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Bill Sahlberg

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Everything posted by Bill Sahlberg

  1. 25 & 625 are all N frame, same as the .44 magnum
  2. Wow, what a bunch of pansies. This is the third year of the DPMS Tri-Gun Challenge and at the first two we had no complaints of the weak handed rifle course. Why do we shoot weak hand pistol anyway? Isn't proficiency with a gun subject for us to try to "master" the gun. It sounds like the majority of these complaints are from those too set in their ways to try something new. If you want a real 3 Gun match with a few challenges the DPMS Tri-Gun Challenge is for you!
  3. I dunno about USPSA rules but we had 200 yd weak hand rifle targets at last years DPMS Tri-Gun. We added the 20% "handicap" rule this year as we had shooters that were legally blind and unale to shoot using that side. This year we may have flying clays weak handed :-)
  4. This must be the newer style with the separate firing pin like my 627s. I have owned both tight and sloppy S&Ws with loose cylinders and too much end shake, however they are my most accurate guns and the ones I like to shoot the most. My "few" other revolver really wonder about these and my PPC buddies told me that I have just shot the gun out.....but that was in 1975 and I am still beating them with that same gun. Shoot them until they fall apart, they will probably last alot lnger than you & Me :-)
  5. Bruce, go to www.blade-tech.com and order their Tek Lok full moon clip holders. They are two story type and hold twice as many in the same space as the CC. You may need t do some minor Dremel work as they hold just two rounds. They are fast and hold them well enough to run and not fall out!
  6. I use 4.2 gr Universal Clays with a 130 gr Montana Gold RN Fed 100 in a .38 COLT SHORT at 1.100" OAL for a good Steel Challenge, IPSC, ICORE load. They are short and load faster but I can also shoot 9 stages without touching a brush to my guns. This is @ 1125 fps out of my 5" bbl 627. I never found a use for the .38 Long Colt and I have barrels of .38 Special that I used for years in PPC but stay with this load in my Model 66 2-1/2" as well as my 686 6" bbl
  7. For both a great safe carry holster as well as a competition speed holster, I would recommend the Blade-Tech. For years I used the 002 Cup Challenge in competition but found that it was prone to spilling my gun if I bent over o pick brass/set poppers. Blade-Tech also makes those 2-story moon clip holders on their Tech-Loks. These would not be made for carry but are super fast to reload from in competition www.blade-tech.com
  8. First off find the moonclips. Take these with you to any machine shop and have them cut out the cylinder and star ejector to fit them. Minimal machining cost under $50.
  9. I agree, the Blade Tek holster and "Tek Lok" moon clip holders are inexpensive yet very fast and reliable. I used a Dremel to "fine tune" my holders so they are still secure but will also pull faster. For a great trigger job and chamforing the cylinder go to www.defensiveedge.net Shawn Carlock did my 625 for a reasonable price and it is way smoother than my Performance Center job!
  10. They are having this gun debut nextmonth at the 2005 Shot Show. It is a 2-1/2" bbl and designed as a carry gun. I am doubtful this will have any match advantages as the sight system and sight radius at best will be "weak". Coupled with 8 rounds of anyones .357 factory ammo should cure anybody of thinking about shooting this gun fast :-)
  11. It is ptretty hard to beat Hogue grips as I have several Mod 29s, 686, and 627s that I shoot. Hogue ergonomics are awesome, they are very affordable, and Hogue supports all the shooting sports (IPSC / IDPA / Steel Challenge / ICORE / Bianchi etc) This may sound condescending but it is not meant to "tweak" anybody as it is the most obvious answer...how about downloading your gun(s) to a less recoiling load?
  12. AR15 with optics is best for for Friday's INTERTEC match. Bolt guns are just too slow to reload and you have several awkward positions with he clock running. Friday is all rifle with 2 man teams and you can enter with multiple teams. Paper distance closest 180 yds to 300 yd with steel at the same and out to 500 yds.
