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Everything posted by slavex

  1. check to see if the sear spring is up and getting caught on the silde
  2. the +2 mecgar basepads are meant for the standard length 17 round mags, not the extended length 18 round mags. If you use them on the 18 round mags you can over insert the mag into the gun. But, for those running magwells, they might work.
  3. probably from Eric's page once he updates it or that other Tanfo parts page that someone linked to earlier
  4. My support sits squarely on top of where the safeties would be on my CZ or my Tanfo, I've been shooting with that grip for 30 years, started on Berettas and SIG. Don't own, nor shoot, a 1911 specifically because of safeties, and hating them.
  5. A much higher grip can be obtained without safeties as shooters have been doing for a looong time with Berettas, Sigs, CZs etc. Trying to achieve the same grip with prominent safeties means no matter how much you push down with your thumb your going to push those safeties right back up when your support hand gets into position. And with these guns being DA first shot the safety is really quite useless, I'd love to see them offer flush fit plugs like Grand Power does.
  6. I don't work for the factory I just have very good contacts and friends there. And I make a point of going there a couple times a year when in Czech for competitions. The new machinery for the Shadow 2 is dedicated just to that currently. They are producing them as fast as they can, but as with any new project they have encountered some delays and issues which seem to have been solved so we should start seeing increased numbers over the next few months. But the orders far outstrip their production capabilities something they did not anticipate.
  7. lolz, they aren't doing a controlled release for inventory reasons
  8. can't use non Tanfo parts in Production, and the whole reason I want a flush slidestop is the same reason I run flush safeties, I grip really really high and end up riding the controls. A flush slidestop like I have on my Shadow, will stick lock the slide back, even if my hand is waaay up there, something that does happen from time to time when a plan goes wrong, or you shoot like crap.
  9. no part number on the bag, sorry. just a Tanfoglio bag. They did say they'd be on the website this week or next though, but I'm not sure who's website they meant, Tanfo or Eric's. But if you email Eric I am sure he can find out for you. It's simply a black, left side, flat safety. Makes my Stock II a much nicer gun to hold onto. Now I just need a similar slidestop..
  10. I paid 40€ for the one pictured above. And, I was mistaken, while Eric was at the booth, it was actually Tanfoglio's booth. I believe it was Christopher Tanfoglio I got it from (not 100% sure on the first name). So definitely a factory part.
  11. I'll probably get the Tanfo one installed Tuesday night when I get home, if I'm not bagged. I could almost get home in time to make it to steel challenge at my club. hmmmm
  12. Didn't have a chance to talk to Saul or Eli today, maybe tomorrow at dinner. I don't run a race holster as I just don't see an advantage to it. I can do sub .8 draws out of kydex to 10yds if I want (and get As sometimes too). The gun has to go from waist level to eye level, what it's held by isn't that important. But, I might try this Alpha X for shits and giggles too
  13. just get the Rami/Flush safeties from CZ Custom
  14. I couldn't remember if they had an insert for the RM already or not, figured they must as they have the drawings of the gun to make the PDR Pro. and yeah the new Alpha X is nice
  15. If that is the USPSA rule that's different than IPSC, for IPSC it's a legal part as it's from the factory, simple. There has been a lot of demand for this part as a lot of PD shooters like to get a really high grip on the gun with their support hand and you can't do that with paddle safeties, you end up pushing them up and on.
  16. it's a factory part sold by factory guys at the match, so it is legal
  17. time to pop the searcage and see what you can see in there. maybe the decocker has something going on that I'm unfamiliar with. I only see a couple of those a year, if that.
  18. He might be referring to the pin that holds the disco onto the hammer, but I've never seen one of those walk and interfere. I use the Cajun hardened pins and don't stake them, never had an issue. Silly question, is the spring over the hammer strut? I've seen people jam that together before, completely missing the strut
  19. I'm going to see if I can find a piece of string and compare Shadow and Shadow 2s in some meaningful way this week. But the trigger is easier for smaller hands to reach now. I have really big hands and love how it feels though, I don't feel like it's small, and I'm running thin grips. As for the holster, no, I don't think the racemaster SP01 insert works with the 2, I'll ask Saul tomorrow or Wednesday when I see him. they do have the new Racemaster holster out now too eh, and it takes the same inserts as the previous one, but not sure if they have a 2 or not.
  20. Grabbed one of these for the unicorn (Stock II) in my vault back home. As far as I know this is a brand new item (maybe I missed a post). Got it from Eric at the Tanfo booth at European Champs in Eger, Hungary. Flush left side safety for the Stock II and III. No right side at all as they couldn't shave it down enough and have it pinned to the leg. Pretty cool.
  21. I wouldn't say big difference in the overall size of the grip (if I did before I blame excitement) but it is noticeable. Playing around tonight in the smoke pit at the hotel a couple of guys were immediately impressed that they could get their midget hands on the gun properly and get the trigger finger on the trigger easily. The deeper cut in the beavertail area is just enough to help. Interesting things to note, the gun I am using at EHC is one of the very first ones made before IWA. It has a factory 9lb(ish) recoil spring (Zdenek says it's 6 but he's on glue). Gun runs like a top. Has the original comp hammer from a Shadow and the 85 Combat trigger. I grabbed a set of red grips off of Robin's bench today to make it look more Canadian (will have the maple leaf engraved when I get home next week). yes they had some issues with the nitriding finish. they had a few blemishes show up and were reluctant to send out guns with any faults at all, so they are being redone. This whole thing is a giant learning curve for CZ, from the start of the program in 2010 (maybe even earlier, but that's when I got involved), to the first prototypes, to IWA and the massive orders they did not expect, to a few production issues, to the nitriding issues. Give them time, the gun is worth the wait.
  22. You high end marketing guys slay me. CZ had every intention to meet the shipping dates, but as previously noted ran into an issue going I to full production. They had to solve this unexpected problem which put them quite a bit behind. Then they got slammed with more orders than they ever projected they'd get and are now working on them. Our first batch will be here this week I hope, looking forward to it.
  23. A bit of a hijack, but regarding high overall, it's actually common to see PD guys taking it. But you know, Eric G doesn't count when he does it...
  24. yes building a ton of gun before they announce the release make a lot of sense, or not. They were absolutely stunned with the response to the gun, by the end of IWA they had more orders than they can produce in a year. Hit the small snag they that did on that first batch, and that put them waaaaay behind. But they are shipping, I don't know why the USA isn't getting them at the same time as other countries, but perhaps the US market for them isn't as big as other markets? Who knows. All I do know is all the ones coming next week to Canada are Urban Grey, no all black ones.
  25. They are shipping, but the orders they got were much much more than expected, and then the delay etc. For the Ghost holster it would be best to ask Ghost directly, I know Robin and Maria are using them. It may even be the same one for the regular Shadow with the muzzle thing moved a bit. I use a DAA PDR PRO for the 2 and love it.
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