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Everything posted by Bigbadaboom

  1. I'm rooting for my good friend Jeff deGracia. JGo, If you see him tell him that Daniel said Good luck. He's got the Digilight booth set up. thanks
  2. +1 Also, the Schuemann is easier to fit IMHO.
  3. That just SUCKS!!!!! It's amazing how the stupidity of some can have such a negative effect on the lives of good people. Tell Bruce that he and Buddy are in our prayers for a good and fast recovery.
  4. This horse died a long time ago and now we are just standing over the ground where it decomposed smacking it with sticks. The USPSA classification system is nothing more than "Feel good legislation". It allows mediocre performers to feel like they have accomplished something in order to keep the drive for membership numbers up in the sport. I don't believe that mediocre performance should be rewarded and winning 1st B at the nationals is absolutly mediocre, unless you only have one arm. How in the hell is it fair for some weekend B class shooter who might dry-fire a couple of hours a week to get to the prize table prior to the 10th place GM who puts in several hours a day after and before they go to their regular job to get where they are? You're right!! get rid of the classification system and only classify for a % of the top shooter in your chosen division/divisions only for the purpose of monitoring the progress of hard work. I keep hearing/reading this stuff about how it's the D,C,B etc. shooters that make up this sport as if they should be bowed to. Well, the GM's are the ones that set the phucking bar for those of us with the drive to attempt to achieve that GM status. If I came in 1st B and came in 53rd overall and I got to go to the prize table before the GM that placed 10 overall in the field that they had at the Nationals it would make me sick. Rewards in life are set by the accomplishments we make through how hard we work not by what class we chose to maintain. OH!! By the way. I'm a B class shooter striving for my GM.
  5. As has been stated, the H&K mags are awsome but I prefer my Beta C-mags.
  6. Todd uses a Blackhawk CQC (not Serpa). Link He also uses CQC mag pouches. Link
  7. OOPS!! I messed up. I meant to say "Baby Eagle" It weighs 2lbs. 4.4ozs. empty.
  8. I've been using Precision 185's for about 5 years now and am absolutely, 100% pleased with them. I don't have the smoke concern that others seem to have and have never had the minimal amout of smoke that is produced hinder me in any way. Now that he's coming out with 220 grn .40's I'll be ordering some to try.
  9. Yeah but!! I just had two 65.****% classifiers overtake two 72.****% classifiers which has, once again, stifled me down in B class. If they are going to use this "Within **% of your current %" crap then they need to count the highest classifiers out of ALL the classifiers you've ever shot. If that were the case I'ld be an "A" class shooter right now and people would stop calling me a sandbagger. IMHO the currrent classification set up blows.
  10. "SEE!!!! You CAN increase your power factor and still maintain low recoil!!!!!!!!" "It's called Horse Power Factor!!!"
  11. I was D.Q.ed once after the match was over!!!!! because they decided to paste as we shot and one of the targets that they scored and pasted WHILE I WAS STILL SHOOTING was scored Alpha, Mike. I went to the match director and told him about it and he told me to "Get over it. We're trying to get done because it's starting to rain. It's a local match. It's not like it's the Nationals or something." I informed him of how pissed I was and told him that I wouldn't be shooting at that club again. After I got home and the scores were e-mailed I saw that I had been D.Q.ed. I called the M.D. and asked him about it and he said that he considered my arguing "Unsportsman like conduct". I informed him that the match had already ended and you can't D.Q. someone after the match is over to which he replied "I'm the M.D. and club president and I can do whatever I wish." Unless I have a deligate "DO NOT" paste a target while I am shooting unless it is scored 2 Alpha.
  12. I don't think that the Limited Nationals have ever been won with any gun that wasn't a 1911 base. Way to go Dave and Way to go Glock.
  13. You're lucky then because that should have been 2 procedurals in a Virginia count stage. 1 extra shot + 1 extra hit.
  14. If doing what you love and dying while doing it is stupid and crazy then I want to die stupid and crazy too. It really sucks for his children. Steve was charming and loved the unlovable. I wish I could get as excited over the little things like he did.
  15. Here's some vidoe of me using my B.T. with my CR Speed belt. I love it and have no problems at all. I'm kind of slow moving in the vidoes because I screwed my ankle up pretty bad the week prior. Shooting "Hop-a-long" style (LINK)
  16. Q: "Is 13 +1 Enough For Limited?" A: "Depends on how fast you can reload." TT could probably get away with it.
  17. I was running into a box once and as I went to plant my feet they slid out from under me and I hit on my butt/hip as if sliding into a base. The pvc box was not ancored so it slid up around my waist and I went ahead and shot the three targets as I slid to a stop. The R.O. didn't give me any procedurals because he said that I couldn't be more "Inside" the box than having it wrapped around my chest.
  18. If the S.O. went through and cut all the heads off of all the bad guys then I'ld just tell him that I want max time and points because I don't need to kill them since they have already been decapitated.
  19. All Cell Phone Networks As Useless As T-mobile? YES!!!!!
  20. What if your Doctor is a gun owner?
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