  13. Tri-Gun Match Results are now up @ www.dpmsinc.com/events
  14. DPMS Tri-Gun results are now up at www.dpmsinc.com/events
  15. "Official" DPMS Match results will be posted this week both on the BE site and at www.dpmsinc.com. As this years Rangemaster I want this list and everyone to know this match was a success due to many factors but my job was made easy by my shooting buddy and assitant RM, Mark Carbon and the other 26 ROs. Tim Ubl had this well organized and designed some awesome stages and the MN ROs were the greatest team I have seen at any match. We had 5 match DQs :-( not bad for 176 shooters and 23 first time 3 gunners. 2 were dropped guns (holster issue) 2 ADs while loading rifles and one whose sight was 6 feet high at 10 yds almost launching a round over the berm. ALL DQs and those who could not make it like Frank Garcia (last seen paddling his home 30 miles off the Gulf of Mexico) were given a 50% off next year match fees instead of the SOL. Here is the Official Top 5 in each division. BTW, Eddie was NOT overall Match winner, just highest points in any division as only 5 shot HM "Heavy Metal" 1. Eddie Rhoades 2. Scott Macaughtyry 3. Tony Casper 4. Mel Kuhn 5. Keith Hauessinger "Tactical Iron" 1. Bruce Piatt 2. Tom Carpenter 3. Emanuel Bragg 4. Ted Puente 5. Mark Richman "Open" 1. Jerry Miculek 2. Matt Burkett 3. Michael Voigt 4. Robert Johnson 5. Tony Holmes "Tactical Optics" 1. Taran Butler 2. David Neth 3. John Gangl 4. Vance Schmid 5. Steve Griffin Top Women 1. Debbie Cheek 2. Cheryl Current 3. Vckie Carlton Top Juniors 1. Robert Mahoney 2. Eric Kabatzke 3. Scott Porting Top Senior DPMS owner RANDY LUTH :-)
  16. DPMS TRI-GUN SQUADING August 13 Friday 25 ROs and safety officers will shoot through. The squadig list below was sent to me several weeks ago, some changes have been made since Squad 1 D. Cheek K. Haeussinger R. Brace F. Wine Y. Sued M. Kuhn P. Kelly D. LoHoff S. Wilson sponsor slot sponsor slot Squad 2 J. Miculek R. Luth M. Detty S. Schmidt N. Bardole E. Kiesler M. Buckingham M. D'Aguanno M. Voigt E. Schoppman C. Nordby M. Haugen J. Grambit Squad 3 B. Piatt J. Wood P. Young L. Bullock T. Bullins C. Jordan E. Lawerence K. Kubatzke J. Kubatzke J. Morgan S. Morgan D. Letsch T. Medlock Squad 4 J. Clark B. Parker S. Griffin J. Jawor G. Brown J. Gilberg B. Butcher J. Olson S. Olson N. Footh S. Souther M. Lerette R. Evjean Squad 5 J.Gangl J. Kempton C. Pilant H. Pilant J. Wilson J. Church B. Hartman W. hartman J. Juaire T. Carpenter C. Bryant T. Freeman V. Schmid Squad 6 A. Greco L. Nickel J. Wong M. Cvetkovich S. Rutoski M. Zaporsi D, Andrews R. Proudlock W. Smith D. Emholtz B. Simpkins R. Hollowbrush L. Tippie Squad 7 T. Butler R, Filho A. Carlson N. Kalishek D. Lemke R. Haffner J. Falconer M. Ostrander M. Himmel R. Johnson F. Lopez B. Bogue stage sponsor Squad 8 T. Holmes A. Smith D. Grindstaff G. Bolte J. Mardoyan G. Chen A. Porting D. Smith S. Porting J. Kline R. Knapper J. Knapper P. Tralle Squad 9 D. Neth B. Coolie J. Harmon M. Barr M. Clark J. Darst W. Holloway M. Bryom L. Deine D. Gray T. Caspers G. Knoll K. Flood Squad 10 E. Rhodes R. Wills V. Carlton J. Knapp S. Kukowski T. Letvin B. Joersz M. Carey C. Wetch L. Warkins J. Duffy B. Magstadt R. Mahoney Squad 11 R. Current C. Current M. Richman D. Richman D. Dougherty M. Wolf T. Bredeson S. Warner T. Puente M. Burkett C. Moots F. Garcia R. Batista Squad 12 G. Higdon J. Bartolini S. MacCaughtry R. O'Neil J. Koppi D. Palmer T. Eich D. Turnquist F. Hiemstra P. Galatis C. Butler L. Dwyer T. Coy If your name is not above and you now that you are NOT on the waiting list, call Lea @ DPMS. Do not call me as I am in Spokane, WA and not available to her records. If you name is spelled wrong it is probably my typing :-) Be sure to get to the match early both days for early start times.
