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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. More on the story (from today's Washington Post): ""Acting D.C. Attorney General Peter Nickles has fired the city lawyer who had been preparing to defend the District's longtime ban on handguns before the Supreme Court this spring, a move that some city officials fear could harm the case." The Post continues, "Alan B. Morrison, who has argued 20 cases before the high court, was asked to leave his post as special counsel by the end of this week. Morrison had been hired by then-Attorney General Linda Singer and put in charge of arguing the handgun case. Singer resigned two weeks ago. ... Nickles declined to elaborate on his decision, but Morrison suggested in an interview that he was fired as part of a feud between Nickles and Singer." The Post adds, "The case is one of the most important in the city's history, and the court's ruling could have a national impact, legal experts have said. The city appealed to the Supreme Court to maintain the handgun ban after a lower court overturned it in the spring. The high court agreed to hear the case, probably in March, which would mark the first time the Supreme Court has examined a Second Amendment case in nearly 70 years. ... Morrison had taken an active part, along with a team of lawyers from the city and two private firms, in writing a 15,000-word brief that is scheduled to be filed with the Supreme Court tomorrow. In recent weeks, Morrison led a practice run -- known as a moot court -- through the oral arguments he planned to make in the courtroom. During typical high court hearings, each side has 30 minutes to present its case while being peppered by questions from the justices. ... Nickles said yesterday that he will announce a replacement for Morrison in the next 10 days. He said the team of lawyers who had been working with Morrison -- including D.C. Solicitor General Todd Kim, Thomas C. Goldstein of Akin Gump and Walter E. Dellinger of O'Melveny & Myers -- would remain on the case. Goldstein has argued 17 Supreme Court cases, and Dellinger was acting U.S. solicitor general during the high court's 1996-97 term." Commentary: With D.C.'s case now in the hands of D.C. Solicitor General Todd Kim, Thomas C. Goldstein of Akin Gump and Walter E. Dellinger of O'Melveny & Myers, this will be a tough fight, no doubt.
  2. I am opposed to .22s in USPSA because it violates one of the three original principles of USPSA/IPSC: the "V" in "DVC" Moreover, USPSA now owns a sport that is BETTER for beginners AND it includes a .22 division: Steel Challenge (SC). SC is a better sport for beginners because it has little to NO movement and it virtually eliminates the possibility of a 180 break or other challenges that movement presents (and that beginners don't need to risk). Unlike USPSA, the SC does not even required a holster IIRC (anyone know what the best race holster under $200 for a Ruger MKII? - lets not go there). If there is demand for .22 class locally, its a simple matter for almost any club to host at least one side stage under steel challenge rules. I agree w/ Vluc's concerns too: Keep the "V" in DVC, please. PS - before anyone brings up "bunnyfart minor 9mm loads" note that one of the most common Production division loads is a 147 grn JHP at about 900 FPS - which is VERY comparable to the "147 JHP Subsonic" which was one of the more popular 9mm loads for law enforcement in the last 2 decades - though granted it has likely been surpassed in popularity by the the 127 grn +p+ 9mm load. Don't compare the 147 grn JHP subsonic to a .22 as they are nothing alike.
  3. Well, what sort of "target"? - a 50 Yard NRA Bullseye target? Or a USPSA target? Or an IDPA target? Average distance in your area?
  4. Lawyer Preparing to Defend D.C. Handgun Ban Is Fired LINK TO LOCAL NEWS WJLA STORY Acting D.C. Attorney General Peter Nickles has fired the city lawyer who had been preparing to defend the District's handgun ban. The dismissal comes as the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments this year on whether the city's 31-year ban violates the Constitution. Alan Morrison helped write a 15,000-word brief that is scheduled to be filed with the high court on Friday. Morrison tells The Washington Post he has been asked to leave his post as special counsel by the end of this week. Morrison had been hired by former Attorney General Linda Singer, who resigned two weeks ago. Singer cited frustration that Mayor Adrian Fenty had relied more heavily on Nickles, who had been his general counsel, to make key legal decisions. Information from: The Washington Post, http://www.washingtonpost.com" End of quote. Morrison's brief for D.C. must be filed by this Friday. He won't be around to argue it. This does not make D.C. look very well-prepared now does it? I am not going to count my chickens just yet. But I was impressed by Morrison's credentials; I would think he would be a tough act for D.C. to follow. Will D.C.'s acting AG do a better job? Just last night on a local news program, one of their reps said something really ignorant to the effect of: "let me put this in human terms for you: last year X number of D.C. residents lost their lives to guns." He neglected to mention that the victims were legally dis-armed by the very district that failed to protect them. THAT sort of pure emotion-based argument will NOT fly before the Supreme Court. Let's hope they stick to such weak arguments.
