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High Lord Gomer

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Everything posted by High Lord Gomer

  1. I saw an M&P stripped lower on Gun Broker yesterday for $120 ($130 BuyItNow). Today, there's one there for $175 ($180 BuyItNow).
  2. Nope...and because of that, I didn't get any wrong!
  3. A slightly better image: http://www.mpam.gr/comics_/_cartoons/blame_dog.htm
  4. For me, anything loaded at 1.160 or less will fit in the mags without a problem. I did have a couple of feed issues with 200gr TC lead loaded at 1.155, so I seated them a little deeper to 1.145 and they have fed with no problems. I never did figure out a reliable length for the 170gr lead SWC-TC lead bullets I messed with, though.
  5. Weight won't make a difference on how fast a mag will drop, but it will certainly feel different. Once free of the gun, I can see that an empty and a full mag should fall at the same rate, but it would seem to me that a loaded/heavier mag would better overcome any forces of friction in the mag well and drop out of the gun more easily/quickly.
  6. I found some of those laser cast bullets in Sportsman's Warehouse last week. They must have been sitting there for a while because I got a box of 500 SWCRN 185gr and a box of 500 TCRN 180gr for $29.97 each.
  7. The timing of this post is ironic becuase tomorrow I finally close on the sale of our home which has been tied up in court since my first wife died almost 5 years ago. We found out Lori had cancer a couple of months after our son was born. She made it 6 more years and lived every moment of those as well as she could for her children and never, not once, gave up or complained. Here she was with Tommy a little more than a year before she passed: http://themxtrack.com/LoriTommyOK.jpg That year, 2002, at Dirtweek (a nationwide gathering of dirtbike riders we started in 2000) she got the Dirtweek-Or-Bust award: http://themxtrack.com/dw3gomer.wmv She was truly a wonderful lady. I still have a tough time when I go back to our old house. One of the things that hit me the hardest was when I was going through her stuff after she died. I came across a to-do list she had made. It was all so unfair, she couldn't be gone, because she still had things to do. A few things I'll add that I hope might help: Look into / make sure that your bank accounts and property deeds are owned jointly with "rights of survivorship". Someone with more legal knowledge than I can explain it better, but it helps avoid having property tied up in probate court. Have a will and update it whenever significant changes occur (things like having a(nother) child, buying a house, getting a boat, etc). Discuss right now, before they are very sensitive subjects, with your spouse all of your desires for funeral arrangements, property distribution, and how to handle the difficult issues like whether or not to be put on a ventilator when the time is close. Even if everything is great right now for both of you, discuss those types of things, write them down, and file them away so you won't have to think about them unless and until they are needed. If they ever are needed, it will be so much easier to have already discussed them. Have your wishes for your kids clearly spelled out, even if they might not be completely enforceable after you pass. My wife's $&!#bag of an ex-husband made our then-14 year old move in with him so that he could try to get his life insurance money. I don't know if it would have avoided all of the legal mess I went through fighting to get him free, but it would have helped. When the time gets close, have a list of names and phone numbers of people that will need to be called. That way you can hand that to someone else to do, because you won't be up to it at that time. Once a funeral notice has been published, be careful not to give out personal information. There are scumbags out there that will do whatever they can, whenever they can, to take advantage of people. My current wife lost her husband a few months before I lost Lori. She had someone call, supposedly from the Social Security Administration, to get information so that they could send her information about survivor benefits. They had his name and age from the funeral notice and found his address in the phone book. When they called they asked her to verify his SSN. In her state of mind at the time she gave it to them. Afterwards she had to put an immediate freeze on all of his accounts and flag his credit report to prevent unauthorized use of his information. Have someone stay at your home during the funeral. This is best done by the friend of a friend, as all of your close friends will be with you. I do not have any first hand knowledge of it occuring, but I was warned that some thieves read the funeral notices and target the houses when they know everyone will be gone. For me, time did make things easier. At first, you have no idea how you will continue or what you will do. You will make it and you need to keep on living. Tell all of the people that you love that you love them as often as you can. I have found another wonderful lady and gotten married. I try to remind our son about Lori when the time is right to bring up a good or funny memory. I don't suggest dwelling on any of the sadness with your children, but do remember the good times while proceeding to keep living the rest of your lives.
  8. Cool! I zoomed in and placed my mohawk right on our pistol range southwest of Augusta, GA.
  9. Lisa, it was great meeting you. Oh yeah.... and welcome aboard!
  10. I finally got a chance to chrono those same loads (3.9 WST, 200 gr LTC, 1.155 OAL) and they were a very consistent 830 fps. I picked up some WSP primers and will try thoese next. Thanks, everyone!
  11. One of the best, most deceptive pictures of me ever. I'm trying to pass a true pro on the inside. He stepped it up after that and 15 seconds later I couldn't even see him.
  12. Very easy to do. I regularly swap the mag release on my 9 from left (for me) to right (for my son). His hands aren't big enough to high it with his thumb, so he does it with his trigger finger. Once you take the slide off, reach down in the mag well with a flat bladed screwdriver and pull the spring / long rod out of the notch in the mag release button. Once the spring is out, you can slide the button out, flip it over, and reinsert from the other side. You'll have to move the spring out of the way when inserting, then move it back into the catch area to finish.
  13. Did you take the rob leatham parent class? I did. ...and I have pictures to prove it!
  14. I blew out the discs between C6/C7 and C7/T1. I also broke the parts that interlock between C7 and T1. I went for almost a full year before getting it fixed. I still have some loss of dexterity in my right hand and numbness when my head is turned the wrong way. Can the herniation be repaired or is it completely blown out the way mine was? The only good part is that when they crammed cadaver bone fragments in to regain the proper spacing between the vertebrae, it made me 7mm taller!
  15. Ha! If something is worth doing, it is worth overdoing!
  16. Wow! Congratulations, Francisco! (I didn't see Dad's name anywhere in that list, though...)
  17. Huh? You look downright anorexic compared to the fat guy in the blue shirt... I was happy to see that I got my left hand where K.C. and Daniel said to put it and that I had my finger off the trigger on the draw. Of course, my slow draw and bad aim meant I was out right after this shot.
  18. I've never had a reload as fast as yours and I'm certainly no expert, but it does look like the grip is too large for your hands. It looks like your right thumb is pointed upward, implying the back of the grip isn't in the web of your hand, but rather at the base of your right thumb.
  19. Very cool! Beat an Open Master, too!
  20. I'm kind of glad I didn't get to / half to shoot those half-ameoba targets Posing Sunday afternoon I think this was the only picture I got of Mike (he moves too fast) I also got one of Travis
  21. Jacob was very impressive to watch Brass leaving Tommy's M&P What a cool looking CZ All of the kids demonstrated good, safe gun handling. Notice how his finger is well off the trigger during this reload
  22. Even Rob can miss a plate SFC Hampton runs a great unit Competition on Sunday getting filmed This is one of the cool shots I mentioned earlier. Note how Daniel had the gun rotated and his finger off the trigger so he can move quickly right-to-left
  23. Down to 7 of the first 15 Final 2 of the first 15 Winnners of each half got to go against each other The winner got to take on Rob
  24. He's not smiling, but he is throwing brass This guy threw it straight at Rob Rob even likes shooting other people's ammo in round guns Lining up for the first half of eliminations
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