  17. The Second Annual DPMS Tri-Gun Match at DelTone / Luth Gun Range in St. Cloud, MN Match has been full for several weeks We have 9 challenging stages and 4 divisions with 150 people shooting in Open, Tactical Iron (LTD), Tactical Optics, and Heavy Metal. Match dates are August 14 & 15. The round count is less than 200 per gun but you should bring this amount anyway. Shotshells will be for flying & stationary clays as well as steel poppers. (also bring along 10-15 slugs) Rifle will have closer targets and out to 200 yds. Match starts very early both days and weather looks like mid 70s. Trophies in each class, Team event, and totally awesome prize table Bill Sahlberg 2004 DPMS Tri-Gun thesahlberg7@webtv.net Range Master
  18. One thing that has not been discussed on this thread is the 'extra" time it takes to clear a long gun before scorers and tapers go down range. Another time killer is not having a clock running in pre-loading these long guns. I havefound when the clock is ticking against a shooter h is alot less apt to monkey around with gun placement, sight picture, an ammo locations when the clock is ticking. I too want to see holstering of hot handguns.......it is kinda hard to start a stage without it. We can be trusted holster it hot at the start but not elsewhere???
  19. IE 3 Gun correction, we sold $325 of USPSA Junior Raffle tickets, 3 more people gave me $20 AFTER the match to help support our Juniors. (then I unlocked the gate so they could get back home :-)
  20. Nate, The weather was hot 90+ and we shot 6 great stages, including one with a WW2 belt fed machine gun in a real bunker/machine gun nest to start then onto shotgun, then running down a dry creek bed for pistol, and finishing from 3 areas covering 100 yds forrifle on targets at 30 yds to steel targets at 200 & 300 yds. A cheap $40 entry got you 6 stages, a nice chicken lunch with chips, cookies, more chicken, water, more water, alot more water and a chance to win the DPMS AR15 Match Sponsored gun. Lucky Floyd Shoemaker from Bellingham, WA was drawn first and took the upper and #2 drawing was lucky Lyman Warkins of Kalispell, MT who won the lower. 44 other random drawings won various prizes from the 6 stage sponsors and many other sponsors that were worth $3500. Match results will be up soon at www.sppl.us. Unfortunately there were 3 DQs, all for dropping loaded pistols while shooting or running one of the 4 multi-gun stages. Sponsors are listed on the website and we collected $265 in Junior Raffle tickets for the USPSA Juniors
  21. Most detonations "catching cartridges" mid air are the .40 S&W in Glocks but I do not know why?
  22. John, You are not suppose to have just the end of your finger on the trigger like an auto. The first joint on a smooth surfaced trigger is best with the "fat pad" of the end of your finger feeling the frame of the gun. For accuracy you squeeze or pinch this "fat pad" and it feels like single action. Practice feeling the two "clicks" and holding on the second click while dry firing. When you can master this every shot is like single action but your accuracy will improve considerably. Old PPC Model 14 shooter, Steel Challenge/Icore 627, and IPSC 625 shooter
  23. Sam, If you used the "time plus" Superstition 3 Gun, JP 3 Gun, and DPMS scoring system that already works the scoring is made simple regardless of what gun is used or major / minor. If you have ever run or scored a 3 Gun match you appreciate the simplicity and ease of this scoring. Why penalize a shooter using a 12 ga shotgun and a .45 acp because he chooses to shoot an AR-15 over a .308? I have been to 3 Gun matches since 1991 and the major calibers have always been very rare.
  24. The Superstition 3 Gun, JP 3 Gun, and DPMS all have very successful matches running "time plus" with scoring made easy with 2 hits anywhere or one "A" hit. Add 5 seconds per miss, procedural, or no shoot. Quite simple and no varition of major / minor. No MSS whacky scoring system from USPSA which was created for "pistols only". 3 Gun is much different than Hi-Power, Skeet/Trap, and IPSC, we just need to forget about the "box" some are stuck into and make the scoring easy like these already successful 3 Gun Matches. No need to keep reinventing the wheel.......
  25. I am unsure of power factor but rules are in place for some reason. With faster bullets your unconscious hearing gets the ring of the steel much faster too. The safarilad 002 holster is the speed holster of 90% of the revolver shooters. I have been using a Blade-Tech revo holster for my 627 for 3 years now and it is faster than the 002 and I am not worried about my gun falling out. (it is much better in retention) Blade-Tech also has the new Tek-Lok full moon clip holders. With 4 of these double stacked holders you have 64 rnds at your disposal!
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