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High Lord Gomer

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Everything posted by High Lord Gomer

  1. *I* almost grounded my 11 year and didn't let him shoot last night. When he got home yesterday he started playing video games instead of doing his homework first. When he realized we had a match, he sloppily did his homework. Before I would take him, I asked to see his homework. I told him it was unacceptable and it took him 3 times before it was good enough and I took him to the match. We almost missed it. Hopefully he will remember that and do his work first in the future. Shooting (and riding motorcycles) are the best leverage I have with the kids and I make sure they earn both before going.
  2. Milpark: http://www.thegunzone.com/ao1911a1.html Related article: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0BT...25/ai_67886023/
  3. Still haven't recovered from: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...c=92051&hl= I did find out that I was wrong about "only" breaking it into 5 or 6 pieces. When I asked how many pieces, the doc told me he didn't bother to try to count them. I'll be at the T4T match, but I won't be shooting.
  4. Since I'm still recovering from a "stupid is supposed to hurt" injury, I couldn't move well enough to shoot the local indoor match last night. After seeing the results, I'm kinda glad. I really didn't need to get shown up by my 11 year old who had the fastest draw and the fastest reaload on Stage 2 where they were tracking it and counting them double. The draw time was getting from point A to point B, drawing, and firing the first shot. http://shootersaugusta.com/Results/Shooters_111909.htm
  5. I ran a low/no light match once at our indoor range. I kept the lights on all the way at the back of the range so that the RO could keep a decent eye on the shooter, but at the front of the range I hung tarps from the ceiling to create dark "rooms" with targets in them. To make things a little safer/easier, I didn't have people enter the "rooms", but move laterally and shoot through the "doorways". For good guys (no shoots) I had a few white hats that we would move among the targets for each shooter. The last person out of each room had to move the hats so the shooter wouldn't know what to shoot until they saw the hats. I did have to layout the targets such that no real advantage was given based on which targets got the white hats. We ran that COF first in the dark then again with all the lights on. Since our match isn't IDPA, I told everyone that they could bring lasers, flashlights, glow-in-the-dark friends...whatever it took. It was a lot of fun.
  6. I had an Excursion with the V10. A also had that same motor in a 31' class C RV. I ran the piss out of that RV...pretty much foot on the floor for almost all of the 40-50K miles I put on it without ever having a single problem. I had the Excursion for less time, but still never had a single problem with the engine. I've never had a Suburban, but the ones I've driven handled and rode better than the Excursion. The Excursion felt vague and wandered.
  7. They were probably wearing white shirts, so we *KNOW* how much danger they were in!
  8. When I was getting my swager adjusted, I had it set to open the primer pocket too much at one point. I had primers falling out and getting loose. My method of checking while adjusting was to take the freshly primed case (before loading any powder into it) and hit it with compressed air and a rubber tipped nozzle. I figured if 100 psi didn't move the primer, normal handling probably wouldn't. You have to be careful to cup your hand around the base of the case so if it is loose it doesn't blow the primer across the room. I eventually got to the point where I only had to check the ones that didn't feel as if they had much resistance while seating the primers. I finally got my adjustment down to the point where I don't have to check them, anymore.
  9. Mark, you might want to pace yourself. At the rate of 2 birthdays per year, it won't be long until....lemme see, carry the 1.....uh....
  10. I get the impression there are a lot of veterans on here. Even if you don't hear it often, know that many of us are thankful EVERY DAY for the freedom you have allowed us to enjoy. THANK YOU!
  11. I, too, seem to gojust a little down and right with the Nordic comp.
  12. Was Gomer already on the list she rejected?
  13. Doesn't address Indiana laws: http://www.uspsa-nationals.org/downloads/C...%20JUVENILE.pdf ...but from: http://www.indianalaw.to/Indiana_Handgun_Laws.pdf ... the following implies it might be OK to transfer possession of a handgun to a minor if you are the parent, but it does not address the minor transporting it: 35-47-2-7 Sec. 7. (a) Except an individual acting within a parent-minor child or guardian minor protected person relationship or any other individual who is also acting in compliance with IC 35-47-10, a person may not sell, give, or in any other manner transfer the ownership or possession of a handgun or assault weapon (as defined in IC 35-50-2-11) to any person under eighteen (18) years of age.
  14. LOL! A guy I used to ride (on a bike) with hit a triple one time and both handgrips came off the bars at the same time. I don't recall which bones he broke, but he got a couple. Afterwards, he said, "After they came off, all I could do was just squeeze them tighter!"
  15. Technically, you could get by with the one toolhead that it comes with, but you don't want to have to remove all of the 9mm dies and replace them with .40 dies when you switch calibers. It is much easier to just swap toolheads. You can get by without the quick change kit, but then you'll have to remove the pwder die and re-calibrate it each time you change from 9 to 40 or back. It is well worth it to get the toolhead and powder die. Then you'll just have to swap locator pins, swap toolheads, and move the powder measurey from one toolhead to another. To make it just a 2 minute swap from 9 to 40 and back, you can get an extra powder measure so you don't have to change any settings when you swap, but to do that makes it worthwhile to get the Quick Change assembly, which will come with the powder measure, the toolhead, the powder die, and a toolhead stand (I have bought several).
  16. It looks like, at a bare minimum, you're going to need a toolhead in which to mount those .40/10mm dies: http://www.dillonprecision.com/#/content/p...RL_550_Toolhead Probably going to want a powder die to go with it: http://www.dillonprecision.com/#/content/p...llon_Powder_Die I would suggest the quick change assembly, though: http://www.brianenos.com/pages/dillon/pics...conv.html#650qc (I couldn't easily find some of those parts on Brian's site, so I linked to Dillon instead, but if you call, Brian can get whatever you need) Editted: You already had the powder funnel, I missed it.
  17. ...of what embarrassed momma!
  18. I can't believe no one else has suggested this.... Get them shooting! My youngest son and I do everything together. Mostly riding motorcycles and shooting. They are both more fun with him there.
  19. I leave the vacuum on the whome time the trimmer is running. In addition to sucking the shaving out, I like to think it helps to cool things down a bit, too. The vacuum and trimmer do get loud. I built an enclosure under the shelves behind my reloading bench to house the vacuum but I still wear earmuffs when running the trimmer/vacuum.
  20. Oh! I thought you were looking for something to calculate scores. On that same page I linked to earlier, they have a link for sample score sheets in both .pdf an .xls: http://steelchallenge.com/wp-content/uploa...et-template.pdf http://steelchallenge.com/wp-content/uploa...et-template.xls
  21. I went with the 550B so I could do rifle and pistol. After having had the pleasure of dealing with Dillon, I will never consider any other type of press.
  22. I looked and couldn't find any, but the page: http://steelchallenge.com/scsa-clubs/ Says there is a scoring program available.
  23. WooHoo! If there's anything I can do to "help keep him straight", please let me know.
  24. I went to find the link so I could tell you that you didn't need to buy a separate trimmer, but based on the cost listed, it sure looks that way! http://www.dillonprecision.com/#/content/p...B_Size_Trim_Die
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