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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. If you are seeking a small grip, take a look at the Steyr; it is ever bit as good and accurate as a Glock with a lower bore axis and for less money; Tom Freeman of the Air Force team used one to make Master class. About the size of a Glock 19 though. Smallest grip there is. Shot an M&P the other day in .40 (thanks Jack!) and its about the same size as the Steyr M40 or Glock 19; looks to be a great gun (I liked it quite a bit). As for my favorite (I have big mits) you wrote: "cz - i can't reach the controls on this gun." Guilty as charged. However, if you can try a SP-01, it has a different trigger that might suit you a little better; still, its built for large hands.
  2. I am not a NJ lawyer, but I did find the following on the NRA site linked above: "Any magazine with a capacity greater than fifteen rounds is prohibited, even if there is no semi-automatic firearm to accompany the magazine unless the person has a registered "assault firearm" and the magazine is used for DCM sanctioned shooting matches." -granted, it pertains to a section dealing with "assault rifles". However, isn't USPSA affiliated with DCM? Thus, wouldn't a potential USPSA/DCM Area 8 in NJ allow: "the magazine is used for DCM sanctioned shooting matches." ?? Let's keep this thread going & hopefully we can find a way to make the Area 8 championship happen (hopefully for all divisions).
  3. Clay wrote: "I don't have $500 to throw out the window like he did with that gun." I don't think he had to pay $500 to get that treatment done. Maybe $10 for the rock salt, another $10 for the sand; mud is free and he probably had the pickup truck already. Maybe $100 for the small plane ride, but not $500. Al wrote: "Agree. Whether you have the $ or not, I hate seeing something like that done to a perfectly good gun." -its not still perfectly good? Last I read, the guy was still shooting it and it still worked fine. Might not look pretty anymore, but I bet it shoots just as good as a brand new $500 "safe queen" gun. Besides, when have Glocks ever entered beauty contests? He might not get the same re-sale value on it now, that's true. But, unlike my cars, I plan on keeping all my handguns as long as I'm above ground. I'm more concerned with how they work than how they look. In any event, I am glad everyone got a laugh (or a shudder) out of the pics.
  4. " I planned to match the upper with a POF lower for compatibilities sake." AFAIK, there is no need for that. Any quality lower will fit the POF upper. -color does not match perfectly? Its a shooting match, not a coloring match or a beauty contest. -what if there is a little upper/lower play? So what. It has ZERO to do with accuracy or reliability and even the POF might wiggle. Again, so what? I find my loose-fit ARs are the most reliable ones. As far as lowers, I like RRA and its important that DPMS supports our sport (among others). Will never own a Colt; they don't give us squat & try getting warranty work out of them.
  5. We not only publish diagrams of all stages most months (including the classifier) we even have had video taped walk throughs playing on the TV in the shooters lounge with a description of the stages to go with the video. This helps to show the shooters which targets are part of a stage & which are not, as well as describing the stage procedure (as there really is no time for walk-throughs at our match). Granted, we have not done the video in a while, but we should. As for seeing the stage diagrams ahead of time, its done at most of the sectionals and area matches around here (area 8) so I do not see a problem. As for classifiers, anyone could practice those right now just by going through the whole list;- and would they have an advantage? With that much practice, I should hope they have an advantage over those who did not practice. Seeing & practicing ahead of time is appropriate for USPSA. This sport is not IDPA after all. What we frown on around here is shooting classifiers over & over again & then only sending in the ones you like. Each shooter gets only one crack at the classifier and its for the record no matter what mistakes are made.
  6. Apparently Glocks do not require cleaning. Rather, they just need mud, dirt, rock salt, run over with a truck, dropped from an airplane, shot with a .22, etc. : http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...topic=31297&hl=
  7. Checked it out & turns out that the author is one of us - in that he mentions he uses the G21 for IDPA and 3 gun, possibly USPSA. The photos are gruesome - particularly the wet salt bath and all the resulting rust and also the "shoot the slide with a .22". Yet it still keeps on going & going & going. Here's a preview:
  8. "Then I read the instructions and adjusted the B.O.S.S. for the load I was shooting" -well there is your problem, right there! Its asking a bit much, don't you think? Seriously, it sounds as if it may have had promise but failed to take into account the LIKELY behavior of the typical buyer (throw out the instructions with the box since I KNOW HOW TO SHOOT & DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' MANUAL). Regards, C.
  9. Thanks Linda! What month in 2006? What days? I checked the website; no indication of when. Look forward to seeing you there; you always do the best job of organizing in USPSA. D.
  10. I thought the new line of Federal "Fusion" rifle LOADED ammo all used electroplated bullets? If plated rifle bullets do not work, then someone better tell Federal quick. Of course, not all plated bullets are Federal; don't even know if Federal will sell you what they are using for their ammo. What brand plated rifle bullets are we talking about here?
