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High Lord Gomer

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Everything posted by High Lord Gomer

  1. I'm going to be picking up our local site to post scores, give directions to the local ranges, etc. Until it expires, the old one is http://csrapistol.com Can anyone point me to a website that they like that has good presentation for upcoming matches, links and directions to ranges, and presentation of results? I'd really much rather copy one than start from scratch (if allowed by the person who did all of the work).
  2. Danh! Just when I thought I had acquired a caddy...
  3. I don't get the current one...what's the brown ring over his head?
  4. I found it! It was in my bag of clothes to change into after the match. Today, I loaned a couple mags and a mag holder and didn't remember them until I was a couple miles down the road. I went back and got them today. My brain must be full.
  5. (late) Congratulations!! You're making good progress! (better than mine)
  6. When new(er) my 1100 would only cycle reliably with Winchester AA 1250+ fps shells. Now that I've put a few hundren rounds through it and oiled it liberally, it cycled properly with lighter loads this week.
  7. I guess it might be because of having 12 of each kind of magazine, but I left an M&P40 mag at the SC State match and then I left an M&P9 mag last weekend when I went to South River. I guess when I get down to 4 of each I'll start keeping better track of them.
  8. Scroll down to post #10 in this thread: http://www.berettaforum.net/vb/showthread.php?t=13088 Also, videos of disassembly and assembly: http://www.beretta92fs.com/
  9. 34,000 through 9 (full-size, not pro). The only problem I've ever had was the mag dropping when my 11 year old shoots it with the mag release moved to the right side. I'm pretty sure his finger is hitting the release during recoil since it has never happened to me with the release on the left side. I replace the stroker assembly a couple thousand rounds ago just because. I never had a problem, I just figured it was due. I always get a "slam charge" and it always properly chambers a round.
  10. Thanks, Rich...now I have this image of Jack in nothing but his boxers and a Clemson bandana with his suit hanging in the doorway of his office. Thankfully, I poked out my mind's eye before I noticed how he had the fan positioned.
  11. Maps.google.com says that Roberta is an hour and a half east/northeast of Columbus (toward Macon)... http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source...,1.7276&z=9 That works for me!
  12. Is this the same day as the NRA's Women On Target and the rifle/pistol match in the evening? Looks like I could be there for a *long* time that day!
  13. It's better than an 'AD'. Hey...an AD is still a D!!
  14. I restrained myself from posting: ...but you just had to go there!
  15. I've been doing this for a year and haven't had results that good. What bullet/primer/powder are you using? What color fiber optic sight? What brand of underwear? Didja shoot it right-to-left or left-to-right?
  16. I imagine it was so when he drew he could get a realistic trigger pull before actually loading. I do something similar when dry firing my M&P. With it in the holster I put my right thumb on the backstrap and pull the slide back with my fingers just enough to cock the striker but not enough to eject the snap cap. That way at least the first trigger pull generates a click.
  17. I thought the stage briefing said to shoot *MOST* targets as they became available.
  18. Thank you...I am very proud of him. Once he figures out what I did to his mag release, I'll have to move on to more complicated "fixes" (like what we did to yours).
  19. The 9s and 40s I've seen have all been the same. The 45 was different. Take a look at: http://www.speedshooterspecialties.com/cat...arts&cnt=12
  20. We had several (read: waay too many) people on our squad at South River near Atlanta call their own FTEs today. That 46 round stage made it hard to remember where you were. I got to shoot with a really fine group of people there.
  21. Tommy did have his camera phone out for the stage with two Texas Stars, one with a NoShoot perched on top........... Where shall we start the bidding??
  22. *We* already "repaired" your equipment for you...why do you think it "functioned" like that?!? You still smoked enough runs to make us C and D shooters wonder why we can't do that. Tommy and I had a great time. Thank y'all for helping us around. You guys (and girls) put on a great match.
  23. Just noticed....there's a stage with two Texas Stars. That means another 46+ round stage for me!
  24. Bob....bad news....too late to worry about being an old man. The good news is that it sounds like you might be a good old man.
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