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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

High Lord Gomer

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Everything posted by High Lord Gomer

  1. http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores...=10000003+90401 I used something similar to this when I had a bunch of dirt in a bucket of brass. I ran a hose it it while it tumbled. Instead of some of the brass being dirt-filled, I ended up with a light coatong of dirt on all of the brass.
  2. Order 2 sets and I'll split the shipping with you.
  3. My son, Tommy (10), will be there! This is an incredible opportunity, I can't believe how lucky we are. I put up a couple video clips of him shooting:
  4. Welcome, Brandon. I'm new here, too, and fairly new to shooting in general. We are going to the 3-gun match in Greenville this Sunday... http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=68997 As long as there are no legal issues preventing it, you're welcome to come out and shoot my M&P45. We can share the rifle and shotgun. Just bring 100 rounds of 7 1/2 shot 3.25 dram eq and 100 rounds of Remington .45 ACP. The rifle is sighted in using my own loads so I'll bring enough of those. Anybody know if there are any legal reasons he couldn't come and use my guns? BTW, I'm about yoru size and I've carried several smaller guns. I now carry the M&P45 and it is surprisingly comfortable if carried right. I, too, initially thought that I needed either an external safety or long, double action gun to carry. Someone much older, wiser, and uglier than me finally beat it into my head that no safety device on a gun can or should take the place of safe gun handling. Properly handled, the gun will not make noise until you cause it to.
  5. Everyone I've talked to that has been to the Charleston USPSA matches say they are the best around. Let me know if you're interested in coming to a match in Columbia or Augusta.
  6. Hey, Cajun! The second Saturday of each month we have a USPSA match just southwest of Columbia. http://lchico.5u.com/map.html The third Saturday of each month is a Steel Challenge match, same place. http://www.midcarolinarifleclub.com/index.php If you feel up to driving, we're having a USPSA match in Augusta this Saturday and a 3-gun match on Sunday. I've got a rifle you can use if you're interested. http://pinetucky.com/
  7. Bad news and good news... Bad news is commercial ammo only. Good news is that you shouldn't need any.
  8. Is there a minimum age? I just sent in my son's application today.
  9. For outdoor matches and practice I like shooting lead bullets that I get locally. My only problem is that the lead and/or wax smoke considerably when using Titegroup. I would like to be able to use the same powder for 9, .40, and .45, but it is not a necessity. I do need to make major in both .40 and .45. Any suggestions for what powder to try and maybe even loads for 124gr LRN 9mm, 170gr TCBB .40, and 230gr LRN .45?
  10. When I need to stop in mid-stream with my 550, I walk away with the handle pulled down all the way. That way there is never any confusion about exactly where I left off.
  11. LOL! I see your point...see how fast I can shoot Mikes.
  12. In the announcement for the all-classifier match I'll be doing this weekend there was mention of a fee to re-shoot any or all of the classifier stages. I am fairly new to this and am currently shooting between 55 and 60% on most classifiers. I really want to make B this weekend and my 10 year old wants to make C. What should I do? If I screw up a stage, can I re-shoot it for a better score? Can I re-shoot it more than once? (I could see people getting pissed as I'm going to the line saying, "5th times a charm!") If I know that I can re-shoot a stage, I imagine that I would try to push closer to the edge of my abilities.
  13. Dewey, the guy who told me about this site and is helping me learn to shoot, is going up there. Y'all have fun and be nice to the goober from Augusta.
  14. I've taken (at different times) at least 10 cow-orkers to the range with me at lunch time. I've even managed to get 2 of them to come and shoot matches.
  15. Because it is a step-up, as long as you made it up over the top, it was a surprisingly soft landing. You lost so much speed from going up that you had to downshift twice in the air to get ready for the landing. At first it was very intimidating to approach what looks like an 8 foot vertical vall of a takeoff in 4th gear on the gas. Who am I kidding, it was intimidating *every* lap!
  16. Good point...I didn't catch your location before. But I've heard Maine is wonderful in the summer. I've also heard that you guys have bugs big enough to have N-numbers painted on the side. Are they a problem when riding on the street?
  17. I'm too late, but my take is... you can sell *a* bike to get a gun, just don't sell your *last* bike to get a gun. Sorry but it has been a long time since I had a partial erection while riding the bike. I can not say the same about the gun How can this *not* excite someone?!?
  18. I know her! A real nice lady, and their matches are very well run.
  19. I'm too late, but my take is... you can sell *a* bike to get a gun, just don't sell your *last* bike to get a gun.
  20. It really depends.....what kind of bike is it?!?
  21. It took me about 15,000 rounds (5 months) to pay for everything. 340 Dillon 550 (came with 9mm caliber conversion) 40 .40 caliber conversion 40 .45 caliber conversion 34 2 extra toolheads 34 2 extra powder dies 30 2 toolhead stands 21 cartridge case bin & bracket 36 bullet tray 54 12 extra primer pickup tubes 40 strong mount 40 case/media separator 100 vibrating cleaner 140 D-Terminitor electronic scale 0 Fowler micrometer (already had it) === 949.00 I put together a slightly different spreadsheet that allows me to track both cost and performance of different loads: http://themxtrack.com/ReloadTracking.xls
  22. Thanks! Looks like I'll be rearranging my loading area tonight.
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