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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Ahh That makes sense then. I misunderstood the situation and thought that you loaded them with the Lee die in the first place. Then your solution is the application of sufficient force. Buy some pizza for some young men and sit back and watch.
  2. Well .. just take the die out while you are loading your pulled down cases. They dont need resizing, they are already sized. Take that die out, and load as per usual with no primers in the tube. It should feel really smooth and fast. If you are carefull when you take out the die you should even be able to replace it without having to reset its postion. This is one area where I think the Hornady/Lee lock and load colars are a brilliant idea, even if you combine them with a tool head. Dillon, are you listening? I've done the very same when I loaded 400 rounds and then I became certain that I had a double charge in ONE round because of something I did. But they where all in one pile so I had to pull them ALL. I wore out 2 bloody collets in my pull hammer.
  3. Hmm .. on a hard floor, try a broom. Most indoor ranges have brooms and long handled dust pans for just this purpose.
  4. Even if that was true at worse I have to replace a sizing die once in a blue moon, its gonna cost me what .. less the $10 for a Lee carbide die? If I have to replace a die every year, to me that is very much worth the ease of sizing and the improved feeding in my gun.
  5. Mine works fine .. I never had it flip a primer when I didnt want it too. However I dont really understand why people complain about fliped primers that much. First of all the shacking effect that supposed to flip primers is useless as I just load up the tube with whichever primers are the right way, then flip the tray and finish the rest. Secondly, I dont know about you but I have flipped primers by mistake by knocking them with the tube and a quick bump flips them back.
  6. I know my 9mm nickle loads feed better for me then normal brass. Not to mention that reloading is a pleasure once you combine nickle and OneShot.
  7. Yup, it has to be fully down. I used to bitch about this, because if you use a CZ decocker model it only drops it to the halfcock notch, giving you a slightly lighter DA pull. After a while, I'm not even noticing the difference between DA and SA unless I have a 25yard or longer first shot so the difference between fully down and 1/2cock just doesnt matter.
  8. Titegroup is about $15-$16 per pound. Varget , a great rifle powder, aboud $17.
  9. Laugh to your hearts content. I was standing there like a stunned ox for most of the wait not wanting to aknowledge that I was of the same species. It would have been funny as hell if it was a piece on SNL, acted by monkies. Oh, and Jim, yes the clerk did hand me the change in top of my paper money and receipt, which is why I jumped on your hate thread. A pox onto them!
  10. They should at least have the decency to display a sad Mac face when they crash. .. Or do they?
  11. On a related note, I was in Blockbuster tonite for the first time in a long while. I get most of my DVD by mail but tonite the wife HAD to have the next disk of "Lost" so I took a trip. The line was about 30 people long, and the real hold up was the clear not carring on the side of both clerks and customers. The clerks where efficient and pleasent, but made no effort to actually move the line along and when a customer decided to have a chat with their kid/wife/boyfriend/alienmonster companion while at the register the clerks just smiled. Listen folks, you do not need to wait in line for 30 friking minutes and THEN argue which 2 movies you are going to rent while holding 3 in your hand. Further, if this is something you cant control, then step the hell aside and gesture to the person behind you to go ahead. You will take just as long to get out but the people behind you will get home sooner AND as a bonus they will not get to hear about how you love this movie because you lost your virginity while it was playing in the background on the superstation. And another thing, kids under the age of 16 should not be allowed out in public places without a shock collar on their necks as well those of their parents. If I have to teach your children that the toys and candy on display along the checkout line are available for purchase and not placed their for their entertainment, then I demand I be allowed to administer them a low voltage shock and when the parents bitch about me attempting to correct their kids behaviour I get to also administer them a low voltage shock, but in their case it will be high amperage. Then I can step over your twiching body, talk to the pleasent but uncaring clerk and drive home happy.
  12. I think the problem is that USPSA would have to re-write the rule, because the IPSC version depends on warnings, and USPSA has wisely droped the warning crap. You would have to rewrite it as a procedural or DQ.
  13. I shoot almost exactly that load, only difference is that use 3.1gr which makes 130pf out of my CZ. I use a Lee FCD to put a medium to heavy crimp. I think a heavier crimp helps with TG which is a very light charge which may be laying all over the place in the case. My theory is that the crimp lets the powder burn more consistently. Try a heavier crimp and see what happens.
  14. I cant tell if you are being sarcastic, but it is usefull to note that SWAT teams and the like use the time spent by negotiators to rehears their entry scenario over and over again, sometimes even building mockup of the area they are supposed to enter.
  15. I preface this by saying I dont shoot IDPA, but i'm confused. It is not ok to walk the course and decide where you are going to shoot things from, but it is COMMON USAGE to walk the course pasting and decide (in your head) where you are going to shoot from? Seriously, I want to understand this because it sounds odd to me. I can have my own private walkthrough as long as it doesnt look like I am and I paste a hole or two, and this is OK with everyone, but if I do the same and I dont paste a target I'm a cheater?