  5. Carlos


    Do a search on YouTube or the like using the term: "accidental discharge" - you will be stunned.
  6. Solo 1000 will work well. Clark - Power Pistol is a terrible suggestion. THe OP presumably posts here because he competes. Thus, he is loading just past Power Factor. Power Pistol will not burn completely at such low levels in .45 and 9mm. In addition, it will kick like hell compared to other powders and will likely cause him to LOSE. He did not ask about 9mm Major (for which P P will work well - I have tried it with the 124 CMJ Montana from an SJC).
  7. I could not agree more. Vertical and horizontal shoulder holsters virtually gaurantee the shooter WILL sweep their arm with a loaded weapon. While it may, technically be possible (in la la land) for a shooter to NOT sweep themselves on the draw with a shoulder rig, I don't think MOST shooters will manage to draw WITHOUT sweeping themselves. Shoulder hoslters are NOT safe and they should NOT be allowed in USPSA - even if it is technically within the rules for certain LEOs. Pointing a loaded gun at any part of the body is unsafe gun handling to me - particularly when it is only for the sake of sport. Is it really too much to ask that such shooters simply use any one of the thousands of safe holsters out there?
  8. OK thats just ALL kinds of wrong! I hate to confess I appreciate your sense of humor.
  9. Think of it as essentially an "old gun" collector's permit that allows you to buy and recieve in the mail certain guns over 50 years old & a few models on a BATFE list. Typically, these guns include old surplus bolt action military rifles, but also included are some semi-auto pistols like older Lugers, Broomhandle Mausers, the CZ-82. Virtually no popular USPSA handguns are on the list. AND, it gives you discounts from many retailers. Add to that: you are not required to have a "store front" and the cost is a lot lower than your local gunshop's FFL. What it DOES NOT do: -you may NOT deal in guns (new or old) to other people or do "transfers" for friends. -you may NOT do commercial gunsmithing or reloading for profit or for others. While the BATFE regularly inspects the businesses of "commercial" FFL holders (like your local gunshop) they usually leave C&R FFL holders alone unless they discover a problem or you give them cause to pay you a visit. Seems like a decent deal for the money and time involved.
  10. Hmmm - "wacked," eh? So - what it the Salvadoran version of "Montezuma's Revenge" or maybe self-inflicted and alcohol-induced?
  11. Well-handled, I believe. I don't have a clue as to WHY Jake believes that, and I don't think any of us should speculate or bother Jake in public (probably not in private either). Rather than a public discussion of the last world shoot which Dave S. attended, those who really really want to go over some of the unfortunate events from that match (events which might shed light on Jake's prediction - again, just a guess on my part) should kindly use the search function using the terms: "Sevigny" and "Tyc." Whatever you find, PLEASE do not bring it up here on be.com. Besides, its off topic. And it will only result in this thread getting closed. Now, back to the selection for the NEXT world shoot! Anyone want to wager a guess on who wins Open? How about Standard and Production? Top wheelgunner? (as if there is any doubt).
