shoot a wheel (Dajerrel comes to mind but their are more) and might be interested in winning a slot....... Let me add here: Slots won by winning a division at a level III match generally are for that division in the Nationals.....BUT if it is a mixed match.....Similar to this years Nationals...Limited, Limited-10 and Revolver you can choose any one of the 3 divisions offered. But if it is split...as in the OPEN PRODUCTION match it is not good towards them. So what I'm saying is this........ Win a slot with the Wheelgun at the 2006 Mississippi Classic and whatever other divisions are offered at the same Venue as the wheel are also an option. So if you want to attempt to shoot Production at 2007 Nationals, and win a slot from 2006 Mississippi Classic, and they are both at the same location you can use that slot to go and shoot Production.....but I don't know why anyone would myself when they can shoot Revolver So the rest of you folks out there, that might even consider going to the 2007 Nationals here is an inside track to getting a slot before any of that wait list Bulloney. HOPALONG
  17. I too chamfered my 646 ti cylinder with the smaller brownells tool. It seems to work best with lots of lube/coolant and slow speeds. I have not tried a bigger...625/325 cylinder, but if any one wants to buy me one to experiment on..........I will tell you if it works/ not works HOPALONG
  18. Right before I layed the 625 down (last October) I was getting relable .17, .18 splits and even had a few .15 splits mixed in occasionally.(10 yd steel targets) with my guess would be 90% or better hits. I doubt .18 is achieveable for me right now (If I could shoot the stupid thing) due to lack of practice and not excersizing the muscles that control that movement. IMHO (see signature line below) in a match, splits mean very little except for maybe a speed shoot......that we very seldom see anymore seems to me that USPSA stands for: Unlimited Shooting Per Stage Assn. What ever happened to the 3 speed shoots, 2 medium field courses, 1 long field course suggestion? Oh well, off my soap box. Good luck with your smoking fast splits guys and gals. HOPALONG
  19. Merlin, If you want a revolver for both USPSA and IDPA the 4 inch model is fine for both, and not a problem in USPSA.....I shot a 4 inch 610 as well as my 625s just had that really terrible reload every now and then with it. On the firing pin hammer, I don't have mine as light and as radical as Randy and Carmoney and am running mine at 6 pound double action pull (all work done by me) and getting 100% reliabilaty. BTW I have 3 with the firing pin hammer and they all do this. New or like new guns are not too much of a worry, they are all pretty much the same. I myself prefer non Performance Center guns, the cost above a standard gun for what you get different is not worth it....Plus I do all the work on mine any way to get what I want. Good luck with it. HOPALONG
  20. I just recieved an E-mail from Kay Miculek, she informed me that she and Jerry will not be at the Mississippi Classic this year. What this means: 1 We will not be able to visit, and shoot with 2 of the nicest people in the sport. 2 All 3 slots will be offered, and avialable to 3 people (Jerry being there would pretty much take one away) IF their are 20 in the division!!!! 3 With my hand the way it is, I will not be in the mix so 1 other lesser shooter to have to maybe worry about. (Even though I am the current Mississippi Classic Revovler Champ, I got lucky though) 4 You guys can show up and see who I'm talking about for the first 5 gun GM (and No it is not a she as their aren't any Lady GMs yet) 5 It will not be a cake walk for the slots, I have spoken to a few accomplished Wheelgunners that are taking interest in this match. 6 The Mississippi Classic is a Payback/ random prize table, so with more shooters in the division, more payback to not only the overall, but class winners also( when have you seen that in Revo Division?) 7 Southern Hostpitality.......Need I say any more? So put it down on the Calendar, send the proper paper work into John(your favorite stage too) and come see if you can win a slot........The title is wide open this year! Hopalong The match is in MAY so no worries about a Hurricane
  21. Ronnie, You must remember................. OPEN guns are EXPENSIVE............ Not all open shooters can afford all the expensive gear, and then buy 3-gun gear to go along with it like you rich dudes can!!! Now on Ronnies Behalf, even though he is from Georgia . He is like me with my Revolver, wants more competetion, company in his particular division that is all......and is trying to drum up some, sometimes that requires stepping on a toe every now and then. (amongst those who shoot in that particular division). I know it sounded like it but Ronnie doesn't have a beef with the guys up there, he was only asking, looking for info.......YOU have to remember he is from Georgia!!! And I have nothing against Georgia folks, the women are pretty and Real southern Ladies, but the guys(like Ronnie) are just a little off.......if you know what I mean Hopalong
  22. Jerry, You are quite welcome. I'm glad the old junker is still working.....thought I had worn it out! (just kidding) On Magazines......I have my orignal 6.....all run 100% with the first set of Grams springs still in them (I do take the bases off when not using them though) BTW they all hold 21 and I can reload into them when they are full. Now having said all that, and still liking my current Para P16-40. I also really like my Benny Hill built bastard LTD gun.....built by parts I picked up off of prized tables complements of mostly the gun JFD has. I am in the process of shooting both, and seem to be able to shoot the Benny Blaster just a little better....but would not have a problem shooting either in any match. So for those of you that are poor hard working folks like me, go buy a Para P16, win enough parts to build you a custom LTD gun with it, then let some other poor sucker have the PARA after you have worn it out! Right JFD? BTW, The gun JFD has is an older all Stainless Para....I think I like them just a little better than the newer 2 tone gun. Also when I sold the gun to JFD it had some where in the range of 60,000 rounds through it in 2 years......I actually kind of miss it......you want to sell it back to me Jerry? HOPALONG
  23. Chuck, Have fun with it! Let me goad you into something........... How about you and Jerry V. making that little match in Barry Ill. in September with them things? I figure you are going to Tulsa with the tupperware since you do OK with it. Are you going to shoot the wheel at the Area-1 match with Jerry V.?.....you might talk Dan Carden and John Bagkaukus (sorry if I spelled it wrong John) into sneaking up to Oregon to shoot with you, but you might have to bribe them with cookies or something. From what I am hearing among those I hear from, that little match in Barry may possibly be the biggest and best yet, AND may have a Multi-National flavor to it......IF slots are available and don't get all taken up in the first hour of the online listing....better chance for slots this year I would think with their being two Venues. But that is only what I have been hearing from a few little birdies. Hopalong. Revolver Division..........THE ULTIMATE challenge in action pistol shooting!!!!
  24. Ronnie, Just bring that NOISY thing to the Alabama match the same weekend, They will let you play. As far as the 3-gun match, it appears to be a Tactical type match.....thus the no open pistols......sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Should be a good match. Hop
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