  16. Hmmm .. Only slightly before the Million Mom March. B&J are big supporters of antiwar, liberal, and trendy causes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That might have been the case in the good old days when Ben and Jerry actaully owned the company. Today they are owned by the huge internation conglomerate Unilever. I don't think todays Ben and Jerry's is nearly as politcally active as they were. In fact I would be suprised if they were politically active at all today. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would so love to see that, but looking at their webpage, nope still moonbats. Reading from their Mission Statement we get this gem: Them aside, I'm VERY happy that Coke and AB are sponsoring matches, and I had to buy a six pack of Bud Select just because of it, even though I'm not a big fan of their bear. Coke I buy all the time anyway.
  17. Hmmm .. Only slightly before the Million Mom March. B&J are big supporters of antiwar, liberal, and trendy causes.
  18. I'm no expert but from what I understand they could be compared Jack Torrance when it comes to sanity. Thats Jack of "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." and "HERE'S JOHNNY" fame.
  19. Something you may want to try is a completely different type of shooting, something with no time pressure, something like bullseye or maybe high power rifle (yeah I know that bullseye has timed fire, but coming from IPSC, its just funny) . Maybe some clays? Me, I break out my bolt guns and shoot my Savage for groups. My current goal is 10 groups of 5, all under 0.5". I can do it half the time and the gun can do it all the time. Shooting rifles for groups is its own kind of zen and removing the time pressure makes it completly different type of shooting. Or spend $200 and buy yourself an old Mauser or a Mosin. 1000 rounds of ammo, and throw a box of clays on 100 yard berm and try to bust them with military surplus ammo and iron sights. That tends to make me get back into shooting real fast as it puts a great smile on my face.
  20. I view slumps not as a slow down or as a failure, but as the period preceding a breakthrough. Unlike burnout, I think slumps are a natural part of getting better. The progress curve is not liniar but it looks like a series of ever taller camel humps, at least for me. Slumps are the periods after I have trully learned something and I get over confident because I've done well at a task I set myself to but then I forget to pay attention to the last 10 other things I've learned. Then I pay attention to all the 11 things and get out of the slump and learn something new again. Lather Rinse Repeat. At least for me it is this way.
  21. Well .. not powder. I dont want their powder. It works but it still smells worse then any other powder I've shot.
  22. You must have loved the 80's .. and VH1 must love you Nothing wrong with it, I love at least half that list, but I dont see any of it getting me going. It is odd that I dont really have a list. Mostly I dont listen to music while shooting (or before) but NiN wakes me up while driving to the range. However if I want to get my mind on something, be it shoorting or programing or whatever, its classical all the way for me. Special something somber and/or majestic .. Think Handel's Messiah or Mozarts Requiem.
  23. Well, I guess I have thinner fingers then most people, thought I find that hard to believe. I'm a big guy and I have no problems removing them. If I had to modify them for easier removal, i'd say try soldering a small nail/screw/wire/whatever to the head pointing away from the shellplate. Thought I'm still surprised that anyone has trouble with them.
  24. I'm no expert, but I disagree. I think that the IPSC stage analysis and conga lines have a very usefull side effect. I think that it train your brain to look at a situation and think of the best way to deal with it. Your brain needs execise too. Sure, being able to react when surprised is important, but maybe if you observed in detail hundreds stages and given much thought on how certain situations need to be aproached, then when you are surprised your ability to quickly come up with a plan would be greatly improved. I think not examining courses of fire and learning how to quickly break them down, its not unlike going to a marathon, but not jogging before hand, in the hope that the marathon would show you how you would really perform if you had to run from Marathon to Athens to announce that the Persians have invaded. It might be a realistic scenario if you were a couch potato, but Philippides was a trained message runner. I bet he jogged a lot. Back on topic, I think the FIRST step that the IDPA and USPSA comunities need to take is forget some words. Words like "tactical", "gamer", and "cheater", because they can all be used insultingly and it creates a lot of tension. There is nothing wrong with an IDPA shooter showing up and and USPSA match and shooting from cover. It doesnt make him a wannabe, or a mall ninja, he just likes to shoot that way, perhaphs with keeping in mind some aspects of real life. On the other hand, a USPSA shooter showing up at an IDPA match and trying to figure out the fastest way, is not cheating. He is trying to win, an admirable goal in a GAME and in a real life gun battle. If you think that a shooter is breaking the rules, then hit him with the scoring penalties proscribed by the rule book and move on. No need to call that shooter names, no matter how much is that ingrained in your sport culture. "You get on procedural penalty" sounds a lot better then "I'm gonna ding you one, you cheater." I dont shoot IDPA. If I want the rules to be interpreted by the RO, I would ask my wife to run me on every stage. There are some things which you can not always write rules for and which need to be left to the RO if your game cares deeply about them. However I can't bring myself to play a game like that.
  25. Just curious, why build a 9mm on a SV frame? If its about capacity just snag a SP-01 or Para and you have 19+1. The SP-01 would proabably cost you less then the slide alone. If you just like the SV frame and ergonomics, then by all means go to town
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