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Everything posted by slavex

  1. anyone near Vancouver BC is more than welcome to come up and try one of mine, could probably put you up for a night or two if you're not a hobo
  2. But seriously though, offhand, at 50m I can keep em all in the A zone. I always 2/3 high on IPSC targets, so if I do screw up, I'll dump into the largest area of the A and if I do my part I never change my point of aim, from touching to 50m. The gun does that, just like my Shadow did and my Tanfo did. Good enough for me
  3. I never said how many shots in that hole though lol
  4. Mine shoots one hole groups at 50m
  5. slavex

    Shadow 2 msrp

    I'd like to see just how large people's hands are that they find a regular Shadow too small for their hands. I wear XXL gloves that are too tight and even most XXXL gloves, if I can find them, are snug. (yes the XXL are ridiculously tight usually), and I have no problem with my grip. I'd also like to see what grip you are using, just curious, as again, I've seen people with even bigger hands than mine, grip these guns with zero issue. But, in the end if they really are, too small, then just get thicker grips.
  6. Of my 6 Shadows only the most current 2 have the same beavertails, the other 4 are all different, from those 2 and from each other. Only slightly, but still different.
  7. yes exactly the same. the frame doesn't change until you get up the safeties, there it's 2mm wider, in total
  8. springs are 100% interchangeable. So is trigger and hammer (did on all 3 of mine). I also ordered a 7.5mm front sight from CZ Custom that is narrower than the factory sight, needed a bit more light around my blade so I could see it properly. 7.5mm is the stock height on the 2s. it was supposed to be 7mm but something changed from first generation of test guns to production guns. I've got about 10,000 rounds through mine, zero issues. Also put about 4500 through Maria's gun this past summer and a few thousand through a couple others over in Europe, not issues there either, including one with a 6lb recoil spring. Slidestops should be good to 14,000-15,000 rounds. But get a couple spares regardless, make one your match one (if you compete) and keep a logbook on it. I'll be swapping at 10,000 rounds regularly.
  9. Robin says to expect 14-15,000 on a slidestop now. I'll still swap match ones at out 10,000 most likely.
  10. Shadow grips fit on the 2, but leave a funny gap at the top that the 2 grips fill in. The trigger springs across the entire CZ line got an upgrade a few years back, and another one recently, I've broken one spring in 1.2 million rounds, so I'm assuming there have simply been bad batches previously. But the new springs are definitely different. Slidestops are the same (longer) but the hole in the S2 has been completely redesigned, it's truer and chamfered. Two things they say were the cause of many issues previously.
  11. At IWA they had the bushing Shadow 2 that I took extensive pics of and tore apart, word was then, that that would be the Orange gun in 2017. But due to the huge numbers of orders I don't expect to see them taking time to build such a beast for a couple years. There is also word of a "team" gun, that will be more like our current Orange/Canadian/Australian- ShadowMates. Talk is they might come out next year. Maybe.
  12. I haven't changed a thing since I got my 2s in regards to ammo. Still loading 1.1 for length and the same on everything else. I did have some light strikes with the Urban Grey, but pretty sure that was due to primer depth being wrong.
  13. Look at that, learning more every minute.
  14. Interesting, I always thought it was 1500 anywhere OT the USA. Guess I need to read my rules better.
  15. these two are not polycoated, they are Arcore (same as slide and also what we handled at IWA), however future shipments are polycoated black. There will be some escaping with just Arcore, but those are going to be rare apparently. Probably end up in the USA too. The polycoat is however put over top of the Arcore finish.
  16. I prefer the 85 Combat triggers, those thick ones. The triggers this came with was too thin near the point and it would bite me now and then, not like the regular Shadow trigger , but bad enough
  17. Guns are much happier now, new sights, new triggers, new springs, and one set of new grips.
  18. Only have one pair of red grips right now, need another pair to make my guns happy.
  19. vacuum with a pair of your wives best sheer panties (or yours I guess) over the nozzle. finds stuff fast.
  20. My new babies. consecutive serial numbers as well, thanks CZUB! Now to figure out what to do with my Urban Gray....
  21. best wishes to his family and friends. Sad day for them and us. I'd heard many many amazing stories about the man and had hoped to meet him one day.
  22. slavex

    Shadow 2 msrp

    you know that RD costs money right? that they spend thousands and thousands of hours going over the finest details in the drawings, optimizing things like the hole for the slide stop, the holes for the hammer, trigger, and more. Testing those ideas, until finally having the first prototypes, then taking what they learned there and refining more and more until finally (again) they had a prototype the team could take out into the wilds and play with. And even after that improvements were made. They also invested in a brand new production line with state of the art equipment, robots, cnc machines (run by the robots even), new investments in their casting and on and on and on. Those things all cost money, they need to make that money back in certain amount of time (no idea what that is) so the price point reflects that. It's not a simple thing to do what they did, however, now, going forward they will be able to these things easier and quicker thanks to the things they learned from this project. So yeah, I think the gun is worth the extra, but then again, it's cheaper than the Shadows I was using prior to the 2's existence, Canadian Shadomates were in the 2 grand area for us, this gun is only 1400. As for the feel in the hand, it looks very similar but the fit is different, it's still not as natural for me to shoot one as it is a Shadow, it sits ever so slightly different and I come out to the target with the front sight high. I only at about 12,000 rounds through them, but various ones, with different grips, different sights etc, only now that I have my own will I get any consistency out of shooting one, until I head overseas again lol Mat can you post some pics of your beast, including serial number if that doesn't weird you out. I'm curious as to what batch yours is from
  23. slavex

    I bought a Shadow 2

    mag catch is reversible slide stop no
  24. you'd think so, but when their preorders are more than they can make in a year, it will take a while to catch up. Then given the interest in the gun since release I'd expect orders to have increased.
  25. slavex

    Shadow 2 msrp

    Nitride frames will likely be what you guys are going to get in the USA. There are some in Canada as well. The polycoated black and ubran gray ones are nitrited as well, but polycoated over top. I think they are worth the increased price. The base price was supposed to be 1000 Euro, but that was for 2016. The only things I've changed on mine are springs. Although I am probably going to change the front sight as I find the stock one too thick. We'll see how that experiment goes shortly.
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