  11. Glock has simply out-marketed their competition. Certainly the design outstanding. However, they have also: -stood behind their product, no questions asked (like Dillon) -aggressively gone after law enforcement markets (there must be thousands of niche LEO buyers in the US) -in some cases, GIVING sample glocks away to LEO/department members for "testing" -offering a reduced price to individual officers for a Glock carry gun -training thousands of armorers & equiping them w/ parts w/ instructions to fix any broken glock, anywhere in the USA -Creating GSSF w/ an eye toward the COMMON man & not the specialists that the rest of us have become -recruiting the most friendly & attractive shooters for their team (yeah - I admit it kinda pissed me off when the old gorlfriend went on & on about how handsome Dave is). -supporting USPSA & IDPA So, is anyone listening at Springfield, Kimber, H&K, CZ-USA, Ruger, etc?? Having just tried out a friend's M&P the other night, I think S&W may have something w/ which to compete with the Glock product. Product seems OK - so let's see if their marketing department will get a clue from Glock.
  12. Here is another website showing how Johnnie from IPSC/Sweden fashioned such grips for the CZ Tactical Sports/ TS/ Standard IPSC .40: www.strictlyIPSC.com Regards, D.
  13. Trisha wrote: "But the bottom line is go with what you will ride!" I hear that! It's good advice and while we all have our biases, it would be better for everyone if we just stuck together as motorcyclists & put those differences behind us. I also agree that the size of the person is less important than some may think; while at the U. of Oregon I worked for a motorcycle mechanic/shop owner who's parents were from Hong Kong & he was MAYBE 5'2" tall and likely not much over 100 lbs. Despite that, he could easily test ride the largest, most heavy bikes we worked on - even the 1980's Suzuki GS 1150s, Kawasaki GpZ 900s and 1000s, and the old air cooled Yamaha FJ 1100 and 1200 (all around 500 lbs wet). He could only reach the ground with one foot so that is how he would start off until the bike got rolling & upright. Point is: its possible. He was also very strong & could dead lift any bike back upright. More useless trivia: did you know that Harley once marketed a small, light 400 cc or less two - stroke? I think they were called "Aermacci" - or something close to that - after the Italian company that built them. They were air cooled, two stroke twins or singles that would suit Rika well (if only 2 strokes were not regulated out of US existance by the EPA in 1985 & Harley still sold other makes). Rika- please let us know what you decide on & if it would not be too much trouble, could we see a photo of the new ride once you bring it home? Perhaps its time to start a "bike photo" section of the gallery. D.
  14. I was not the first person to find his take on this to be anti-Semitic, though I agree w/ the other critics on this point. However, here are several takes on the issue, including a link to a discussion on his own site. Take a look; hopefully both sides are represented; decide for yourself: http://film.guardian.co.uk/news/story/0,12...1665211,00.html http://www.spielbergfilms.com/forum/archiv...php/t-3215.html http://www.nypost.com/commentary/59644.htm D.
  15. I clean my glock before every big match - whether its GSSF, USPSA, 3gun/Multigun, IDPA, etc. I clean the breachface, ramp, chamber, outside of barrel, rails, etc. However, the only thing that has touched the inside of the barrel in 12000 rounds has been bullets. Not an original idea; I stole it from Wil Schuemann: www.schuemann.com (from Wil's site above, under "barrel cleaning") "My personal practice has become to never clean the bore of my barrels. I do use a brass rod to scrape the deposits out of the chamber. But, I've learned to leave the bore alone and it very slowly becomes shinier and cleaner all by itself. Years ago I occasionally scrubbed the bore with a brass bore brush. But, doing so always seemed to cause the bore to revert to a dirtier look with more shooting, so I eventually stopped ever putting anything down the bore except bullets... Good luck, Wil " Thanks Wil!! 12,000 rounds & going strong. BTW, Wil is a major USPSA sponsor.
  16. I love the fact that this is America where I can be offended, I can tell you so, and it does not matter if you find my thoughts, religion, sex, sexual preferance, words, choice of words, or writings offensive. I'd happily die fighting to protect the right to offend.
  17. mpolans wrote: " The closest thing I've seen to it for the street have been the street legal two-strokes in Japan " Mark - I thought you lived there as a kid? Rika wrote: "Loved enough, I cheated DMV and obtained license plate to use on the street:D I comuted to my college with it rain or shine and talk a out the speed of 0-400! I kid you not I dusted almost everybody at every intersection (yeah, no freeway in Japan) for the first 3 seconds and by the time other big guys caght me up, its already next traffic signal and we all start over" Wow! That is very impressive since 125s/150s are notoriously difficult to launch off the line with their grabby clutches and ability to easily stall if not finessed just right. Sounds to me like you had the tecnique perfected. As for dropping the bike & "road testing" helmet & leathers, it was always a facto of life for us either on the racetrack or the street. What good is a fast bike if you don't ride it fast? D.
  18. Yeah, considering that guys are certainly going to ignore the three pieces of advice I posted above ( 1, 2 and 3) - I have to agree with you. Straight clays is a bad idea. People only believe what they want to believe. They will see us giving the go-ahead & ignore everything else I wrote. I take back what I wrote above. Clays will not be safely used for Major .40.