  12. I agree. In the main sports on this board (USPSA/IDPA), what you really need is accurate speed - and a .45 that jams will cost you a stage, possibly a match due to lost time. Stick to the RNs in 230grn if they feed the best in your gun. RE powder: you only want to load for 165+ PF with those 230s (how MUCH above 165 is open to debate). The powders that will get you there without too much unburnt powder jamming things up are all at the very TOP of the burn rate chart (meaning they burn FAST). The traditionalists who do not shoot our sports will praise fast burning Hodgdon HP-38 and Win 231 (same powder) and also Bullseye. I find those to be dirty and temp sensitive. Better choices for you would be straight Clays, Titegroup (leaves a weird mark on case) the new "E3" (replaces the horrible red dot) V V N310 if you can afford it, AA#2 and finally: Solo 1000 (my choice). All are fast burning powders. Welcome aboard.
  13. I would just learn the tricks of parkerizing and re-park the whole thing; the park will only take on the (very well-degreased) areas that you exposed with the dremel. Off topic: there seems to be an idea floating around among long time 1911 folks that you should take a brand new 1911 and "sand down the slide rails" or something. Didn't a be.com member who ran into trouble taking his 1911 through NYC do the same thing? Where is this slide rail sanding idea coming from? Is it some dark myth from long ago?
  14. Such a requirement would keep that Eric Graufel guy from showing up here in America and stealing our prize table booty! Seriously, I think its a bad idea even if the goal (more volunteer participation) is worthwhile.
  15. I see it a different way: I don't see CCI as hard; I see them UNRELIABLE. I have a tuned S&W 625 revolver. If I use CCI, I get duds. LOTS of them. Light strikes mostly. All I have to do is switch to Federal primers and the gun is 100% - which PROVES that its the primers and NOT the gun. Sure, I suppose I could make the trigger heavy as all heck, and install custom parts like longer firing pins. But, since Federal are MORE RELIABLE, why would I do that? But, to each his own. I am sticking with RELIABLE primer brands: Federal and PMC/Wolf.
  16. Genghis - good analysis! Looking forward to your take after the oral arguments. Front Man - you are welcome. I ran accross an article that will hopefully provide more background on Kennedy's jurisprudence. There's reason to be cautiously optimistic about Kennedy taking the high road and not ruling based on some public poll or an overly emotional (but yet flawed) amicus brief: <snip> (by Edward Lazarus) "In effect, O'Connor's jurisprudential style reduced an awful lot of important questions to her own personal judgment, as well as her sense of the public's mood. Kennedy, by contrast, is endlessly struggling (albeit with mixed success) to subjugate his personal views to some larger principle, and he does so in a way that is largely independent of the vicissitudes of public opinion." Here is the link: http://writ.news.findlaw.com/lazarus/20071206.html On another note, D.C. Attorney General Linda Singer has resigned. Here is a link to the story: http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/1207/481212.html But as can be seen in the short blurb, Singer's resignation will not likely have a significant effect in the upcoming Heller case because D.C. has appointed special counsel Alan Morrison to argue the Heller case for D.C., and he will stay on. In addition, special counsel Peter Nickles appears to have upstaged Singer and he is now acting AG. D.
  17. The dust used presumably contained sand. As sand is crushed and broken into increasingly finer particles (as it would be crushed by the weapons firing during such a test) the danger of silicosis rises dramatically (do a wikipedia search). This is why I wore a respirator while doing cabinet sand-blasting using ordinary playground sand (yeah, the same stuff kids play in). Playing with beach sand once in a while probably won't hurt you. Neither would an occasional Iraqi dust storm once a month. Crushing it up constantly during an 8 hr. shift probably will. Moreover, 5.56mm NATO M885 primers are filled with lead styphnate. When was the last time you went through 6,000+ rounds of fun-auto fire in less than 8 hrs from inside a building? I'd be shocked if they DIDN'T wear respirators.
  18. Hi Eager - I have a Colt 9mm upper on my own lower & an old ASA block for Colt/converted Uzi mags. With the plain carbine buffer I used to use, the 147s were an advantage. The 147s tended not to upset the sights as much as the 115s at the same PF. Oddly, the upper would not run on Blazer 115. It ran fine on WWB 115. It also worked with 2 handloads: a 147 over N310 powder (careful with this one though - it is NOT in the book and the AR is a blow-back; you might need a slower powder). The second handload was a Montana 115 JHP over N350 - I used .2 grain OVER the new maximum book load and 1x fired brass. No issues with that load. For your needs, find a decent 147 load that exceeds Minor & you should be fine.
