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High Lord Gomer

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Everything posted by High Lord Gomer

  1. If you actuially go by the post number (including the deleted ones)... http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...amp;pid=1000000
  2. Update on my lead level...January it was 40, 6 months later it is now down to 25. Previously, I was shooting indoors with poor ventilation about 4 days per week and about 250 rounds each day. I now only shoot indoors once a month where I help run the match. I I also now make sure to wash my hands after shooting...something else I didn't do before. I've also started wearing latex gloves when sorting brass. I'll check again in 6 months and report back. Oh yeah...I was also getting low-grade headaches just before I had it checked the first time. I never get headaches and now that it has gone down, I'm back to not getting them.
  3. I started working for other people when I was 12. The farmer at that time figured if we could throw them higher than 6 high on the trailer, it was time to tighten them up and make them heavier. I hated the 80 lbs wire bales. I actually preferred being on the ground throwing them up to being on the trailer stacking what 2 people were throwing at me. When I was 15 I then went to work for a farmer with a stack-wagon. We still had to just drop it at the elevator for two people to stack once up inside the barn. Being the youngest, I never got to work the bottom or top of the elevator (where there was a little wind at the door), but always had to do the stacking up in the hot part of the barn. I do think doing real work makes a positive impact on people.
  4. You did...I missed it. I do applaud your tact, it fits in perfectly here. If I had made that mistake on some other sites, I wouldn't have gotten such a nice response. Sorry I can't help other than to mention what you probably already know; hollow points generally get loaded to shorter OALs because their lack of a point.
  5. You stll didn't mention the type of bullet you are using. The profile of a bullet can have more impact on when it reaches the rifling than the OAL. Did you measure the OAL of those factory rounds? Unless you're loading wadcutters, I' surprised that a 1.16 OAL factory bullet would work but that you need to load to 1.08 to chamber properly.
  6. Too late, I already have inside knowledge that Nick's next signature will be:
  7. As much as I hate to admit it, if you hadn't excluded him, I would have had to vote for FlexMonkey. He frequently shows great restraint while helping us, the ignorant, great unwashed masses. He doesn't post a whole bunch here becuase he's "just" a Master knocking on the GM door, but DeweyH does an incredible amount helping the locals get better. (I think he's just tired of not having any competition) Other locals who do a lot locally and are active on this board are Linda Chico and Jack Suber, but Jack wears a Clemson shirt and should be disqualified for that alone. For the sheer volume of help that he provides both at the matches and online, I have to nominate Boz.
  8. Wow! I don't know anything about the CZs but that seems awful short. What kind/weight of bullet are you using? Will your CZ shoot WWB ammo? That stuff is loaded much longer than that.
  9. A friend has had a bad accident and I'd like to transfer what SkyMiles I have so his girlfriend can travel to help take care of him. From looking at Delta's site: https://www.delta.com/skymiles/buy_transfer...miles/index.jsp It will cost more than $1100 for me to transfer the 105,000 miles I have. Does anyone here work for Delta and/or know of a better way? http://www.txmotocross.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7513
  10. I don't know how a company can stay in business taking such good care of their customers, but I can guarantee that I will never buy anything else if Dillon makes a competing product!
  11. I watched it a couple of times on TV and thought, "yawn". After driving up it (some places in 1st gear with the steering locked) I now realize the skill and balls it takes to do that!
  12. Wow! I don't look forward to that age! (oops, was that out loud?!?)
  13. You're right (betcha don't hear that often, huh?), shooting is much safer, but I don't crash anymore! (This is where my son usually says, "You don't crash any less, either.")
  14. Last week I saw that they were having an MX race in the infield of a local dirt track less than 30 minutes from my house. I haven't raced in the 4 years since I got my broken neck fused. I decided to go then decided I don't spectate well, so I borrowed my oldest son's CRF250 and went. Only 2 guys signed up for the Vet B/C class, so... I *did* have to miss a local USPSA match to get the bikes (my 11 year old raced in the 85cc 7-11 class) ready, but this still goes in the "What I Like" category.
  15. WooHoo!!! You can take me off the list! As a test I swapped out some parts with my local Dillon dealer and realized the problem. The threaded inserts are at a slight angle and, when tightened, cant the assembly enough to drag on the primer bar. I put a different assembly on that had the holes drilled straight and loaded 600 rounds straight without a single problem! Anybody know if I can order just that bottom piece from Dillon or do I have to get the whole assembly?
  16. When I was Delta Gold Medallion (flying every other week) I usually got bumped to first class. It is nice if someone else is paying, but when I pay, I fly coach (and I don't fit there easily).
  17. Do these help? http://www.bausch-now.com/soflens/soflens-...6-overview.html ..and... http://www.bausch-now.com/purevision/purev...4-overview.html
  18. That is a great idea! (I just hope he doesn't limit *me* to 10 rounds)
  19. either that or YOU learned something after shooting 35k rounds! LOL! Good point!
  20. Hurry, JT! I'm very close to ordering another complete primer assembly from Dillon. I get 2-300 rounds loaded before the primer bar either doesn't come back far enough to grab a primer or it hangs back and doesn't go forward. Mine had bulges that hung on the primer bar where the threaded inserts go into the base. I cleaned those up pretty well. The primer bar itself has little holes (craters?) on the bottom surface that I think collect powder and cause it to hang. Every 300 rounds or so I take it apart and re-sand the bottom of the primer bar with ultra-fine sand paper to get it smooth again. My large primer bar doesn't have quite as many defects on the bottom surface and it lasts about 500 rounds between cleanings / polishings.
  21. My 9 is at almost 35,000. Shortly after 30 i replaced the striker assembly and the recoil spring just because I figured I *should* do something to it. It shoots better now than when new.
  22. I used to work with a guy, computer programmer, who's mother would come to visit to wash his clothes. She must have gone on vacation once because we counted 15 days straight that he wore the same pants. It was obvious because he had spilled some ketchup on them on day 2 or 3. Oh yeah, we're talking 15 WORK days, so this was 3 weeks straight. He got sent home more than once to bathe but it didn't seem to faze him. The odd thing is that I really liked the guy and learned a lot from him, I just couldn't be in the same room for very long. We also had some issues with offshore contractors in the office. HR sat them down and explained that it was expected that they bathe and use deoderant *every* day. Many of them didn't know and it cured 95% of the problems.
  23. I like the fact that I can buy from anyone selling here with relative confidence. The restrictions placed on sellers help to make that safer.
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