  19. Kelly wrote: "Moral equivalence between those who target civilians at sporting events and those tasked to hunt them down." Could not agree more. I personally do not think its going too far to call Speilberg's take on this issue anti-Semitic. The movie is certainly anti-Zionist and I hope that Israel treats Speilberg as persona non grata. Again, none of us wish to offend our internet host nor run afoul of the rule against politics, but this movie really pissed me off. Suffice to say, when it comes to the conflict in question, I really do not see both sides at all. Or rather, its crystal clear to me who is right & who is wrong on this one. Try asking a New Yorker who lived there on 9/11 if they feel bad about the war in Afganistan. What's next? - a Speilberg movie defending Osama & the Taliban's side of things?
  20. Some folks might have thought George's post was in jest, but I agree with him and we follow this advice: NEVER EVER CLEAN THAT GLOCK BARREL!!!!! The only thing that ever touches the inside of my Glock barrel is bullets. The chamber? Sure, I twist a brush in there or use a brass scraper on stubborn fouling, but the barrel? NEVER. Results? I now have over 12,000 rounds on that barrel & I used it for GSSF in 2005 as part of Team Shooters Paradise GSSF I; our results are at www.gssfonline.com (we shot VA, MD, PA, and NJ). My current load is N310 under a Zero 147 but I used Titegroup early on. I know it must sound crazy to some folks, but I've been following that routine & it works. Please consider it. I am certain that it will solve the problem you posted: "Ive noticed that my barrel is the dirtiest Ive ever seen also its after about 300 rounds or so. Its leaving a thick deposit of sut in the riffling and its very difficult to clean out makes cleaning abit of a pain now." Regards, D.C. Johnson
  21. Well, I am going to partly go back on something I wrote here in the past: I previously said I did not think straight, regular Clays was safe for Major in .40. HOWEVER, I might give straight Clays a try for Major under these circumstances and ONLY under these circumstances: 1) Load .40 to 1.200" and NOT ONE FRACTION OF AN INCH SHORTER. 2) ONLY resize with a Lee U or Undersize or Small base resizing die; if you try using a Dillon resizer & loading with Clays, I believe you are just asking to blow up your gun 3) Load just over 165 & don't attempt to exceed old Major (175+). I have changed my mind based on several friends who have been loading to new Major with straight, regular Clays for over a year. Again, if you want to load straight, regular Clays SHORT (like to fit in a Glock, CZ, HK, etc,) forgetaboutit!!! If you are too lazy or cheap to get that Lee U die, forgetaboutit! YMMV. Regards, D.C. Johnson
  22. As far as the coffee routine goes, I believe Pat Harrison summed it up well. Stick with your routine. Beside Excedrine, several other "pain relievers" contain caffeine because the drug companies know that caffeine addiction withdraw is one of the most common causes of head aches; they should really call these "pain relievers what they actually are: "caffeine addiction withdrawal medicine" As far as other stimulants enhancing performance, there is science to back that up. The Air Force appears to have given a form of amphetamines to pilots under certain circumstances; one such circumstance would be to extend their wakefulness on especially long flights, such as refueling missions. However, the Air Force reportedly has also tested these substances, with positive results, on fighter pilots during combat simulations (do a search on the term "go pills" or "Air Force and amphetamines" for further information). The performance enhancements realized would probably translate to some degree to our sport (frightening as that prospect may seem). Problem is, these substances are incredibly addictive, destructive, toxic, illegal, very hard on one's health, etc. I personally believe that even using these substances under the supervision of the Air Force is reckless & should probably be discontinued, but that's their business. Accordingly, I am going to stick to my regular cup of coffee in the AM and try to improve my 2006 performance through lots of dry fire & competition shooting. D.
  23. "Ignition is also reliable with JP trigger group. " Forgot to add that part; most other brands have primers that are unrelaible (Military: the worst! CCI/Rem/Win about the same). But the Russian stuff? its got the most reliable primers out there next to Federal American Eagle. If you run a really heavy trigger, the primer reliability will be moot. I run a match trigger.
  24. As to the ammo; FUNCTION: the polymer functioned 100% in my RRA 16" mid length throughout break in; I use the H&K mags as well as brand new USGI w/ magpul followers. CLEANLINESS: good enough to get through a 3gun/ multigun. I de-foul the barrel after 100 to 200 rounds & clean at the same time, so I suppose cleanliness does not matter. Accuracy: great for out 25 meter indoor (www.shootersparadise.com and go to Forum; 3gun). OK out to 50-75 meter head shots: go to www.mpsa.net. Sorta drops off after that and do not expect good accuracy beyond 100 meters. I used up 1000 rounds of the 62 grn JHP Wolf. I doubt the JHP is any more accurate than the FMJ AND the JHP has an exposed lead base (pull one down, I did). Nice & mild shooting though. Works great in the Arsenal 5.56mm Kalashnikov.
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