  19. I agree 100% w/ Doug. I bet you are using the Dillon resizing die. Please stop using that die and do not shoot any ammo you have loaded as you run a serious risk of having a bullet set back on you & blow up your gun. Instead, buy an EGW brand "U" or undersize carbide die. You should be using case spray on all brass anyway (its right in Brian's video about the Dillon). Use Hornady One Shot with the new die. All should then be fine. RE bullet dia.: the Montana Gold bullet - while very high quality, is also slightly smaller. It can happen. Make sure you order an EGW U die.
  20. I agree with you. Tanfoglio's product is fine. Henning is doing all he can. The weak link is EAA. They have been the weak link for years. Back in 04 we tried to purchase SEVERAL Tanfoglio Stock 9mm through Phil's old FFL; EAA gave us the run-around - even after we offered to pay in advance. It was a simple request. They failed. Repeatedly. If anyone sees Mr. Tanfoglio at this year's SHOT Show, please urge him to find additional importers OTHER THAN EAA. If EAA has an exclusive distribution agreement, I hope Tanfoglio cancells it & send the guns to the USA through other importers.
  21. We get a ton of PC crap here near D.C. In stores, I sometimes get the obligatory "happy holidays" from the obedient clerks; unless their religion is obvious, I just answer: "Merry Christmas!" They usually smile & appear happy to hear it - even if their management has forbidden the acknowledgement that Christmas, or religion in general, exists.
  22. HAHAHAHA - (you are joking, right?!?) Seriously, the military has blundered SO badly over the years in being slow to adapt, it is not even funny. Look at the success of snipers in WWI. What did the military do thereafter? -Disband sniper units. End program. You would think they would have learned by their experience in WWII, right? What did they do? -Disband sniper units. End program. OK - so what about their pistol program? What sort of pistol training & quals did they have right up to the 1980s? -one handed bullseye style. And why? -because that was the most effective way to deploy a sidearm - FROM HORSEBACK. How stupid was THAT?! To give credit where credit is due, the current CONFLICT (in spite of military incompetence) has forced some useful and needed inovations, including the use of IPSC race-gun dot sights that you could NOT have sold the military on during peacetime, and yet were being pioneered by - who? - by our own host Brian & Rob Leatham in the late 80s and early 90s in IPSC. If you want another example, look at the use of compensators on IPSC/USPSA race-rifles: its nearly universal. Why? Because it works. Is there combat proof of its usefulness? Ask the Russians - they figured it out - IN 1974. That year they adopted a 16" barreled 5.45mm rifle with an effective compensator. USPSA and IPSC followed suit. But does our military "get it" ? Not yet. They have JUST started to see the light (after 33 years) and equiped one of the designated marksman rifles with a crude and marginally effective comp. Standard M4s still have a plain birdcage. Sorry if this seems like undue criticism of our military's T&E and adoption/procurement programs. But I believe our fighting men deserve the very best tools available. I also believe that the top brass at the pentagon near here have consistently failed to properly equip and train our men with the best available fighting equipment. Regards, C.
  23. Have not been since 2002 & have heard from friends that they went ahead and built that stupid cement pier off Playa over citizen protest (so much for fair representative democracy in Mexico). But, on my last trip, a hurricane shut down the ocean diving. To make the best of it, I went freshwater cave diving in the Cenotes on the mainland; you don't need a cave diving cert at all because the caves are classified as having 2 entrances (ie tunnels). It was the most fun and terrifying diving experience of my life. Highly reccommended.
  24. Now that USPSA has a ".22 caliber division" in the form of owning Steel Challenge, we will have EVEN MORE opportunities for our Juniors to get started in the sport! Good work by all (especially dad!).
  25. Some people shoot with their index finger wrapped around the front of the triggergaurd. Squared gaurds help w/ this style of grip. Is it a valid grip? Seems to work for world champion Eric Graufel. Works for Angus Hobdel too. I personally use the grip shown in Brian's book, but I would not criticize the alternative grip. Its all good.
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